----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:21:02 on 97/09/01 GMT (by NL6BGC00 at ELINK) <10226> Subject: TERSEMVS on the MVS TOOLS DISK is it y2k compliant? Ref: Append at 08:34:35 on 97/08/19 GMT (by GBCDLH04 at ELINK) Charlie, How can i get a copy of the TERSEMVS package or how can i access this tool? Regards, Richard van Erk This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Interpay BV ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:25:42 on 97/09/01 GMT (by 84828401 at EHONE) <10227> Subject: VSE/ESA 2.2.1 testing Ref: Append at 08:31:29 on 97/08/29 GMT (by ALANDP at SYDVMXA2) Thank you for the information. The customer would like to know anyway if it is possible and allowed to use the lock file from 2 VSE machines with different system dates? Thanks for your help, Werner Geiser, IBM Switzerland ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:46:29 on 97/09/01 GMT (by BOR at STUTVM1) <10228> Subject: TERSEMVS on the MVS TOOLS DISK is it y2k compliant? Ref: Append at 12:21:02 on 97/09/01 GMT (by NL6BGC00 at ELINK) Richard, you should be able to order TERSE/MVS or TERSE for one of the other platforms through your IBM Rep following the PRPQ order process. Here are the numbers: - P04278 TERSE/MVS - P04276 TERSE AIX/6000 - P04275 TERSE/PC (DOS and OS/2) - P04277 TERSE/VM Horst Boerner ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:47:52 on 97/09/02 GMT (by ALANDP at SYDVMXA2) <10229> Subject: VSE/ESA system with different dates > Thank you for the information. The customer would like to know anyway > if it is possible and allowed to use the lock file from 2 VSE > machines with different system dates? > Thanks for your help, Werner Geiser, IBM Switzerland One aspect we cannot predicate is the action of the application code when two systems are linked hence our statement that it is best to have complete separation of the production and test systems. Having said that, some VSAM areas that need consideration would be as follows :- Normally a VSAM file will not be deleted since you run a DELETE CLUSTER job. Only this job will check if the file can be deleted (is expired, and not accessed from another partition or system). That means there is no problem for normal VSAM cluster. One problem can be that in the VSE2000 (VSE IPLed with a date in 2000) ) defined cluster can of course not be deleted fron the other system, but if you have a catalog belonging to the VSE2000 system, you can not define clusters from the older VSE in that catalog (you can not define clusters with an creation date older than actual date). Another problem can be the handling of workfiles wich depends on the disposition statement DISP=(d1,d2,d3) within DLBL card, an OPEN can work different in the 2 systems (if d1=NEW the file can not be reset if it's not expired...). Bob McCormack ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:33:35 on 97/09/02 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) <10230> Subject: Non-OPSys aspects of Y2K. Ref: None. Is there a forum anywhere that focuses on the aspects of Y2K other than operating systems. I am thinking of imbedded systems within process controllers, end-user applications, anything that falls outside the scope of the big Mainframe or Server farm. Maybe this **is** the right forum, is it ?, if not where ?. Countdown till the year 2000... 850 days 12 hours 26 minutes 50 seconds. Les Paton (InterNet les_paton@uk.ibm.com) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 14:46:14 on 97/09/02 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) <10231> Subject: Re: Number of days until 01/01/2000 Ref: Append at 09:39:38 on 97/08/13 GMT (by 36601943 at EHONE) ......or how about this (which generated the trailer in this append)... /* Y2K XEDIT L.Paton Sep 1997 LPATON at GNKVM */ trace off 'COMMAND EXTRACT /MSGMODE/STAY/' 'COMMAND SET MSGMODE OFF' /* for when using in a NOTE profile */ 'COMMAND SET STAY ON' 'COMMAND LOCATE .SUBJECT' days = 730119 - date('B') - 1 parse value timecalc('24:00:00 -' time('L')), with hh ':' mm ':' ss . 'COMMAND INPUT Countdown till the year 2000...' 'COMMAND INPUT 'days 'days' hh 'hours' mm 'minutes' ss 'seconds.' 'COMMAND SET ALT 0 0' 'COMMAND SET MSGMODE 'msgmode.1 msgmode.2 'COMMAND SET STAY 'stay.1 exit timecalc: procedure /* Handle time calculations */ arg rexxfn radix60 = pos(':',rexxfn) do while radix60 ^= 0 epos = verify(rexxfn,'0123456789:',,radix60) - 1 if epos < 0 then epos = length(rexxfn) spos = verify(reverse(rexxfn),'0123456789:',,, length(rexxfn)+1-radix60)-1 if spos < 0 then spos = 1 else spos = length(rexxfn) + 1 - spos len60 = epos - spos + 1 num60 = substr(rexxfn,spos,len60) if left(num60,1) = ':' then num60 = '0'num60 if right(num60,1) = ':' then num60 = num60'0' parse var num60 cnv60 ':' b60.1 ':' b60.2 do sub60 = 1 to 2 while b60.sub60 ^= '' cnv60 = 60 * cnv60 + b60.sub60 end rexxfn = delstr(rexxfn,spos,len60) rexxfn = insert(cnv60,rexxfn,spos-1) radix60 = pos(':',rexxfn) end interpret 'res = 'rexxfn if res < 0 then tsign = '-' else tsign = '' res = abs(res) parse var res int60 '.' frac60 if frac60 = '' then frac60 = 0 timeout = right((int60 // 60),2,'0') int60 = int60 % 60 if int60 >= 60 then do timeout = right((int60 // 60),2,'0')':'timeout int60 = int60 % 60 end timeout = int60':'timeout timeout = timeout'.'frac60 return tsign || timeout Countdown till the year 2000... 850 days 8 hours 14 minutes 25.6090 seconds. Les Paton (InterNet les_paton@uk.ibm.com) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:58:16 on 97/09/02 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) <10232> Subject: Non-OPSys aspects of Y2K. Ref: Append at 10:33:35 on 97/09/02 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) Les, This is the correct forum for non-operating syY2K questions. You can also call the Year 2000 Technical Support Center at 800-426-4968. Year 2000 Technical Support Center (TSC2) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:52:41 on 97/09/03 GMT (by KBARCOMB at BTVMANVM) <10233> Subject: Looking for Year 2000 compliance Help Ref: I am coordinating the Y2K compliance for project G54. This includes many VM, MVS, and AIX workstation software and tools. I have seen some info on WEB but I am looking for a formal IMD site that can help me to find testing tools and verification techniques. I have seen talk about tools from Visual Age 2000. Are these IBM tools or outside vendor tools. Bottom line is I am just getting started and am looking for any help anyone can give me. Contact names of other doing the same Y2K task would be helpful to not duplicate effort. Thanks for any help you can give me. Barcomb, K.J. (Kevin) kbarcomb@us.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:11:27 on 97/09/03 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) <10234> Subject: Looking for Year 2000 compliance Help Ref: Append at 12:52:41 on 97/09/03 GMT (by KBARCOMB at BTVMANVM) I too am just getting started. I have just been named as Greenock site Year 2000 Project Manager. I have no direct responsibility for ensuring compliance by the installed base of Operating System s/w ( VM, MVS etc ). However, ensuring that plans are in place does come within my remit. The IS contact in Greenock with IT responsibility is Ms Johan Greig ( JGREIG at GMKVM ). My specific area of interest will be imbedded control software/firmware in the mfg processes and end-user applications. I would be happy to contribute to any network of correspondents with similar scope of responsibilities inside or outside IBM Mfg. Countdown till the year 2000... 849 days 9 hours 48 minutes 58.4287 seconds. Les Paton (InterNet les_paton@uk.ibm.com) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:09:04 on 97/09/03 GMT (by KBARCOMB at BTVMANVM) <10235> Subject: Looking for Year 2000 compliance Help Ref: Append at 13:11:27 on 97/09/03 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) Thanks for the response Les. I think we have very similar responsibilities. I too am not responsible for ensuring compliance (except for my software) but I have to keep track of all the products our project uses. I have received a call from an IBM project called Visual Age2000. They have WEB site http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/va2000. They have some tools and she is sending some info on thier tools. Another person in our area is looking into an MVS testing tool to look for date problems. I will keep you up to date on these. Me personally, I need a tool to check and verify AIX workstation C C++ code. But I'm sure others I have to track will ask "How do I know I'm Y2K ready" This will be a large task so any info and insites as to how others are doing this is greatly appreciated. Barcomb, K.J. (Kevin) kbarcomb@us.