Documentation for CDT2DYN - A REXX exec to help change installation-define RACF classes into dynamic classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright IBM Corporation, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file contains the following sections: DISCLAIMERS, ETC ABOUT CDT2DYN HOW TO INVOKE CDT2DYN OUTPUT OF CDT2DYN RESTRICTIONS TYPICAL USAGE SCENARIO CUSTOMIZATION REVISION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMERS, ETC: This program contains code made available by IBM Corporation on an AS IS basis. Anyone receiving this program is considered to be licensed under IBM copyrights to use the IBM-provided source code in any way he or she deems fit, including copying it, compiling it, modifying it, and redistributing it with or without modifications, except that it may be neither sold nor incorporated within a product that is sold. No license under any IBM patents or patent applications is to be implied from this copyright license. The software is provided "as-is", and IBM disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. IBM shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of this agreement or the use or operation of the software. A user of this program should understand that IBM cannot provide technical support for the program and will not be responsible for any consequences of use of the program. The program's author will attempt to provide informal support and assistance, if she has the time to do so. If you have questions about using this program, or suggestions for enhancements, please communicate them via the RACF-L mailing list. To subscribe to RACF-L, you should send a note to: and include the following line in the body of the note, substituting your first name and last name as indicated: subscribe racf-l first_name last_name To post messages to RACF-L, send them to and include a relevant Subject: line. The program's author can also be reached directly via email to or Laurie Ward/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS However, she would strongly prefer that all contact regarding this program be via the mechanisms indicated above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT CDT2DYN This program will examine the contents of the current classes in the RACF static class descriptor table. (Any existing dynamic classes will be ignored.) For all static installation-defined classes, it will create the commands necessary to put those installation-defined classes into the dynamic CDT (BUILDCMD parameter). It can then execute the commands which were built (RUNCMD parameter), which will define the dynamic classes in the CDT general resource class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO INVOKE CDT2DYN From the TSO command line, execute the REXX EXEC from the dataset in which it resides. For example: EXEC '' - or - EXEC 'prefix.CDT2DYN.EXEC' Optional Parameters: BUILDCMD | NOBUILDCMD Default is BUILDCMD Specify BUILDCMD if you want to build commands to define dynamic classes from your current installation classes in the CDT. Specify NOBUILDCMD if you do not want to build the commands. You can specify this with the RUNCMD parameter if you have already built your commands, optionally edited the commands, and now you want to run them. RUNCMD | NORUNCMD Default is NORUNCMD Specify RUNCMD to run the commands built by this utility. Specify NORUNCMD if you do not want to run the commands built by this utility. You may want to edit or examine the commands before they are executed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTPUT OF CDT2DYN The dataset 'prefix.DYNCLAS.EXEC' is created and optionally executed. If this dataset already exists, it will be overwritten. The existing dataset must have RECFM=V or RECFM=F and LRECL=255 for the utility to run properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESTRICTIONS This utility must be run on a z/OS Version 1 Release 6 system or later with a TSO/E environment available. If the commands built by this utility are run on a prior z/OS system, the commands will fail as the CDT class and the CDTINFO keyword are new in z/OS V1R6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPICAL USAGE SCENARIO 1) Build commands to define the dynamic classes: EXEC 'prefix.REXX.EXEC(CDT2DYN)' Note: With no parameters, this will build the commands and put them into dataset prefix.DYNCLAS.EXEC but will not run them. 2) Examine commands in prefix.DYNCLAS.EXEC produced by the CDT2DYN utility. Normally no changes are necessary for these commands. Your installation may require changes to them, such as adding an OWNER keyword. 3) Run the commands to define the dynamic classes: EXEC 'prefix.REXX.EXEC(CDT2DYN)' 'NOBUILDCMD RUNCMD' Note: This will run the commands built in Step 1). It must be run by a user with one of the following authorities: a) RACF SPECIAL authority - or - b) CLAUTH authority to the CDT class and (if the FIELD class is active and RACLISTed) FIELD class access to the CDTINFO segment fields (see the RACF Security Administrator's Guide for more information). 4) Put the dynamic classes into the CDT: SETROPTS CLASSACT(CDT) RACLIST(CDT) - or - SETROPTS RACLIST(CDT) REFRESH Note: These commands must be run by a user with appropriate authority, as documented in the RACF Command Language Reference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUSTOMIZATION There are 2 statements near the beginning of the CDT2DYN EXEC that may be changed to tailor this exec to work at your installation. output_dataset = "DYNCLAS.EXEC" Change this if you want to use a different dataset name for the output file. Note: The name will be prefixed with your TSO prefix, unless you provide a string enclosed in single quotes. dataset_attributes = 'SPACE(1,1)' Change this if you want to use different parameters on the ALLOCATE command for the output file. Do not include or change RECFM, BLKSIZE, or LRECL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVISION HISTORY 2004 May 24 - 1.0.00 Restricted release 2004 Sept 24 - 1.0.01 General release Fix ALLOCATE statements by adding 'address TSO' and fix multi-line command. Add start message and parameter messages. Add logic to handle NOBUILDCMD NORUNCMD. Add logic to handle case where no commands are built. Skip classes that are already duplicated by a dynamic one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE END