/* REXX */ /********************************************************************** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2014 Name: XSETRPWD Author: Bruce Wells - brwells@us.ibm.com Purpose: Displays only the password-related SETROPTS settings, and the status of password and password phrase enveloping. Input: None Example: ex 'MYHLQ.RACF.CLISTS(XSETRPWD)' Authorization required: - READ access to IRR.RADMIN.SETROPTS.LIST in FACILITY plus authority to list the SETROPTS options - READ access to IRR.RADMIN.RLIST in FACILITY plus authority to list the PASSWORD.ENVELOPE and PASSPHRASE.ENVELOPE resources in the RACFEVNT class Notes: - Left as an exercise for the reader: Accept a parameter (or parameters) requesting any old category of SETROPTS settings (e.g. class-related options, audit options, MultiLevel Security, JES, etc) and display only those settings. **********************************************************************/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* - Extract the SETROPTS settings using IRRXUTIL. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ myrc=IRRXUTIL("EXTRACT","_SETROPTS","_SETROPTS","RES") say "" say "" say "" if (word(myrc,1)<>0) then do say "MYRC="myrc say "An IRRXUTIL or R_admin error occurred " exit 1 end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Dump out the SETROPTS settings. */ /* */ /* Note that SETROPTS (unlike profiles) returns leading zeroes on */ /* some numeric fields. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ say "The following password policy rules are in effect:" say if RES.BASE.PWDALG.1 <> "RES.BASE.PWDALG.1" then say " The password encryption algorithm in effect is:", RES.BASE.PWDALG.1 if RES.BASE.MIXDCASE.1 = "TRUE" then say " Mixed case passwords are allowed." else say " Mixed case passwords are not allowed." if RES.BASE.PWDSPEC.1 = "TRUE" then say " Special characters are allowed." else say " Special characters are not allowed." if RES.BASE.HISTORY.1 <> "" then say " Password history:" Strip(RES.BASE.HISTORY.1,'L',0) else say " Password history is not in effect." if RES.BASE.INTERVAL.1 <> "" then say " Password interval:" Strip(RES.BASE.INTERVAL.1,'L',0) /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Not only does MINCHANG contain leading zeroes, it may contain */ /* *all* zeroes. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ if RES.BASE.MINCHANG.1 <> "" & RES.BASE.MINCHANG.1 <> "000" then say " Password minimum change interval:", Strip(RES.BASE.MINCHANG.1,'L',0) else say " Password history minimum change interval is not in effect." if RES.BASE.REVOKE.1 <> "" then say " Password revoke threshold:" Strip(RES.BASE.REVOKE.1,'L',0) else say " Users are not being revoked due to invalid password attempts." if RES.BASE.WARNING.1 <> "" then say " Password expiration warning threshold:", Strip(RES.BASE.WARNING.1,'L',0) else say " Users are not being warned when their password will expire." /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process password rules. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ if RES.BASE.RULES.1 = "FALSE" then say " There are no password syntax rules in effect." else do do i = 1 to 8 rule = "RULE"||i if RES.BASE.rule.1 <> "" Then say " Password rule" i "is: Length("Word(RES.BASE.rule.1,1)")", "Rule("Word(RES.BASE.rule.1,2)")" end say say " Legend:" say " A-Alpha C-Consonant L-Alphanum N-Numeric V-Vowel W-Novowel" say " c-Mixed consonant m-Mixed numeric v-Mixed vowel $-National" say " *-Anything s-Special" end say /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Locate the RCVT so we can tell if exits are installed. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ cvt = c2d(storage(10,4)) rcvt = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 992),4)) RCVTID = Storage(D2x(RCVT),4) If RCVTID <> 'RCVT' then do say "The RCVT does not have the expected identifier for RACF." exit 2 end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* See if new password exit is active. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ pwx01hex = Storage(D2x(RCVT + 236),4) RCVTPWDX = C2d(BITAND(pwx01hex,'7FFFFFFF'x)) If RCVTPWDX = 0 Then YesOrNo = 'is NOT' else YesOrNo = 'IS' say " There" YesOrNo "a new password exit (ICHPWX01) installed." /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* See if new password phrase exit is active. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ pwx11hex = Storage(D2x(RCVT + 476),4) RCVTPHRX = C2d(BITAND(pwx11hex,'7FFFFFFF'x)) If RCVTPHRX = 0 Then YesOrNo = 'is NOT' else YesOrNo = 'IS' say " There" YesOrNo "a new password phrase exit (ICHPWX11) installed." /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* See if a password encryption exit is active. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ dex01hex = Storage(D2x(RCVT + 416),4) RCVTDESX = C2d(BITAND(dex01hex,'7FFFFFFF'x)) If RCVTDESX = 0 Then YesOrNo = 'is NOT' else YesOrNo = 'IS' say " There" YesOrNo "a password encryption exit (ICHDEX01) installed." /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* See if the other password encryption exit is active. It is called */ /* by RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT,TYPE=ENCRYPT,ENCRYPT=(...,INST) when */ /* BRANCH=YES is specified, and it should exist if ICHDEX01 exists. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ dex11hex = Storage(D2x(RCVT + 732),4) RCVTDX11 = C2d(BITAND(dex11hex,'7FFFFFFF'x)) If RCVTDX11 = 0 Then YesOrNo = 'is NOT' else YesOrNo = 'IS' say " There" YesOrNo "a password encryption exit (ICHDEX11) installed." say /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* While not strictly a SETROPTS option, it will be instructive and */ /* entertaining to display the status of password and phrase */ /* enveloping. Not only do we get to search a repeat field in the */ /* SETROPTS output, but we get to extract a general resource profile */ /* as well. Using the generic option is an extra bonus. */ /* */ /* Enveloping can be considered active if the RACFEVNT class is */ /* active and the appropriate resource is defined within the class. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ found = "false" env_active = "false" do i = 1 to RES.BASE.CLASSACT_CT.REPEATCOUNT Until(found="true") if RES.BASE.CLASSACT.i = "RACFEVNT" then found = "true" end if found = "true" then do myrc =, IRRXUTIL("EXTRACT","RACFEVNT","PASSWORD.ENVELOPE","ENV",,"TRUE") if Word(myrc,1) = "0" Then do If Length(ENV.BASE.APPLDATA.1) > 0 then strength = ENV.BASE.APPLDATA.1 else strength = "MD5/STRONG" say " Password enveloping is in effect with values:" strength env_active="true" end else say " Password enveloping is not in effect." myrc =, IRRXUTIL("EXTRACT","RACFEVNT","PASSPHRASE.ENVELOPE","ENV",,"TRUE") if Word(myrc,1) = "0" Then do If Length(ENV.BASE.APPLDATA.1) > 0 then strength = ENV.BASE.APPLDATA.1 else strength = "MD5/STRONG" say " Password phrase enveloping is in effect with values:" strength env_active="true" end else say " Password phrase enveloping is not in effect." end else do say " Password enveloping is not in effect." say " Password phrase enveloping is not in effect." end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If enveloping is active, display the contents of the enveloping */ /* key ring. We need to extract RRSF information to obtain the */ /* user ID of the RACF susbsystem address space. Also display */ /* the profile protecting envelope retrieval. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ ADDRESS TSO if env_active="true" then do myrc=IRRXUTIL("EXTRACT","_RRSFEXTR","_RRSFEXTR","RRSF") if Word(myrc,1) = "0" Then do say say "Displaying contents of enveloping key ring:" cmd = "RACDCERT ID("||RRSF.SUBSYS_USER||") "||, "LISTRING(IRR.PWENV.KEYRING)" cmd myrc = IRRXUTIL("EXTRACT","FACILITY", , "IRR.RADMIN.EXTRACT.PWENV","ENV",,"TRUE") if Word(myrc,1) = "0" Then do say "Listing the profile which authorizes the retrieval of " ||, "password envelopes using R_admin:" say cmd = "RLIST FACILITY " || ENV.PROFILE || " ALL" cmd end end end