PTF/FIX #: SJ04078 - IBM i LICENSED PROGRAM: 5770SS1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : RELEASE : LEVEL : RECOMPILE : LIBRARY : MRI : KNOWN ISSUE : : IBM : : MIN/MAX : : : FEATURE: FIXED : : : : : : : : : : i : V7R3M0 : 00/00 : N : QSYS : NONE : DT423763 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRE/CO-REQUISITE PTF/FIX LIST ----------------------------- REQ LICENSED PTF/FIX LEVEL TYPE PROGRAM RELEASE NUMBER MIN/MAX OPTION ---- -------- --------- ------- ------- ------ PRE 5770SS1 V7R3M0 SI81215 00/00 0000 PRE 5770SS1 V7R3M0 SI73497 00/00 0000 PRE 5770999 V7R3M0 MF99205 00/00 0000 PRE 5770999 V7R3M0 MF64864 00/00 0000 DIST 5770999 V7R3M0 MF67866 00/00 0000 DIST 5770SS1 V7R3M0 SI68283 NONE 0003 DIST 5770SS1 V7R3M0 SI68286 NONE 0003 NOTICE: ------- Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased levels. This PTF may be a prerequisite for future PTFs. By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the foregoing. This PTF is subject to the terms of the license agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program for which you are obtaining the PTF. You are not authorized to install or use the PTF except as part of a Program for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement. SUBJECT TO ANY WARRANTIES WHICH CAN NOT BE EXCLUDED OR EXCEPT AS EXPLICITLY AGREED TO IN THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT OR AN APPLICABLE SUPPORT AGREEMENT, IBM MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON INFRINGEMENT, REGARDING THE PTF. The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you in printed form and/or may be viewed using the Work with Software Agreements (WRKSFWAGR) CL command. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM FIXED FOR KNOWN ISSUE DT423763 : ------------------------------------------------------- Administrative Changes CORRECTION FOR KNOWN ISSUE DT423763 : ------------------------------------- Administrative Changes CVE numbers/X-Force IDs: CVE-2024-55898 CIRCUMVENTION FOR KNOWN ISSUE DT423763 : ---------------------------------------- None. ACTIVATION INSTRUCTIONS : ------------------------- None. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS : ---------------------- ******************************************************************** THE FOLLOWING ARE SUPERSEDED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. IF THE SUPERSEDED PTF HAS ALREADY BEEN APPLIED AND ITS SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOLLOWED, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO FOLLOW THAT SPECIAL INSTRUCTION AGAIN. ******************************************************************** SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI82419 : ================================================= On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI80967 : ================================================= After the PTF has been applied, you should also restart the QPRFSYNCH job on every node in your cluster. You can restart the QPRFSYNCH job with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI79264 : ================================================= After the fix has been applied end clustering on all nodes where the fix was applied. If the cluster contains a cluster administrative domain end clustering on all of the nodes in the cluster administrative domain, even nodes where the fix was not applied. Start clustering on the nodes. If some nodes did not have the fix applied start clustering on nodes with the fix applied first, then nodes which did not have the fix applied. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI78601 : ================================================= In order to gain the full benefit of this PTF, after the PTF is applied perform the following steps on each node in the cluster administrative domain: 1. End clustering on the node (ENDCLUNOD) 2. Start clustering on the node (STRCLUNOD) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI77347 : ================================================= In order to gain the full benefit of this PTF, after the PTF is applied perform the following steps on each node in the cluster administrative domain: 1. End clustering on the node (ENDCLUNOD) 2. End the QPRFSYNCH job (CALL QFPAPRFJ PARM(END)) 3. Start the QPRFSYNCH job (CALL QFPAPRFJ PARM(START)) 4. Start clustering on the node (STRCLUNOD) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI76840 : ================================================= The QCSTADFIX program should only be used with the direction of IBM Support. If directed to do so by IBM Support, the following actions should be taken after the PTF is installed: 1. If the cluster administrative domain synchronization option has some value other than *ACTDMN, change the cluster administrative domain synchronization option to *ACTDMN. 2. End the cluster administrative domain (ENDCAD) and end clustering on all nodes in the cluster administrative domain (ENDCLUNOD). 3. On each node in the cluster administrative domain issue the following command: CALL PGM(QSYS/QCSTADFIX) PARM('*FRCENCPWD') 4. Verify that the program runs without error. If any errors are encountered and it is not immediately obvious how to address the issue contact IBM Support. Do not proceed to the next step on any node with unresolved errors, unless advised to do so by IBM Support. 5. Start clustering (STRCAD) on the node which should be used as the source node (the node with the most current password values). After clustering has started start the cluster administrative domain. 6. Start clustering on each of the other nodes in the cluster administrative domain, one node at a time. Wait a few minutes after each node has started to allow the cluster administrative domain to synchronize objects between the nodes before the next node is started. 7. If the cluster administrative domain synchronization option was changed in step 1, change the cluster administrative domain synchronization option back to the previous value. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI76817 : ================================================= In order to gain the full benefit of this PTF, after the PTF is applied perform the following steps: 1. End clustering on the node (ENDCLUNOD) 2. End the QPRFSYNCH job (CALL QFPAPRFJ PARM(END)) 3. Start the QPRFSYNCH job (CALL QFPAPRFJ PARM(START)) 4. Start clustering on the node (STRCLUNOD) This PTF affects the monitoring of password attributes on user profiles for the cluster administrative domain. After this PTF is applied any job which was started before this PTF was applied will not benefit from the PTF when a password is updated. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI76676 : ================================================= This PTF contains Service Programs that are activated into the System Default Activation Group. A new job must be started to activate the new code. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI76266 : ================================================= 1. On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. 2. It is recommended to sign off or end any user job that issued any cluster command or API. After the fix is applied, the job can be started or can sign on again. 3. After the PTF has been applied, you should also restart the QPRFSYNCH job on every node in your cluster. You can restart the QPRFSYNCH job with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI75926 : ================================================= After this PTF has been applied: 1. End clustering on the node using the ENDCLUNOD command 2. End the QPRFSYNCH job using this command: CALL QFPAPRFJ PARM(END) 3. Start clustering on the node using the STRCLUNOD command SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI75340 : ================================================= To get full benefit from this PTF end clustering and then start clustering again on each node where this PTF is installed. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI74529 : ================================================= Use ENDCLUNOD to end clustering on the node where the PTF is applied. Use STRCLUNOD to start clustering on the node where the PTF is applied. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI74378 : ================================================= Most customers will not be affected by this change and can ignore these special instructions. For customers affected by this change, to get the change to take effect immediately take the following steps after the PTF is applied: 1. End clustering on the node where the PTF is applied. 2. Start clustering on the node where the PTF is applied. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI72193 : ================================================= Program QSYS/QCSTADFIX has been enhanced to correct cluster administrative domain inconsistent global status of user profiles when upgrading from cluster modification level 2 to 3 which resulted in encrypted password conversion. Restrictions: - The program is not allowed to run while cluster resource services is active - The caller must have *ALLOBJ authority It is recommended to: 1. Apply this PTF to all nodes in the cluster. 2. End all CRGs to prevent a failover. 3. End clustering on all nodes in the cluster. 4. Call the program: CALL PGM(QCSTADFIX) PARM(*FIXENCPWD) on each node in the cluster administrative domain. Note that the program may take several minutes to complete. When the program has completed, a summary will be given indicating how many password attributes were successfully converted, skipped, or failed. If any warnings or failures occurred, these will be logged to the joblog of the caller. 5. You may see a CPF9898 message warning "*USRPRF &1 GLOBAL VALUE FOR PASSWORD ATTRIBUTE IS INCOMPATIBLE FOR ENCRYPTED PASSWORD CONVERSION". This means that the monitored resource entry for that user profile was inconsistent before the cluster modification level increased or there is a pending change to the user profile. 6. Choose the node with the largest number of successful password conversions. Start this cluster node first. If all cluster administrative domain nodes ran the QCSTADFIX program and reported all successes (no failures or warnings), then it does not matter which node you choose to start first. 7. Start all other nodes in the cluster. 8. Start the cluster administrative domain from any node. 9. If no warning or failure messages were present on any cluster administrative domain nodes after calling the QCSTADFIX program, then all *USRPRF monitored resource entries should be consistent after the cluster administrative domain has completely started. 10. Any user profiles for which a warning or failure message was sent may still be inconsistent. This can be corrected by either changing the password of the user profile or removing the monitored resource entry from the cluster administrative domain and then adding the monitored resource entry for this user profile. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI71587 : ================================================= Before applying this PTF, if the node that this PTF is being installed on is a member of a cluster administrative domain, ensure that all nodes in your cluster administrative domain have compatible password levels. Password levels 0 and 1 are compatible. Passwords level 2 and 3 are compatible. To see the password level for a node display the QPWDLVL system value. If this PTF is installed on all nodes in the cluster administrative domain and the password levels on nodes in the administrative domain are not compatible, all user profiles in the cluster administrative domain will be marked as inconsistent. If this happens the user profiles cannot be made consistent until all nodes in the cluster administrative domain are at compatible password levels. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI71553 : ================================================= In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end and restart clustering on the node. You can do this by ending and starting the cluster node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() You must also log out and log back in to any user jobs which will be used to run cluster commands. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI69959 : ================================================= This PTF contains Service Programs that are activated into the System Default Activation Group. A new job must be started to pick up the new functionality. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI69297 : ================================================= 1. On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. 2. It is recommended to sign off or end any user job that issued any cluster command or API. After the fix is applied, the job can be started or can sign on again. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI68930 : ================================================= 1. On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. 2. After the PTF has been applied and the cluster node ended, restart the QPRFSYNCH job on the node with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) 3. It is recommended to sign off or end any user job that issued any cluster command or API. After the fix is applied, the job can be started or can sign on again. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI68594 : ================================================= Perform the following steps on each node with an HMC REST cluster monitor defined: 1. End clustering on the node. 2. Apply the fix. 2A. Reboot/restart the HMC associated with the HMC REST cluster monitor. Once this has been completed, proceed to the next step. 3. Start clustering on the node. Additionally, any HMC which has been monitored by an HMC REST cluster monitor should be restarted to remove HMC REST server performance problems resulting from inactive sessions. For best results the HMC should be restarted when clustering is inactive on systems with HMC REST cluster monitors (during step 2A of the previous instructions would be good). If this is not feasible, wait until after all systems with HMC REST cluster monitors have had the fix applied before restarting the HMC. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI66969 : ================================================= There are two special instructions. 1. On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, until all nodes have the fix the problem may still occur. 2. After the PTF has been applied and the cluster node ended, restart the QPRFSYNCH job on the node with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI66595 : ================================================= There are two special instructions. 1. On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, until all nodes have the fix the updated code will not be used. 2. After the PTF has been applied and the cluster node ended, restart the QPRFSYNCH job on the node with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI66315 : ================================================= Once the PTF is applied, a new job must be started to pick up the new code since the service programs contained in the PTF are activated into the Default Activation Group. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI64806 : ================================================= Start a new job after applying this fix to activate the new code. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI63655 : ================================================= Start a new job after applying this fix to activate the new code. Additionally, the IASP must be varied off and varied back on for fix to take effect. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI63448 : ================================================= Any vary on or vary off requests AFTER this PTF is applied will contain the vary request information enhancement. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI60534 : ================================================= Start a new job after applying this fix to activate the new code. Additionally, to have DSPASPSTS panel reset its counters, you must vary off then vary back on your IASP. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI58908 : ================================================= IPL after applying or removing the fix. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI64108 : ================================================= To activate these fixes, on each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. If you have had the reported problem with WRKCADMRE or displaying Admin Domain Monitored Resource Entries (MREs) with WRKCLU, or are unsure that you have the problem, then it is recommended that you activate the fixes by: 1. End clustering on each node in the cluster. 2. Apply this fix if not already applied. 3. Run "CALL PGM(QSYS/QCSTADFIX)" on each node. 4. Start clustering on each cluster node. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI63588 : ================================================= You must restart clustering on each node this PTF is applied to for the code to be activated. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI62512 : ================================================= On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. To make use of the Representational State Transfer (REST) support for the cluster monitor, the Extended Base Directory Support (Option 3 of the IBM i operating system) must be installed any nodes where a REST cluster monitor is declared. The REST cluster monitor support also requires the following PTFs to be applied: SI59021 and SI62172. If REST cluster monitor support is not required the above requirements can be ignored. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI60758 : ================================================= The PTF must be applied on all nodes in the cluster. However, it is not necessary to update all cluster nodes at the same time. On each node in the cluster: end clustering, apply the PTF, then start clustering. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI58000 : ================================================= In order to fix the problems described by this PTF, the PTF must be applied on all nodes in the cluster. However,the entire cluster does not have to be ended to do this. One node at a time can be ended, the PTF applied, and the node restarted to join the cluster. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI48770 : ================================================= Before applying this PTF, the PTF SI46592 for product 5770SS1 must be applied. Before applying or removing this PTF you must run: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) After applying or removing this PTF you must run: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI48919 : ================================================= Before applying or removing this PTF you must run: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) After applying or removing this PTF you must run: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI45301 : ================================================= In order for this fix to be fully activated, you must restart the ADMIN2 instance of the HTTP server. You can do this with the following commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI44995 : ================================================= You must restart the HTTP server after this PTF is applied: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI43376 : ================================================= This fix is not activated until you restart the HTTP server ADMIN instance. This is done by the following two commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN) Once all of the HTTP server ADMIN instance jobs have ended, do the following command to activate this fix. STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN) When the HTTP server ADMIN instance has completely started, this fix will be active. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI52984 : ================================================= The helptext for RTVASPSSN has an incorrect structure for the ASPCPY parameter. The Number of ASP Copy Descriptions and the Length of each ASP copy description entry fields have been reversed. The helptext will be updated in a future release to show the correct layout. The current help text indicates the field layout is: Position Length Field 1 4 byte integer Offset from beginning of ASPCPY to the first ASP copy description entry 5 4 byte integer Number of ASP copy description entries 9 4 byte integer Length of an ASP copy description entry The correct field layout is: Position Length Field 1 4-byte integer number Offset from beginning of ASPCPYLST to first ASP copy description list entry 5 4-byte integer number Length of each ASP copy description list entry 9 4-byte integer number Number of ASP copy description entries SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI48371 : ================================================= This PTF is an Add Function PTF which must be permanently applied. Removal of this PTF after step #4 below is not supported. You must have the most recent level of PTF group SF99368. Step #1: In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end and restart the QHASVR job. You can do this by ending and starting the cluster node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() Or, you can end the QHASVR job under QSYSWRK subsystem: ENDJOB JOB(/QHAUSRPRF/QHASVR) OPTION(*IMMED) where is the job number. Issue the WRKCLU command to restart the QHASVR job. Step #2: You must restart the *ADMIN instance of the *HTTP server. Do this with the following commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) INSTANCE(*ADMIN) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) INSTANCE(*ADMIN) Step #3: Users must sign off any active sessions which may be using, PowerHA and sign back on after the PTF has been applied. Step #4: After the PTF has been applied on all of the nodes in the cluster which have PowerHA installed, you must upgrade the PowerHA version to 2.2. If your cluster is currently at PowerHA version 1.0, you must: CHGCLUVER CLUSTER() HAVER(*UP1VER) CLUVER(*SAME) After your cluster is at PowerHA version 2.0, you must: CHGCLUVER CLUSTER() HAVER(*UP1MOD) CLUVER(*SAME) After your cluster is at PowerHA version 2.1, you must: CHGCLUVER CLUSTER() HAVER(*UP1MOD) CLUVER(*SAME) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI42638 : ================================================= In order for the issue to be resolved completely, this fix needs to be on all the active cluster nodes participating in the cluster administrative domain. Failure to do so would cause PRTDEV MREs with IGCFEAT as one of the monitored attributes to go INCONSISTENT in certain circumstances. Note, you must end the cluster administrative domain CRG jobs on each cluster node, apply the PTF, and restart the CRG job before the fix is available. The cluster administrative domain CRG jobs will be ended if you end Cluster Resource Services for each node in your cluster. Cluster Resource Services can be ended using the End Cluster Node API or CL command. Optionally, you can end just the cluster administrative domain jobs without ending your cluster nodes by calling the Change Cluster Recovery CL command. To determine if any cluster administrative domain jobs are active on your system, use the