Description: ------------ The ifixes in this folder are intended to fix a problem reported in Rochester CPS/PMR's: 8GHPYR PMR 46545,500,000 4/29/2011 The problem occurs on IBM i V7R1 and WAS 7.0. The problem is manifested in: 1- Client certificate is not delivered to the WAS application server when WAS plugin is used. 2- The following error is seen: certChain [] =  ( [])req.getAttribute   ("");  The IFIX fixes are intended to be applied to WAS fix pack levels. The problem will be fixed in using APAR PM38866 Installing the IFIX: -------------------- It is recommended that the used install the latest updateinstaller : To install: I am assuming the updi is in /qibm/proddata/websphere/UpdateInstaller/v70015/updi folder and WAS product is in /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Base cd /qibm/proddata/websphere/UpdateInstaller/v70015/updi update -W product.location=/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Base -W maintenance.package=maintenance/ -W update.type=install Uninstall: ---------- The IBM i plugin ifixes need an extra step after the uninstall is executed, here are the steps: 1- First uninstall using updi: update -W product.location=/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Base -W backup.package= -W update.type=uninstall 2- After success, you need to execute the following step to restore the old QSVTAP22 SRVPGM into the QWAS7X library: The value of product_lib can be found in /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7//properties/ in was.install.library property, eg QWAS7A, QWAS7B, etc. 2a- CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7//native/srvpgms/qsvtap22') TOMBR('/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/QSVTAP22.FILE') MBROPT(*REPLACE) Restore the object to product library: 2b- QSYS/RSTOBJ OBJ(QSVTAP22) SAVLIB(QWAS7) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/QSVTAP22) RSTLIB(product_lib) 2c- UPDSRVPGM SRVPGM(product_lib/QSVTAP22) MODULE(*NONE) SRVPGMLIB(product_lib)