************************************************************************* * * * Install the TRSMAIN program for later FTP usage * * * ************************************************************************* This procedure provides the instructions that IBM customers can obtain the TRSMAIN utility program from IBM FTP site. TRSMAIN program should be used to compact the documentation dataset prior to FTP it to IBM support center. Using the COMPRESSED dataset in FTP will save time in both sending and receiving transmission. 1) If you have not installed the TRSMAIN program on your local system, obtain the load module from IBM FTP site. ftp.software.ibm.com, and login with : USER: anonymous PASSWORD: your complete e-mail address Once you login to the ftp site, Issue: CD s390/mvs/tools/packlib Issue: BIN to set up binary mode transmission Issue: LOCSITE RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3120 Issue: GET TRSMAIN your_local_dsn to obtain the load module Issue: quit to get back into your TSO session Once the TRSMAIN program is FTP'ed, allocate a PDS (i.e. PACKLIB ) with following characteristics: Volume serial . . . . Generic unit. . . . . Space units . . . . . BLOCK Primary quantity. . . 24 Secondary quantity. . 3 Directory blocks. . . 1 Record format . . . . U Record length . . . . 0 Block size . . . . . 13030 Expiration date . . . Issue TSO RECEIVE INDSN(your_local_dsn) from your TSO session to convert the TRSMAIN program back into its load module format. The following messages will be displayed after the above command. INMR901I Dataset PTFLCG.TERSE409.LOADLIB from NHAN on PLPSC INMR902I Members: TRSMAIN INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' + you should reply to INMR906A with the PDS name, which you allocated earlier, and member name - TRSMAIN. (i.e. DA(PACKLIB(TRSMAIN)) 2) Once the PACKLIB is installed, use the following sample JCL to create your own job with proper modification to &PACKLIB_PDS, &input_dataset and &tersed_output. Here is the sample JCL to compress &input_dataset into its COMPRESSED format. //PACKIT JOB 'ACCOUNTING INFORMATION',NOTIFY=&SYSUID. //**************************************************** //* * //* TRSMAIN with PACK option * //* * //**************************************************** //JOBLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PACKLIB_PDS //STEP EXEC PGM=TRSMAIN,PARM=PACK //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=H //INFILE DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&input_dataset //OUTFILE DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG),UNIT=SYSDAL, // DSN=&packed_output, // SPACE=(CYL,(ppp,sss),RLSE) The JOBLIB DD can be eliminated if the &PACKLIB is included in the LNKLST concatenation. The &input_dataset in the INFILE DD must be modified with the proper dataset name that needs to be compacted. The &packed_output in the OUTFILE DD must be modified with the proper dataset name. The ppp and sss is the primary and secondary space for the output dataset 3) Once the JOB in step 2 gets executed successfully, you should use the &packed_output in your FTP output process. When you FTP this COMPRESSED dataset to IBM Support center, please name that dataset with the PACKED as last qualifier, so IBM support personal knows to UNPACK this dataset after it is obtained. 4) After the TRSMAIN program is installed and tested, you should share this information with your colleagues who work with IBM support center, so they can also utilize the TRSMAIN to compress their documentation dataset before FTPping it.