WRKACTJOB command from the command line of your system. Look for any system jobs which have the same name as any cluster administrative domains which you have created in your cluster. If there are any cluster administrative domain jobs on your system, they must be ended. You can end just the cluster administrative domain jobs on every node with this command: CHGCLURCY CLUSTER() CRG() NODE(*ALL) ACTION(*END) where is the name of your cluster and is the name of a cluster administrative domain. You should call this command once for each cluster administrative domain in your cluster. You must sign off all sessions where any cluster administrative domain commands or APIs were used before the PTF can be applied. After the PTF has been applied on a system, you can restart the cluster jobs that were ended before the PTF was applied. If Cluster Resource Services was ended, you can use the Start Cluster Node API or CL command to start Cluster Resource Services for each cluster node. If you used the Change Cluster Recovery CL command to end just the cluster administrative domain jobs, they can be restarted on each cluster node using the Change Cluster Recovery command as follows: CHGCLURCY CLUSTER() CRG() NODE() ACTION(*STRCRGJOB) where is the name of your cluster, is the name of the cluster administrative domain, and is the cluster node name for the system. You should call this command once for each cluster administrative domain in your cluster. After the PTF has been applied, you should also restart the QPRFSYNCH job on every node in your cluster. You can restart the QPRFSYNCH job with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI36365 : ================================================= In order to fix the problems described by this PTF, the PTF must be applied on every node in the cluster. You do not have to end the cluster to do this. However, you must end the CRG jobs associated with the cluster administrative domain on every cluster node before you apply the PTF. You can do this one node at a time. Note, you must end the cluster administrative domain CRG jobs on each cluster node, apply the PTF, and restart the CRG job before the fix is available. The cluster administrative domain CRG jobs will be ended if you end Cluster Resource Services for each node in your cluster. Cluster Resource Services can be ended using the End Cluster Node API or CL command. Optionally, you can end just the cluster administrative domain jobs without ending your cluster nodes by calling the Change Cluster Recovery CL command. To determine if any cluster administrative domain jobs are active on your system, use the WRKACTJOB command from the command line of your system. Look for any system jobs which have the same name as any cluster administrative domains which you have created in your cluster. If there are any cluster administrative domain jobs on your system, they must be ended. You can end just the cluster administrative domain jobs on every node with this command: CHGCLURCY CLUSTER() CRG() NODE(*ALL) ACTION(*END) where is the name of your cluster and is the name of a cluster administrative domain. You should call this command once for each cluster administrative domain in your cluster. You must sign off all sessions where any cluster administrative domain commands or APIs were used before the PTF can be applied. After the PTF has been applied on a system, you can restart the cluster jobs that were ended before the PTF was applied. If Cluster Resource Services was ended, you can use the Start Cluster Node API or CL command to start Cluster Resource Services for each cluster node. If you used the Change Cluster Recovery CL command to end just the cluster administrative domain jobs, they can be restarted on each cluster node using the Change Cluster Recovery command as follows: CHGCLURCY CLUSTER() CRG() NODE() ACTION(*STRCRGJOB) where is the name of your cluster, is the name of the cluster administrative domain, and is the cluster node name for the system. You should call this command once for each cluster administrative domain in your cluster. After the PTF has been applied, you should also restart the QPRFSYNCH job on every node in your cluster. You can restart the QPRFSYNCH job with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI46628 : ================================================= If you are a multiple system user, and intend on installing this PTF on a system, then saving and restoring product 5770HAS onto other systems, then you need to run the following command on the other systems after restoring product 5770HAS: QSYS/CALL PGM(QHASM/QPZ1HA03) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI48012 : ================================================= In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end and restart the QHASVR job. You can do this by ending and starting the cluster node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() Or, you can end the QHASVR job under QSYSWRK subsystem: ENDJOB JOB(/QHAUSRPRF/QHASVR) OPTION(*IMMED) where is the job number. Issue the WRKCLU command to restart the QHASVR job. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI45741 : ================================================= Step 1: In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end and restart the QHASVR job. You can do this by ending and starting the cluster node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() Or, you can end the QHASVR job under QSYSWRK subsystem: ENDJOB JOB(/QHAUSRPRF/QHASVR) OPTION(*IMMED) where is the job number. Issue the WRKCLU command to restart the QHASVR job. Step 2: You must restart the ADMIN2 instance of the *HTTP server. Do this with the following commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) Step 3: Users must sign off any active sessions which may be using PowerHA and sign back on after the PTF has been applied. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI44148 : ================================================= This PTF is an Add Function PTF which must be permanently applied. Removal of this PTF after step #4 below is not supported. You must have the most recent PTF group SF99368. You must install PRPQ 5799-HAS in order to use the functions provided in this PTF. Step #1: In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end and restart the QHASVR job. You can do this by ending and starting the cluster node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() Or, you can end the QHASVR job under QSYSWRK subsystem: ENDJOB JOB(/QHAUSRPRF/QHASVR) OPTION(*IMMED) where is the job number. Issue the WRKCLU command to restart the QHASVR job. Step #2: You must restart the *ADMIN instance of the *HTTP server. Do this with the following commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTPSVR) INSTANCE(*ADMIN) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTPSVR) INSTANCE(*ADMIN) Step #3: Users must sign off any active sessions which may be using, PowerHA and sign back on after the PTF has been applied. Step #4: After the PTF has been applied on all of the nodes in the cluster which have PowerHA installed, you must upgrade the PowerHA version to 2.1. If your cluster is currently at PowerHA version 1.0, you must: CHGCLUVER CLUSTER() HAVER(*UP1VER) CLUVER(*SAME) After your cluster is at PowerHA version 2.0, you must: CHGCLUVER CLUSTER() HAVER(*UP1MOD) CLUVER(*SAME) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI36179 : ================================================= End Cluster Resource Services on the node using the ENDCLUNOD command, apply the PTF, signoff/signon, and then restart Cluster Resource Services using the STRCLUNOD command. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI47000 : ================================================= In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must restart the ADMIN2 instance of the *HTTP server. Do this with the following commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI57302 : ================================================= In order to fix the problems described by this PTF, the PTF must be applied on every node in the cluster. You do not have to end the cluster to do this. However, you should end the CRG jobs associated with the cluster administrative domain on every cluster node before you apply the PTF. You can do this one node at a time. Note, you must end the cluster administrative domain CRG jobs on each cluster node, apply the PTF, and restart the CRG job before the fix is available. The cluster administrative domain CRG jobs will be ended if you end Cluster Resource Services for each node in your cluster. Cluster Resource Services can be ended using the End Cluster Node API or CL command. Optionally, you can end just the cluster administrative domain jobs without ending your cluster nodes by calling the Change Cluster Recovery CL command. To determine if any cluster administrative domain jobs are active on your system, use the WRKACTJOB command from the command line of your system. Look for any system jobs which have the same name as any cluster administrative domains which you have created in your cluster. If there are any cluster administrative domain jobs on your system, they must be ended. You can end just the cluster administrative domain jobs on every node with this command: CHGCLURCY CLUSTER() CRG() NODE(*ALL) ACTION(*END) where is the name of your cluster and is the name of a cluster administrative domain. You should call this command once for each cluster administrative domain in your cluster. You must sign off all sessions where any cluster administrative domain commands or APIs were used before the PTF can be applied. After the PTF has been applied on a system, you can restart the cluster jobs that were ended before the PTF was applied. If Cluster Resource Services was ended, you can use the Start Cluster Node API or CL command to start Cluster Resource Services for each cluster node. If you used the Change Cluster Recovery CL command to end just the cluster administrative domain jobs, they can be restarted on each cluster node using the Change Cluster Recovery command as follows: CHGCLURCY CLUSTER() CRG() NODE() ACTION(*STRCRGJOB) where is the name of your cluster, is the name of the cluster administrative domain, and is the cluster node name for the system. You should call this command once for each cluster administrative domain in your cluster. After the PTF has been applied, you should also restart the QPRFSYNCH job on every node in your cluster. You can restart the QPRFSYNCH job with the following commands: CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI54321 : ================================================= In order to fix the problems described by this PTF, the PTF must be applied on all nodes (on the same release as this PTF) in the cluster. However,the entire cluster does not have to be ended to do this. One node at a time can be ended, the PTF applied, and the node restarted to join the cluster. Note, you must end Cluster Resource Services on the node, apply the PTF,and then restart Cluster Resource Services before the fix is available. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI52665 : ================================================= On each node in the cluster, end clustering, apply the fix, and then start clustering. It is not necessary to update all nodes at the same time, however, any node without the fix will continue to be a potential source of the problem. Step #1: In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end and restart the QHASVR job. You can do this by ending and starting the cluster node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() Or, you can end the QHASVR job under QSYSWRK subsystem: ENDJOB JOB(/QHAUSRPRF/QHASVR) OPTION(*IMMED) where is the job number. Issue the WRKCLU command to restart the QHASVR job. Step #2: In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must restart the ADMIN2 instance of the *HTTP server. Do this with the following commands: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) STRTCPSVR SERVER(*IAS) INSTANCE(ADMIN2) Step #3: Users must sign off any active sessions which may be using, PowerHA and sign back on after the PTF has been applied. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI51113 : ================================================= Step #1: In order for this PTF to be fully activated, you must end the cluster and HTTP server. You can do this by ending the cluster node and server using the commands: node using the commands: ENDCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() ENDSBS SBS(QHTTPSVR) OPTION(*IMMED) Step #2: Users must sign off any active sessions which may be using, PowerHA and sign back on after the PTF has been applied. Step #3: Start the server and cluster using the commands: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN) STRCLUNOD CLUSTER() NODE() SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERSEDED PTF SI74380 : ================================================= These special instructions only need to be followed in the rare case that the problem described in the problem description is currently being seen in the customer environment. For most customers this PTF will have little to no impact, so the special instructions do not need to be followed. 1. CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(END) 2. CALL PGM(QSYS/QFPAPRFJ) PARM(START) 3. ENDCLUNOD on the node 4. STRCLUNOD on the node DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS : ---------------------- THIS CONDITIONAL IMMEDIATE PTF CAN BE APPLIED IMMEDIATELY IF THE FOLLOWING DELAYED PTF(S) ARE ALREADY APPLIED: SI74993. SUPERSEDES PTF/FIX NO(S). APAR TITLE LINE -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ SI80095 OSP-MSGCPF2457-PAR STRASPBAL COMMAND FAILS WITH MSGCPF2457 T SI59667 OSP-INCORROUT Base Function to Enable Future Extensions SJ00702 Enhance QCSTADFIX program SI82419 OSP-INCORROUT IASP varies off and possible failover on clust SI82419 OSP-OTHER CLUSTERING DOES NOT END WHEN SYSTEM GOES INTO REST SI82167 OSP-OTHER INTERNAL MAINTENANCE SI80967 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT ADMIN DOMAIN IS NOT PROPERLY PROPAGATING SI80878 SP/QCSTADSIMP-MSGMCH3601-RC11-MOD/CSTADADDS ADDCADMRE RESULT SI79856 Enhance DSPASPSTS command to display inquiry message in QSYS SI79625 OSP-OTHER-WAIT Cluster completion message not always sent wh SI79625 [INT DR] MSG CPFBBCB RC4 Cluster monitor fails to connect to SI79264 MSGCPIBB10 Cluster administrative domain job does not start SI79264 OSP-OTHER-F/QCSTADSIMP-T/QCSTADSIMP-MSGMCH3601 ADDCADNODE RE SI78699 INCORROUT CRTCLU with multiple nodes not setting cluster mod SI78696 INCORROUT Cluster switchover and failover should use job que SI78601 Retry inconsistent authority list resources when a user prof SI78582 Cluster API enhancements SI78544 QYASPCTLAA API enhancement SI78544 QYASPCHGAA and QYASASPCPY API enhancement SI77790 CHGASPACT command and QYASPCHGAA API enhancement SI65227 XPF-NF: CHGASPACT - SSPFRCWRT Parameter SI78082 OSP-OTHER-F/RMSLLOCKCHECK-T/QCSTIDX-MSGMCH2601 MCH2601 LOCK SI77557 OSP-OTHER SECONDARY IASP VARYON FAILS IF PRIMARY ALREADY VAR SI77548 OSP-OTHER-F/QHASTRDTA-T/QYASSVCCMN-MSGCPF9814 STRSVCSSN RESU SI77347 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED QIBM_QSY_CRT_PROFILE EXIT POINT NOT TRIGGER SI77173 HASM-HA CRG HANG IN SWITCHOVER PENDING SI77173 HASM-HA-WAIT JOB DOING CHGUSRPRF FOR SOME USERS IN ADMINISTR SI76840 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT ENHANCEMENT TO QCSTADFIX PROGRAM. SI76817 HASM-HA ADMIN DOMAIN SYNCRONIZE PASSWORD WITH QPWDLVL 2 INCO SI76765 OSP-INCORROUT IASP that does not exist signaling MSGCPFB8ED SI76676 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT API QYASPOL FORMAT ASP0100 IS NOT RETURN SI76553 HASM-HA PASSWORD SET TO *NONE BY ADMIN DOMAIN SI76425 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED MRE'S FOR GROUP PROFILES REMAIN INCONSISTEN SI76266 HASM-HA JOBS HANGS WHEN RMVCADMRE AND ADDCADMRE IS CALLED WH SI76266 HASM ADMIN DOMAIN PASSWORD CONVERSION TO ENCRYPTED FORMAT FA SI76212 OSP DSPASPSTS FAILED WITH CPF1060 DURING VARY-ON OF THE IASP SI76212 OSP-OTHER-F/IOOBJECTASP-T/QYASPPG1-MSGMCH5203 MSGMCH5203 DUR SI76212 OSP-INCORROUT Sys-request to end IASP vary off leaves IASP i SI75926 HASM-HA ADMIN DOMAIN ENDED ABNORMALLY CPDBB11 RC4 SI75926 HASM-HA-INCORROUT ADMIN DOMAIN WILL NOT START, AND MRES NOT SI75926 Cluster administrative domain job fails with CPDBB11 RC8 SI75340 Prevent cluster administrative domain errors at CRTCAD time SI75340 User profile not created on cluster administrative domain no SI75340 Remove cluster administrative domain checks for QRETSVRSEC s SI75302 OSP-OTHER-T/QYASPVARY-MSGCPD0082 CPAB8E5 MESSAGE . . . . : T SI75290 OSP-OTHER-F/QCSTCRGS2-T/QCSTCRGS2-MSGCPF2204 STRCRG HANGS IN SI75173 Minor cluster administrative domain updates SI75107 OSP-INCORROUT Improve cluster advanced node failure detectio SI75017 Retry cluster node activation when tcp/ip stack is starting SI74993 Cluster administrative domain improvements SI74698 OSP-INCORROUT CHGCLUNODE *CHGSTS does not change status of C SI74529 OSP-MSGCHGUSRPRFLCLPWDMGT CHGUSRPRF ON LCLPWDMGT FROM NO TO SI74378 Admin Domain job fails with CPFBB47 reason code 1600 SI74188 OSP-F/CSTCRGJOB-T/CSTCRGJOB-MSGMCH3601 CLUSTER NODE WILL NOT SI74030 OSP-INCORROUT Pause IASP vary-on if duplicate directory is d SI73544 OSP-INCORROUT Improvements in CHGCLURCY command SI73203 OSP-OTHER-F/QCAIFLD-T/QSYUPADOH-MSGCPD2208 ADDCADMRE RESULTS SI73136 OSP-OTHER-F/QCAIFLD-T/QSYUPADOH-MSGCPD2208 ADDCADMRE RESULTS SI72832 OSP-MSGMCH3601 CRG job may end with MCH3601 when receiving a SI72312 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED PARTIAL PASSWORD ENTRY CONVERSION NOT COMPL SI72228 OSP-INCORROUT Cluster may hang when changing cluster modific SI72193 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED PARTIAL PASSWORD ENTRY CONVERSION NOT COMPL SI71928 HASM-HA-MSGCPFB8ED CHGASPACT IF THE IASP I NOT ONLINE RESULT SI71882 OSP-INCORROUT Incorrect cluster node status when using CHGCL SI71826 OSP-OTHER-WAIT CLUSTER HANG CAUSED BY MISMATCHED ADMINISTRAT SI71587 OSP-Support for replicating Encrypted Password in Cluster Ad SI71587 Allow CHGCAD to change the synchronization option when some SI71587 OSP-INCORROUT Add logging to administrative domain SI71553 Allow valid IP addresses ending in 255 to be used in the IBM SI71093 OSP-OTHER-F/QYASPVARY-T/QYASPACT-MSGCPFB8E5 IASP VARY ON FAI SI70370 OSP-OTHER-F/QHACMN-RC1-MSGCPDBB01 MSGCPDBB01 ENCOUNTERED DUR SI70170 Potential security issue SI70102 HASM-HA-F/CSTADCHGS-T/CSTADCHGS-MSGCPF1059 QAUDLVL SET WITH SI69959 OSP-OTHER-F/QP0LCCFN-T/QYASPVRYPD-MSGCPFA0A9 DSPASPSTS IASP SI69959 OSP-INCORROUT Display date Julian *JUL date format in DSPASP SI69959 OSP-INCORROUT DSPASPSTS does not refresh vary job failed mes SI69959 OSP-Force DSPASPSTS flight recorder data to DASD to protect SI69687 OSP-OTHER-MSGCPF3C74 MSGCPF3C74 ENCOUNTERED DURING WRKCADMRE SI69297 OSP-MSGCPFBB60 CHGCRGPRI may fail SI69297 OSP-INCORROUT CHGCRGPRI may fail with hyperswap and global m SI68930 OSP-OTHER-MSGCPDAA02 ADDCADMRE RESULTS IN INCONSISTENT MRE. SI68594 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED CLUSTER MONITOR DOES NOT PREVENT PARTITION SI68527 OSP-MSGCPF115A MSGCPF115A INTERMITTENT ERROR INDICATING IASP SI68527 OSP-INCORROUT add IASP vary on step SRC message "Library Val SI68246 MSGCPDB1B9 SWITCHOVER, FAILOVER, OR FLASHCOPY IASP VARYON FA SI68037 OSP NO ROWS RETURNED FOR SELECT OF ASP_VARY_INFO VIEW. SI68033 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT CLUSTER ADMINISTRATIVE DOMAIN SHOWS CONS SI67930 OSP-INCORROUT RMVCLUNODE or DLTCLU may hang SI67785 OSP-OTHER-F/QHACMN-MSGCPFBB60 CHGCRGPRI IN A LUN SWITCH PLUS SI67785 OSP-OTHER-F/QCSTCMN-T/QCSTCMN-MSGMCH3601 QCSTCTL EXPERIENCES SI67646 OSP-OTHER-MSGCPF2640 MSGCPF2640 MAY OCCUR DURING VARY OFF OF SI67646 OSP-SQL Pending work IASP FAILED not marking secondary IASP SI67645 OSP-OTHER Infrastructure enablement for hyperswap switching SI67609 MSGCPFBB93 STRCLUNOD may hang if Option 41 license not valid SI67484 OSP-OTHER Base infrastructure updates for HyperSwap status SI67425 OSP-MCH3601 in QYASPACT when doing RCLSTG SELECT(*DBXREF) SI66969 OSP-OTHER-WAIT STRCAD MAY HANG DUE TO AN INTERNAL LOCK CONDI SI66963 OSP-incorrectly marking a cancelled vary as FAILED SI66595 HASM-F/QMHSNDPM-T/QCSTCMN-MSGCPF2499 ADDCADMRE FOR *AUTL FAI SI66595 OSP-INCORROUT Admin domain losing MRE attribute values SI66315 OSP-OTHER-F/QYASPPG1-T/QYASPPG1-MSGMCH3601 MCH3601 WITH VARI SI66315 OSP-DISK-OTHER-MSGMCH5203 AFTER FLASHCOPY VARY ON OF IASP FA SI66315 OSP-OTHER-F/QDCVRD-T/QDCWKFST-RC00000002-MSGCPF980A VARY ON SI65393 OS-DB INTERNAL MAINTENANCE SI64841 OSP-INCORROUT rare system TI when varying off Geographic Mir SI64806 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT GO SAVE 21 DOES NOT SAVE MULTIPLE PRIMAR SI64369 OSP-INCORROUT vary off CPAB8E6 reply 'C' causes function che SI64167 HASM-HA-F/RMSLLOCKCHECK-T/QYASPDDDTA-MSGMCH2601 RETRIEVING D SI63655 OSP-OTHER-THREADS-F/AUUSERPROFILE-T/QLICSLIB- RCFUNCTIONERRO SI63561 INCORROUT-DSPASPSTS incorrect current time if complete bit n SI63448 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT WRKCFGSTS SHOWS IASP AS FAILED, BUT DSPA SI60534 OSP-INCOROUT DSPASPSTS not properly showing item counts SI60256 OSP-OTHER-LOOP SYSTEM JOBS WILL NOT END. SI58908 OSP-DB-OTHER-PERFM VARY ON OF IASP STARTS NUMBER OF QDBSRV J SI58908 OSP-Use OptimisticReadMutex to allow quicker reads SI58908 OSP-resolve to QSYS00### library fails with MCH3401 before c SI58908 OSP-OTHER-MSGMCH3601 IASP VARYON FAILS MCH3601 CPF2777 DAMAG SI58500 HASM-HA-WAIT CHANGING OR DISPLAYING DEVICE DOMAIN DATA WHILE SI66578 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED USER PROFILE LOSES JOB ATTRIBUTE IF MORE TH SI66277 INCORROUT Cluster administrative domain may hang on STRCLUNO SI65825 HASM-HA-UNPRED STRCLUNOD HANG SI65825 OSP-OTHER-F/QHACMN-MSGCPDAA01 ADD OF A *USRPRF MRE IN ADMIN SI64873 HASM-HA-MSGCPI93B2 5770 SP/QCSTADSIMP MOD/CSTADJOINS RC56 IN SI64108 HASM-HA-F/QCAIFLD-T/QSYUPADOH-MSGCPD221E ADDCADMRE FOR A USE SI64108 INCORROUT MSGCPF3C74 in WRKCADMRE SI66222 OSP-OTHER-MSGCPFBB22 PARAMETERS PASSED DURING CHGCLUMON THAT SI65487 OSP-OTHER-SRCD90027C0-WAIT SYSTEM HANG DURING IPL DUE TO CLU SI65464 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT Fixes for internal tools changes SI65155 INCORROUT Add HMC REST version to logging SI65095 OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT: Axis.log debug file is not generated SI65013 INCORROUT QIBM_QCST_STRCLUNOD not unregistered when no regis SI64812 HASM-HA-F/QCSTCCJOB-T/QCSTCCJOB-MSGCPFBB12 STRCLUNOD RESULTS SI63823 OSP-OTHER-MSGCPFBBCB ADDCLUMON TYPE(*RESTSVR) CPFBBCB RC7.IN SI63588 INCORROUT-DSPASPSTS incorrect current time if complete bit n SI62512 XPF-NF: Cluster monitor based on HMC REST APIs SI60763 INCORROUT Cluster fixes SI60758 OSP-MSGTCP2901-PAR-940XBASE STRCLUNOD WITH CCSID 5026 FAILS SI60242 OSP-INCORROUT Cluster Data Fixes SI60242 INCORROUT HyperSwap LUN-Level Switch Environment Mistaken fo SI58528 OSP-INCORROUT Base Function to Enable Future Extensions SI58490 OSP-OTHER-UNPRED GMIR AFTER FAILOVER SECOND NODE IN THE SAME SI70275 OSP-OTHER-F/STRINGHIGHUSE4K-T/QCSTADCMN-MSGMCH0601 MSGMCH060 SI74396 Prevent Admin Domain APIs from being called in the Admin Dom SI74380 Admin Domain job fails with CPFBB47 reason code 1600