For a complete list of enhancements and release notes, see the STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide, Chapter 2.
Launching Analyzer
To open the Analyzer launch page (administrators): http://ISERIESNAME:ANZPORT/index.html
To open the Java Web Client directly (users): http://ISERIESNAME:ANZPORT/analyzer.jsp
To open the Administration Tools Client directly (administrators): http://ISERIESNAME:ANZPORT/administrator.jsp
In the examples, ISERIESNAME is the name of your iSeries, and ANZPORT is your Analyzer Server port number. For example: http://prodserver:48693/analyzer.jsp.Analyzer 6.21 Documentation
Documentation is available at the following locations:
http://support.spss.com/. After you log in, navigate to Documentation, and click ShowCase Suite (STRATEGY) Documentation.
All STRATEGY Analyzer documentation is available on the Analyzer CD, or from the Analyzer Information Map after installing Analyzer. To access the Information Map, from the Analyzer Launch Page or from the application's Help menu, click the Analyzer Information Map link. Hyperion® documentation is also available from the Information Map.
Analyzer 6.21 documentation includes:
STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide: Provides a release overview, installation and uninstallation instructions, and administration and maintenance information.
Analyzer 6.21 Installation Quick Start: This short document provides a brief overview of requirements, enhancements, and installation instructions. It is available on the STRATEGY Analyzer CD and in printed copy.
Hyperion Documentation is available after you install the product. From the Analyzer Launch Page or from the application's Help menu, open the Information Map.
Known Issues
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x
STRATEGY Analyzer does not currently support Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x
STRATEGY Data Models require patch 1
Before migrating or using STRATEGY Data Models in Analyzer 6.21, you must install patch 1 (or a later patch).
Installation requires administrative authority
You must have Microsoft Windows® administrative authority to your PC to install Analyzer. For more information, see your Windows documentation.
Run the migration with SBMJOB, not interactively
When you run the DMPAOS or MIGAOS commands, use the SBMJOB (Submit Job) command instead of running interactively.
DMPAOS Example
At an iSeries command line, type SBMJOB and press F4 to prompt. On the “Command to run” line, type the following, substituting your data and desired values:
For a description of the parameters (listed below), see the STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide, page 26. Note Figure 6-2.
MIGAOS Example
At an iSeries command line, type SBMJOB and press F4 to prompt. On the “Command to run” line, type the following, substituting your data and desired values:
For a description of the parameters (listed below), see the STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide, page 29. Note Figure 6-3.
INCLUDE(*YES)Group bitmaps do not migrate (fixed in patch 2)
In Analyzer 4.5, you could add a bitmap using Group Properties. The bitmap was displayed when you viewed the Analyzer Desktop. When you migrate to Analyzer 6.21, the group bitmaps do not migrate. After migration, all migrated groups show a default bitmap.
Wait ten minutes after applying ShowCase Security
When applying ShowCase security to the Warehouse Manager Server (via Warehouse Manager Client), there will be a short period of time before the Analyzer Server recognizes security changes. After modifying security, wait ten minutes, log out of Analyzer, and then log in and reconnect to your STRATEGY data model to ensure changes take effect.
Error adding background images
When adding a background image to a spreadsheet via the User Preferences option in the Java Web Client, you may receive the message “Error occurred while saving user properties.” However, the image will still appear as a background image despite this error.
Using UNIONS in Analyzer 6.21
To use unions in Analyzer, you must use a V5R2 iSeries.
1. Using a V5R2 iSeries, create a view with a UNION in its SQL statement. Do not use Query to create the view.
2. Do one of the following:
Use Query to define an Analyzer data model, using your iSeries view as your source.
Create a relational connection in Analyzer 6.21 that targets your view as a database. When you create the relational connection, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to Analyzer Administration Tools.
2. On the File menu, click New and then New Relational Connection.
(If you have applied patch 1, Step 3 does not apply):
3. In the Configure JDBC Driver dialog box, add the following command to the text in the Database Connection String box: Translate binary=true
To edit the relational connection after you create it, right click on the relational connection and select Edit Relational Connection.Unusable right-click menu on charts
When you right-click on a dimension in a chart and try to scroll through the menu, the menu flickers and is unusable.
