----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 01:03:27 on 98/09/04 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at SJEVM5 Subject: Bad Result LE370 Y2K Test. Ref: Append at 19:56:41 on 98/08/31 GMT (by MLAFORT at BOSTON) >MVS/ESA 5.2. Y2K test. Selected date of 08/08/2000. > - If using COBOL verb ACCEPTDATEFROM resulted in correct date > returned - 08/08/2000. > - Using LE370 Runtime Move Function CURRENTDATE resulted in > 08/08/1900 being returned. > >Why the bad result using LE370? A couple of things could be wrong in your setup. 1) You could be using a Date Simulator that is not LE-enabled. (Most date simulators expect that system date is retrieved using the TIME SVC, or SVC 11, but newer functions under LE use STCK) 2) You might have the wrong system date setup in MVS. LE expects that you set your system date to GMT, and set the offset from GMT. Some customers used to set the system date to local time. If this is a time machine, it might be set to 1900. Did you get expected results using ACCEPT xyz FROM DATE under LE? Since FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE is not an LE function, your question confused me about which run-time library you were using in each test. PS: ACCEPT xyz FROM DATE does NOT give a 4-digit year result. ACCEPT xyz FROM DATE YYYYMMDD does give a 4-digit year date. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 22:06:43 on 98/09/08 GMT (by KORPELA at RALVM1 Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: None I went to the following URL to generate a software report: http://wwwyr2k.raleigh.ibm.com/cgi-bin/yr2kload/sw/year2000 When I click on the SEARCH TAB, I don't get the entire list of Operating systems, the list ends with OS/2. I tried scrolling but there isn't anything below the OS/2 entry. Anyone have any idea why I am getting a truncated list? Any help would be appreciated. I am using Netscape Communicator 4.06 on Win95. Thanks in advance. Elmer ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:12:10 on 98/09/09 GMT (by WFARRELL at S390V Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 22:06:43 on 98/09/08 GMT (by KORPELA at RALVM17) Reply-To: wfarrell at ibmusm10 What other operating systems did you expect to see on that list that would follow OS/2? Walt (Walter Farrell/Poughkeepsie/IBM@ibmus) Internet: wfarrell@us.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:42:38 on 98/09/09 GMT (by SORBERT at PKMFGV Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 11:12:10 on 98/09/09 GMT (by WFARRELL at S390VM) How about VM ??? ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:31:58 on 98/09/09 GMT (by WFARRELL at S390V Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 15:42:38 on 98/09/09 GMT (by SORBERT at PKMFGVM3) Reply-To: wfarrell at ibmusm10 Good point. Walt (Walter Farrell/Poughkeepsie/IBM@ibmus) Internet: wfarrell@us.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:08:35 on 98/09/09 GMT (by KORPELA at RALVM1 Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 11:12:10 on 98/09/09 GMT (by WFARRELL at S390VM) Walt, If I use NS Communicator 4.05 I get the following OS's after OS/2: OS/400 OTHER S36/38 SUN UNIX VM VSE WIN95 XPLAT Sure would like to get the same listings with 4.06, especially VM. Any ideas as to what is going on here? Thanks. Elmer L. Korpela US National VM Program Products RTP, NC ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:27:40 on 98/09/09 GMT (by WFARRELL at S390V Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 17:08:35 on 98/09/09 GMT (by KORPELA at RALVM17) Reply-To: wfarrell at ibmusm10 No idea. You might try looking for a feedback link/button on the page and communicating this problem to the owners. Walt (Walter Farrell/Poughkeepsie/IBM@ibmus) Internet: wfarrell@us.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:55:44 on 98/09/09 GMT (by KORPELA at RALVM1 Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 17:27:40 on 98/09/09 GMT (by WFARRELL at S390VM) I opened a PR with the Year2000 Helpdesk and they are going to look into it. Thanks. Elmer L. Korpela US National VM Program Products RTP, NC ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:24:27 on 98/09/10 GMT (by LESK at SPPVM1) < Subject: Incomplet list of Operating Systems on Web Site Ref: Append at 17:55:44 on 98/09/09 GMT (by KORPELA at RALVM17) Hmmm... this could be REAL TRICKY! 1-Bad results with Netscape 4.06 2-Good results with Netscape 4.05 Conclusion: The web page must be bad :-) Les Koehler IBM Global Services ShowBBS Development Tampa, Florida Sent on 10Sep1998 at 06:24:27 EDT ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:50:01 on 98/09/11 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Hi, I got a very sensable question from my customer, 2 in fact. Q1. HOW did we, IBM, test our sw products in order to declare them Year2000 ready? I'm mainly thinking here of the major subsystems, such as OS/390 itself, DFSMS, TSO, VTAM, TCP/IP, IMS, DB2. Possibly, we, customer, could learn something out of IBM's integration testing. About our approach. Did we for example run our systems with some workload with a date in the year 2000? Q2. WHAT did we test? In what precisely consisted these tests? Did we pick up some workload, LSPR benchmarks, IVP suites, for example? Why does the customer ask this? In order to avoid double testing, i.e. to not again test what we, IBM, already tested. Jan Vanbrabant, VANBRABJ at BRUVMIS1 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:45:31 on 98/09/11 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Ref: Append at 12:50:01 on 98/09/11 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE) Jan, I asked the same question some time ago in this forum. There were couple of responses, one on hardware and one on software. If I remember correctly the SW one refered to the Parallel Sysplex Test Report for details of the what the why and the how. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Email: peter_gammage@standardlife.com Standard Life Phone: (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:32:23 on 98/09/11 GMT (by LHOOKER at RHQVM2 Subject: Year 2000 Application Removable Procedures I'm trying to put together procedures to eliminate software applications from a production system. These software applications are being converted to comply with the year 2000. I need to make sure that these procedures include every (at least as many as possible) area. My approach can be that the software applications that will be removed is year 2000 compliant or is not 2000 compliant. I would like to know if there any guidelines, books or if someone has already done something similar to this. Thanks, Lenell Hooker LHOOKER@IBMUSM34 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 21:41:48 on 98/09/11 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Ref: Append at 13:45:31 on 98/09/11 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) Thanks Peter. Will have a look at the parallel Sysplex Test report. Isn't it a bit strange that we have to find 'year2000' test stuff in a //SPX test report? For sure to keep us alert... But I cann't retrace Greg Dyck's answer who answered in the MVSESA FORUM on 98/02/18. I try to recall the archived file, but get an error msg sofar. Cheers. Jan Jan Vanbrabant, VANBRABJ at BRUVMIS1 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 14:45:31 on 98/09/13 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE Subject: Y2k testing Hello, Environment: 9672-R84 and Rx4, 9674-R04, OS/390 R1.2. My customer wants to conduct a major Y2k test during the week end, after the testing, he will go back to normal production. Year 2k test means seting the system date to 2000+ my questions: 1- Are their many customer today doing such test? 2- Could this test cause hw problems(system clock) ? Your advise is highly appreciated.... Thanls Raad Dulaijan ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 22:48:13 on 98/09/13 GMT (by GAD at S390VM) <1 Subject: Y2k testing Ref: Append at 14:45:31 on 98/09/13 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE) This is *not* something I would recommend doing with a production system. The customer ***MUST*** take backup's of all DASD that will be online during the test and restore them after restoring the date to the proper value. Failure to do so will result in contamination of year 2000 dates in places that the customer probably will not expect and almost certainly will cause problems of some type with the system during normal operation. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 05:55:12 on 98/09/14 GMT (by NL6BGC00 at ELINK Subject: Guide to setting up a YR2K LPAR. Hello, can I also share it ? If possible, would you please send it to the following address ? paul_jansen@wxs.nl Thanks. Best regards, Paul Jansen, Interpay Nederland b.v. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Interpay BV ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 06:04:30 on 98/09/14 GMT (by NL6BGC00 at ELINK Subject: Testing CICS 4.1 for YR2K. Is there a tool available which hits most of the CICS time functions after we've put an LPAR in the year 2000 or do we have to test all our application programs against our CICS regions to prove that CICS 4.1 itself is YR2K ready? Is there may'be something like a verification program available? We,ve installed the Time Machine (support pack), but after that we've to test the time functions. (we're running MVS 5.2.2. and CICS 4.1) Thanks in advance , Paul Jansen, Interpay Nederland b.v. (Email : paul_jansen@wxs.nl ) This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Interpay BV ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:33:21 on 98/09/14 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE Subject: Y2k testing Ref: Append at 14:45:31 on 98/09/13 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE) Hello, We are aware of the DASD issues when conducting Y2K testing. My customer concern is the system clock( or maybe other components) might not work properly after the Y2k testing(due to microcode corruption,..). The customer would like to hear some kind of assurance that the hw will work properly after carrying out such test. In other words, Y2k test does not corrupt the system clock or any other components, and it is save to flip between y2k date and current date and vise versa. Your comments are highly appreciated... Thanks. Raad Dulaijan ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:59:50 on 98/09/14 GMT (by V$COATES at ATLVM Subject: Y2k testing Ref: Append at 07:33:21 on 98/09/14 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE) Not a definitive answer, just an observation... For the past year or two, DR test sites have been IPL'ing with Y2K dates on a regular basis and I have not heard of any problems in the area you are asking about. Rick Coates - zorlo@earthlink.net Marc II, Inc. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 05:23:57 on 98/09/15 GMT (by SACCOS22 at ELINK Subject: Y2k testing Ref: Append at 20:59:50 on 98/09/14 GMT (by V$COATES at ATLVMIC1) Raad, Who here asked these questions? Greg, rest assured, all our Y2K DASD is isolated through HCD/IODFxx. We've already IPLed an lpar and used prompt on CLOCK00 to set the time forward. What Raad was asking, I think , was if there was any negative effect of setting a 9037 forward and back. That answer should be no, but we are not in the position to test that theory, as our production sysplex uses the timer and would be quite upset with how fast "time goes by" Bob This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Bob Richards, Systems Programmer Saudi Aramco Internet: richarrb@aramco.com.sa Phone: 966-3-873-9505 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:06:44 on 98/09/15 GMT (by ZOOT at S390VM) < Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Ref: Append at 21:41:48 on 98/09/11 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE) Actually, the IBM Year2000 Test information included in the Parallel SYSPLEX Test Report is also listed in what you might believe a more appropriate place for Y2K Info. The "Year 2000 and 2-Digit Dates: Guide to Planning and Implementation (GC28-1251) has the original Y2K test and time machine information included in the "test" chapter. It has been there since shortly after that material was compiled in 1996 and included in the -06 edition (1997-April). Since then, IBM re-ran the test and published the new data in a more recent edition of the "SYSPLEX Test Report" earlier this year (I believe). That new information has not yet been incorporated into the Y2K Guide, but is available on the OS/390 Y2K web site at: http://www9.s390.ibm.com/year2000/ then click on the "Documentation" link. Scroll down a bit and you will find the Y2K SYSPLEX Report as extracted from the full SYSPLEX Report (GC28-1963). The Y2K Guide is currently at the -08 level (1998-February). to date, This writer has been unable to update the hardcopy, but saw the need to make this Y2K test material available. One further note. Each of the two tests was done in somewhat different environments, as such, although much of the data is similar, you might find it useful to read both the current (1998) and original (1996) versions. You might also find a visit to the Web site valuable; it contains other useful links to: the Y2K Guide, Hardware White Paper, Service and OS/390S Software Support, and more. Hope you find this useful, Don B. Pizzuto Y2K Information Development S/390 Partners in Development ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:30:03 on 98/09/16 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Ref: Append at 21:41:48 on 98/09/11 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE) Jan, There appear to be a number of problems with Cforum archives being reported on other conferences. I hav not had a look myself, but if your problem persists, I'd report it to the DIAL-IBM help desk. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Email: peter_gammage@standardlife.com Standard Life Phone: (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:47:38 on 98/09/17 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Ref: Append at 12:30:03 on 98/09/16 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) Peter, I'm an IBM guy (for the time being), so I'm using HONE or EHONE, an internal version of DIAL. Bob Cronin, the godfather housekeeper of a lot of forums, put me on the right way to find the archives: CFORUM archives are kept on the so-called "PUBLIC" disk managed by TALKLINK at EHONE. (Bob Cronin) The fast path name = 'EXEC TOOLS SENDTO EHONE TALKLINK PUBLIC GET filename filetype ' I don't know if this would be valid for the external world too. Jan Vanbrabant VANBRAB1 at BRUVMIS1 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:15:50 on 98/09/17 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK Subject: WHAT & HOW did we, IBM, test? Ref: Append at 10:47:38 on 98/09/17 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE) Jan, In short I will say thats not workable for us "external" customers. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Email: peter_gammage@standardlife.com Standard Life Phone: (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:47:24 on 98/09/17 GMT (by ARNASON at HQVMIC Subject: Use of SNAPSHOT/RVA DASD for Y2K test I am interested in experience reports of those using RVA DASD to snapshot their systems, roll forward through the millennium boundary, and then return to the snapshot. Anyone who has done it, 1. Could you describe how long it takes to reset the DASD when you 'rewind' the clock to pre 2000 dates? How much DASD are you resetting? 2. Do you do the reset without use of any tape backup? 3. Do you SNAPSHOT the entire system, or just application data? I am especially interested in DB2 shops. Any info, as ever, very appreciated. Thanks. Calvin Arnason ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 09:17:44 on 98/09/25 GMT (by NL5AAB09 at ELINK Subject: DCAF >