SunJSSE z/OS unique considerations
Since the SunJSSE code is 100% Java it is platform independent and there is no z/OS specific code. However, there are a couple of functions in other Java Security components that do provide z/OS specific capabilities that SunJSSE can utilize. This includes the ability to take advantage of the hardware cryptographic devices that can be present on the z/OS platform along with storing certificates in RACF.
RACF Keyrings for private keys and certificates
RACF keyrings can be used by SunJSSE by using keystores included in the IBMJCECCA provider called JCECCARACFKS and IBMZSecurity provider called JCERACFKS.
Note: The OpenJCEPlus provider is used for the crypto workloads using software/clear keys and the IBMZSecurity provider for RACF software keystore support.The following is an example of how to initialize the
with a JCECCARACFKS Keystore using the IBMJCECCA provider for cryptographic operations.KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JCECCARACFKS"); inputStream = new,keyring,password.toCharArray()); ks.load(inputStream,password.toCharArray()); KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("IbmX509"); kmf.init(ks, password.toCharArray());RACF keyrings can also be accessed by using URL's to specify the desired RACF keyring. For example the following shows how an application could specify a RACF keyring as a truststore:
KeyStore ks = null; ... // Setup properties for TrustManagerFactory System.setProperty("","safkeyringjce://Userid/Keyring");
System.setProperty("", "password"); ... TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("IbmX509"); tmf.init(ks);For example to specify either the IBMZSecurity, IBMJCECCA, or IBMJCEHYBRID provider, the following 3 new URL safkeyring options are available:
safkeyringURLs are now dependent on the type of RACF keystore as seen below.The URL for a JCECCARACFKS keystore is now
safkeyringjceccaThe URL for a JCERACFKS keystore is now
safkeyringjceThe URL for a JCEHYBRIDRACFKS keystore is now
safkeyringjcehybridThe java.protocol.handler.pkgs is no longer required in IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11.0.
Hardware Cryptographic devices for SunJSSE on z/OS
SunJSSE is able to take advantage of using the IBMJCECCA hardware cryptographic provider which allows your SunJSSE application to take advantage of cryptgraphic devices.
To use SunJSSE with the IBMJCECCA ( hardware cryptography ) provider the user must do the following:
- The IBMJCECCA provider must be the first JCE cryptographic provider within their provider list.
- The user must use a keystore supported by the IBMJCECCA provider such as the JCECCAKS keystore.
To use SunJSSE with the OpenJCEPlus ( software cryptography ) provider the user must do the following:
The algorithm(s) which are not yet supported by OpenJCEPlus are:
- The OpenJCEPlus provider must be the first JCE cryptographic provider within their provider list.
- The user must use a keystore implemented by another JCE provider such as IBMZSecurity, SUN, or SunJCE.
Documentation for OpenJCEPlus can be found here: OpenJCEPlus provider
- The AES-CTR algorithm for data encryption and decryption is not supported.
Note: Please be sure to use the unrestricted policy files which are required to use the IBMJCECCA provider.
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