Deleting LRO cell notes
Deleting a cell note LRO (linked reporting object) from a cell with multiple cell notes deletes all cell notes in that cell. The change is not immediately apparent, but when you close and reopen the LRO dialog, no cell notes are present.
Relational report restriction
In a relational connection, if you create a dimension with a space or apostrophe in the name, any report including that dimension will not display.
Closing Internet Explorer will not save changes to report
When you connect to Java Web Client, two sessions open: the Internet Explorer and the Java Web Client. Note that if you close the Internet Explorer window without saving changes to a report, the changes will be lost. To prevent this, save changes to reports as soon as possible.
Bubble chart look and feel option cannot be deselected
In the Java Web Client, on the Tools menu, choose:
User preferences> Look and Feel> Charts> Bubble tab
Under Z Values, the Constant button cannot be deselected once it is selected.DBCS support
STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 is supported on a system that uses a double-byte character set (DBCS) to represent character data. To use the functionality, you must install the DBCS-supported CD. To order the CD, contact your sales representative.
--iSeries: V5R2 with latest CUM package and group PTFs.
--PC: The PC used for Analyzer Server installation must use Windows 2000 Professional or XP Professional SP1.
--See the full list of environment requirements in the STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide.
When installing Analyzer on a DBCS system, DBCS users must connect to the iSeries with a 5035 CCSID profile rather than 5026. The 5035 CCSID is necessary for Java 1.4. If you do not use 5035, you may see a "failed to deploy" message during installation and the application will not run.
Note: DBCS migration from STRATEGY 4.5 to Analyzer 6.21 is not supported.Sun Java Plug-in Settings
During installation of the Java Runtime Environment, the user is given the option to set Sun's Java as the default for Internet Explorer. This option is not required for Analyzer, and it risks breaking other applets. To set or restore correct operation, deselect this option during installation or from the plug-in control panel (Browser tab).
Migrated model-based views show only parent member (fixed in patch 1)
In Analyzer 6.21, when viewing a migrated view based on a data model, only the parent member will be displayed (instead of both parent and children of a dimension, as was displayed in 4.5 views). To include the children on a migrated view, open Cube Navigator, expand the parent member, and select the children you want.
Character conversion or Transaction state error in Analyzer Administrator
In the Analyzer Administrator System Settings dialog, you may receive the following errors when choosing a default group for integrated security:
--Character conversion between CCSID 13488 and CCSID 65535 not valid
--'Transaction state not valid'
When running a job, Analyzer uses the *CURRENT value for the CCSID. Therefore, the CCSID value for the current job running the STRANZ command will also be used for the Analyzer Server.
The correct CCSID should match the EBCDIC CCSID of any Essbase Server being accessed.
To find the correct CCSID, use the following command:
where ESSBASE is the Essbase Server library.
(For information on retrieving the Essbase EBCDIC CCSID, see the iSeries help for the DSPESSENV command.)
To resolve the problem, before starting the Analyzer Server (STRANZ), change the CCSID with the following iSeries command.
(where xxxx is the CCSID value determined by running the DSPESSENV command)
Use this command each time you start the server.
Or, for a more permanent solution, use the following iSeries command so each time the user logs in, the job is already running under that CCSID rather than HEX. (If using this solution, the user must first log out and back in so the job has the correct properties.)
CHGUSRPRF CCSID(xxxx)Long-running member searches in dimension browser
Right-clicking on a member in the dimension browser to perform a beginning, substring or ending search against an outline dimension with many members (for example, more than 1,000) could take several minutes and consume server resources (depending on the power of your iSeries).
With patch 3 (6.21.030), to limit search times, the administrator can specify a search timeout limit in the Analyzer.properties file. Imposing a time limit will cancel long-running beginning, substring, or ending searches but will have no effect on whole searches.
Not specifying a timeout implies an infinite timeout for the search.
Specifying a timeout cancels search after the requested time. An error message is returned to the user without any search results.
The search limit applies to OLAP data only.
To modify the Analyzer.properties file:
1. Install Analyzer 6.21 patch 1 (6.21.010).
2. Stop the Analyzer Server.
3. In the IFS directory, open the Analyzer.properties file for editing. The file is in /ANZSERVER/proddata/config/ (where ANZSERVER is the Analyzer 6.21 installation directory).
4. Add the following line to the file, specifying the timeout value in minutes:
5. Save the file, and restart the Analyzer Server.Multiple Essbase login prompts from Analyzer
If you are receiving multiple Essbase login prompts from Analyzer (even with "Analyzer & Essbase Security" enabled), it may be because your databases were not migrated during the MIGAOS process.
During Analyzer migration, we recommend migrating everything, including your databases. For example, on the MIGAOS command, specify *KEEP or *REPLACE when migrating databases. If the views have already been migrated, you can export and re-import the migrated views, or re-migrate the views to include the databases (using the *KEEP or *REPLACE options).
If databases are not migrated during migration, the migration creates personal databases, each requiring a separate login to open a migrated view.STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide updates
The STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide has been updated with the following information.
Chapter 4: JDK 1.4 (5722JV1 Java Developer Kit 1.4) is not shipped on the Analyzer CD. The JDK must be obtained from IBM.
Chapter 4: The Java Web Client, Administration Tools Client, and the Analyzer API all require Sun Java Plug-in 1.4.1_02 or later. Your Web browser will detect the plug-in version you have installed. If you do not have the necessary plug-in, you will be prompted to install it when you log on to Analyzer. The plug-in is shipped with the Analyzer Server and will be automatically downloaded and installed. If you are connecting to Analyzer with a slow connection, you can also download the plug-in from the Analyzer 6.21 CD. The file name is j2re-1_4_1_02-windows-i586-i.exe. For more information, see Chapter 4.
Chapter 5: The PC used for Analyzer Server installation must have at least 350 MB free disk space.
Chapter 5: The required licensed programs are 5722SS1 (Host Servers) and 5722TC1 (TCP/IP), not 5769.
Chapter 7: To modify an existing STRATEGY data model connection, open Administration Tools Client (not Java Web Client), and follow the instructions in "Modifying an Existing STRATEGY Data Model Connection."
You can download an updated version of the STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 Guide from the Technical Support web site at http://support.spss.com/. After you log in, navigate to Documentation, and click ShowCase Suite (STRATEGY) Documentation.Model-based views containing calculations won’t migrate
When you run the DMPAOS command, model-based views containing calculations will result in ERROR status in the migration table, and they will not migrate. Instead of migrating these views, you can either re-create them in Analyzer 6.21, or remove the calculated columns before migrating and recreate the calculated columns after the views have migrated.
Apostrophe in outline member name prevents migration of views
When you run the DMPAOS command, views created against an Essbase outline with an apostrophe in the member name will result in ERROR status in the migration table, and they will not migrate.
Specifying the Analyzer code page (NEW FOR 6.21.100)
To make sure Analyzer interprets Essbase data correctly, specify an Analyzer code page that matches the Essbase ASCII CCSID, according to the table below. To set the code page, use the scolap.essbase_encoding setting in the Analyzer.properties file. The default is windows-1252.
Language Set
Essbase 6.51 ANSI CCSID
Analyzer code page
Eastern European
Western European (U.S./North American)
Chinese (traditional)
To Modify the Analyzer.properties file
1. Stop the Analyzer Server.
2. In the IFS directory, open the Analyzer.properties file for editing. The file is in /ANZSERVER/proddata/config/ (where ANZSERVER is the Analyzer installation library).
3. Specify your code page according to the table above. For example:
(where windows-1252 is the Analyzer code page)
Note: Use the appropriate Essbase column for the Essbase version you are using.
4. Save the file, and restart the Analyzer Server.
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