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:07:01 on 97/09/04 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) <10236> Subject: Looking for Year 2000 compliance Help Ref: Append at 13:11:27 on 97/09/03 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) You may want to try WWW.YEAR2000.COM it is the home page of Peter deJaeger (amongst others). There you will find details of the Year2000 mail list. This list is an email discussion group on Y2K related topics. I have been on the list now for 2 years and have found it the most useful Y2K coverage I have seen. The mail list is free for the 1st month and then becomes chargeable $25 per year. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and an archive of all of the emails. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Tel 0141-204 2737 SEMA Group Outsourcing Fax 0141-204 2523 1 Atlantic Quay Broomielaw, Glasgow G2-8JE Email: Peter.Gammage@mail.sema.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:52:17 on 97/09/04 GMT (by BEGENB09 at ELINK) <10237> Subject: DB2 and date simulation Ref: Append at 18:22:39 on 97/08/22 GMT (by MILLER at STLVM14) Roger, Thanks for the information. However we do have some additional questions: If we could use a ZAP-like solution to replace the STCK from DB2, which handles the SQL CURRENT DATE, can we be sure that only the applications will be influenced by this date simulation, and not DB2 itself for f.i. synchronisation with other systems, time-stamp verification, backups, bootstrap, .... Can we also make sure that we can simulate a particular date for 1 application using this DB2 system, and another date for a second application using the same DB2 (as we can do with "simple" SVC11 interception) ? Thanks in advance for any comments Alex Breesch This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Alex Breesch Generale Bank Belgium Development Support tel. +32.2/565.43.44 fax. +32.2/565.24.20 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:05:34 on 97/09/04 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) <10238> Subject: Looking for Year 2000 compliance Help Ref: Append at 15:07:01 on 97/09/04 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) Whey !. A man from Glasgow, I am not alone :-) Are you at the Dunblane Hydro conference ( sponsored by the Scottish S/W Federation ) tomorrow Friday ?. If so the Greenock Mfg rep there is Joe Coyne, make contact. Countdown till the year 2000... 848 days 6 hours 54 minutes 43.1219 seconds. Les Paton (InterNet les_paton@uk.ibm.com) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:20:15 on 97/09/04 GMT (by MILLER at STLVM14) <10239> Subject: DB2 and date simulation Ref: Append at 15:52:17 on 97/09/04 GMT (by BEGENB09 at ELINK These are the words I'd tend to use in public. Be aware that date simulators (as marketed by solution developers) should only be installed on a test version of DB2. These tools corrupt one of the DB2 modules. This may be acceptable for your Year2000 testing purposes, but the product can no longer be warranted by IBM after you install such date simulator products. Therefore, install a separate copy of DB2 for use in date simulation testing than the copy used for production or final 'time machine' testing. If it's a bit more private ... Just to be a bit more clear, it might be helpful to explain that anyone zapping DB2 is responsible for the reverse engineering job and the results of that code. We have already had an incident called in to IBM service where the problem was a date simulator. It takes a long time to diagnose what someone else has done to us. Have you seen the DB2 Y2K paper and the Data Management Y2K pages on the web? I can see that a few updates are needed (like the paragraph above), but it might be helpful. http://www.software.ibm.com/data/year2000/ http://www.software.ibm.com/year2000/db2.html Roger Miller, DB2 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:33:34 on 97/09/05 GMT (by GBCCBD13 at ELINK) <10240> Subject: Looking for Year 2000 compliance Help Ref: Append at 16:05:34 on 97/09/04 GMT (by LPATON at GNKVM) Unfortunately Peter cannot make it as he is in Birmingham today. (Sat next to me). Regards, Peter Smith. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by SEMA Group UK Business Systems Capacity Planning and Management Group Tel +44 121 627 5351 FAX +44 121 627 5300 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 14:03:36 on 97/09/09 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) <10241> Subject: MVS Time altering software As part of Y2K testing the use of tools to intercept and modify time calls (STCK, SVC, CVT etc) has been discussed. I am concerned with some of the implications of these tools. As an example, if MVS is running with a TOD of todays date and a single address space is modified to use an alternate time setting (say 1st Jan 2000) does not all code executed in the address space use this alternate time setting? If so will not datasets being created by that address space be written to disk with a creation and reference date of 1st Jan 2000? What about other system functions which are performed under within this address space. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Tel 0141-204 2737 SEMA Group Outsourcing Fax 0141-204 2523 1 Atlantic Quay Broomielaw, Glasgow G2-8JE Email: Peter.Gammage@mail.sema.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:00:29 on 97/09/09 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) <10242> Subject: MVS Time altering software Ref: Append at 14:03:36 on 97/09/09 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) This is a subject that needs to be addressed by the tool vendor. It is outside of IBM's scope of control. That said, my understanding is that most of these tools only intercept and change requests that are issued in a user key and problem program state. If the request is in a system key or in supervisor state the date and time is returned unmodified. This means that only the application code sees the changed date and the system code continues to see the current date. Ergo, no problems as DSCB dates are obtained while in supervisor state. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:12:41 on 97/09/09 GMT (by MILLER at STLVM14) <10243> Subject: MVS Time altering software Ref: Append at 14:03:36 on 97/09/09 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK I think you'll need to speak about the tools individually. Some of them seem to be very narrow in scope, only changing one date or time. That makes them more useful for application testing - but not subsystem testing. It also avoids the problems you indicated. On this point, the vendors probably know most about what they change. We only find out when a customer calls to complain. Sometimes vendors change more than they know. Roger Miller ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:48:52 on 97/09/10 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) <10244> Subject: MVS Time altering software Ref: Append at 15:12:41 on 97/09/09 GMT (by MILLER at STLVM14) Greg and Roger, Thanks for your comments. At this time I have been requested to install products for evaluation. Before installing, one of my evaluation criteria is to understand the products impact on MVS and associated software. I am asking the same questions of the software vendors. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Tel 0141-204 2737 SEMA Group Outsourcing Fax 0141-204 2523 1 Atlantic Quay Broomielaw, Glasgow G2-8JE Email: Peter.Gammage@mail.sema.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:30:26 on 97/09/17 GMT (by KWANMK at SGPVM1) <10245> Subject: ESCON director and MICRO/OCR support features Hi, I would like to find out whether the following are Y2K ready: Product Description Version FMID -------------------- ------- ---- ESCON DIRECTOR DEVICE V1R1M0 HSWF100 SUPPORT FEATURE MICRO/OCR SUPPORT V2R2 EMI2220 Thank you for any input. Ming Ket IBM Singapore. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:47:39 on 97/09/17 GMT (by GBCEQG01 at ELINK) <10246> Subject: X-LPAR Corruptions when resetting LPAR Date Our YEAR2000 project management team keep hearing about cross-LPAR corruptions when changing a YEAR2000 LPAR date. Greg has repeatedly said that this will not happen, but I cannot squash the concern. We have OS/390 1.2 and an ES9000-732 with EMC DASD. Please can people add appends to this subject to say wether date changing (forward and backward) has been successfully or unsuccessfully accomplished. If I can tell my project team that X number have sites have done this successfully and Y unsuccessfully, I can give their confidence a boost. Many thanks in anticipation, P.S. I am, of course, assuming x will be large and y zero. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Simon Hutchings Senior Technical Specialist Nationwide Building Society Tel. 01793-455740 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:55:03 on 97/09/17 GMT (by WFARRELL at KGNVMC) <10247> Subject: X-LPAR Corruptions when resetting LPAR Date Ref: Append at 16:47:39 on 97/09/17 GMT (by GBCEQG01 at ELINK) Reply-To: wfarrell at ibmusm10 Perhaps their concerns come not from LPAR to LPAR problems, but problems with DASD shared between the LPARs? You will have problems unless the test LPAR has its own set of DASD that the other LPAR never touches. Walt Farrell Internet: wfarrell@us.ibm.com IBMMAIL: USIB3H89 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:54:40 on 97/09/17 GMT (by JDARDIFF at ATLVMIC1) <10248> Subject: Conversion of Client/Server Applications We are about to begin looking at converting some client server apps. that are written in a combination of C/C++ and VB and some even in Clipper. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had any experiences (good or bad) with any tools for these languages. Does anyone know of any tools to convert the code or at least analyze the code for Year 2000? Jeanne Ardiff JDARDIFF at IBMUSM34 aka Jeanne Ardiff/Fort Lauderdale/IBM @ IBMUS ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 01:40:34 on 97/09/18 GMT (by LAURAG at SYDVMXA2) <10249> Subject: Readiness of ESCON Director and MICRO/OCR Support. The two products you asked about - ESCON Director Device Support Feature, and MICRO/OCR Support are components of OS/390. As such they are Year 2000 Ready if the base OS/390 operating system is Ready. It is also possible that they are installed features of MVS. ESCON Director Device Support Feature - Feature 2800 or 2501. MICRO/OCR Support - Feature 5851, 5852 or 5710. You may also be using ESCON Manager (program no. - 5688-008). I have included the relevant Year 2000 information about :- OS/390 (Program number - 5645-001), MVS (Program numbers - 5655-068 or 5655-069), and ESCON Manager (program number. - 5688-008). You will need to check the product numbers against your installed system. OS/390 ------ 5645-001 OS/390 V1.3.0 Year 2000 Ready No PTFs req'd. 5645-001 OS/390 V1.2.0 Year 2000 Ready No PTFs req'd. 5645-001 OS/390 V1.1.0 Year 2000 Ready Requires PTFs. Contact your IBM representative for information on how to make V1.1.0 Ready. Additional documentation for 5645-001 OS/390 R2 Contains the following Elements/Products: BASE ---- - MVS/ESA BCP - JES2 5.2.0 - BDT - DFSMSdfp 1.3.0 - ESCON Director Support - TSO/E - ISPF - HL Assembler 1.2.0 - MICR/OCR Support - EREP/MVS 3.5.0 - ICKDSF R16 - 3270 PC FTP 1.1.1 - FFST 1.2 - HCD - SMP/E - SystemView for MVS Base - VisualLift Run-Time 1.1.2 - SOMobjects Service Classes 1.1.0 - Language Environment - OE MVS Base Services - OE MVS Shell & Utilities - OE dbx Debugger - VTAM 4.3 - VTAM AnyNet 4.3 - TCP/IP 3.1 - TIOC - LANRES/MVS 1.3.1 - LAN Server for MVS 1.1 - OSA Support Facility - OE DCE Base Services (OSF 1.1) - OE DFS (OSF 1.1) - DFSMS/MVS NFS 1.2.0 - BookManager Read - GDDM 3.2 - GDDM PCLK 3.2 - GDDM OS/2 LINK 3.2 - Softcopy Print Solution & Fonts Optional Priced Elements/Functions ---------------------------------- - JES3 5.2.1 - BDT V2 File to File - BDT V2 JES3 SNA NJE - OS/390 Security Server - DFSMS/MVS 1.3 Features - dss - rmm - hsm - RMF - SDSF - DFSORT - C/C++ (with or w/o debugger) - SOMobjects Application Development Environment 1.1.0 - GDDM-PGF 2.1.3 - GDDM REXX Feature 3.2 - VisualLift Application Development Environment 1.1.2 - HL Assembler Toolkit 1.2.0 - TCP/IP CICS Sockets 3.1 - TCP/IP IMS Sockets 3.1 - BookManager Build R3 Optional No Charge Elements/Functions ------------------------------------- - OE DCE User Data Privacy (OSF 1.1 Lvl.) - DES and CDMF - PC Server 500 Systems 390 - OS/390 Internet BonusPak - Internet Connection Server - Language Environment Data Decryption - TCP/IP OE MVS Applications 3.1 - TCP/IP Kerberos DES 3.1 - TCP/IP Kerberos Non-DES 3.1 - TCP/IP Network Print Facility 3.1 - TCP/IP OS/2 Offload 3.1 OS/390 R3 Contains the following Elements/Products: BASE ---- - MVS/ESA BCP - JES2 - BDT V2 - DFSMSdfp 1.3.0 - ESCON Director Support - TSO/E - ISPF - HL Assembler 1.2.0 - MICR/OCR Support - EREP/MVS 3.5.0 - ICKDSF R16 - 3270 PC FTP 1.1.1 - FFST 1.2 - HCD - OS/390 EZ Application Enabling Technology - SMP/E - SystemView for MVS Base - VisualLift Run-Time 1.1.2 - SOMobjects Service Classes 1.1.0 - Language Environment - OE MVS Base Services - OE MVS Shell & Utilities - OE dbx Debugger - VTAM 4.4 - VTAM AnyNet 4.4 - TCP/IP 3.2 - TIOC - LANRES/MVS 1.3.1 - LAN Server for MVS 1.1 - OSA Support Facility - OE DCE Base Services (OSF 1.1) - OE DFS (OSF 1.1) - DFSMS/MVS NFS 1.2.0 - BookManager Read R3 - GDDM 3.2 - GDDM PCLK 3.2 - GDDM OS/2 LINK 3.2 - Softcopy Print Solutions & Fonts Optional Priced Elements/Functions ---------------------------------- - JES3 - BDT V2 File to File - BDT V2 JES3 SNA NJE - OS/390 Security Server - DFSMS/MVS 1.3 Features - dss - rmm - hsm - RMF 5.2 - SDSF - DFSORT - C/C++ (with or w/o debugger) - SOMobjects Application Development Environment 1.1.0 - GDDM-PGF 2.1.3 - GDDM REXX Feature 3.2 - VisualLift Application Development Environment 1.1.2 - HL Assembler Toolkit 1.2.0 - OS/390 Communications Server -PSF/MVS Network Print Feature -TCP/IP CICS Sockets 3.1 -TCP/IP IMS Sockets 3.1 - BookManager Build R3 Optional No Charge Elements/Functions ------------------------------------- - OE DCE User Data Privacy (OSF 1.1 Lvl.) - DES and CDMF - PC Server 500 Systems 390 - OS/390 Internet BonusPak - Internet Connection Server - Language Environment Data Decryption - TCP/IP OE MVS Applications 3.2 - TCP/IP Kerberos DES 3.2 - TCP/IP Kerberos Non-DES 3.2 - TCP/IP Network Print Facility 3.2 - TCP/IP OS/2 Offload 3.2 MVS --- The following MVS products/versions are ready when the listed APARs/PTFs are app 5655-068 MVS/SP JES2 V5.2.2 Replaced by OS/390 (Program no. 564 5655-068 MVS/SP JES2 V5.2.0 Replaced by OS/390 (Program no. 564 5655-068 MVS/SP JES2 V5.1.0 Replaced by OS/390 (Program no. 564 5655-069 MVS/SP 5.2.2 JES3 V5.2.2 Replaced by OS/390 (Program no. 564 5655-069 MVS/SP 5.2.2 JES3 V5.2.0 Replaced by OS/390 (Program no. 564 5655-069 MVS/SP 5.2.2 JES3 V5.1.0 Replaced by OS/390 (Program no. 564 APAR/PTF Documentation for 5655-068 MVS/ESA JES2 V5 ---------------------------------------------------- MVS Year 2000 APARs ------------------- APAR # MVS MVS MVS 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.2 OW14845 UW23911 UW23912 - OW15243 UW23911 UW23912 - OW15518 UW29078 UW29079 UW29081 OW15520 UW29078 UW29079 - OW15521 UW29078 UW29079 - OW15791 UW22861 UW22850 - OW16482 UW24975 UW24976 - OW16638 UW23057 UW23058 - OW17632 UW25367 UW25370 - OW18292 UW28978 UW28979 - OW18359 UW26670 UW26671 - OW19513 UW27532 UW27533 - OW19683 UW90336 UW90337 UW90338 OW20226 UW29004 UW29005 - OW20303 UW31066 UW31067 - OW21152 - UW30091 - OW22025 UW31251 UW31252 - JES2 Year 2000 APARs -------------------- APAR # MVS MVS MVS 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.2 OW16685 UW26833 UW26834 - OW21858 - UW31019 - APAR/PTF Documentation for 5655-069 MVS/ESA JES3 V5 ---------------------------------------------------- MVS Year 2000 APARs ------------------- APAR # MVS MVS MVS 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.2 OW14845 UW23911 UW23912 - OW15243 UW23911 UW23912 - OW15518 UW29078 UW29079 UW29081 OW15520 UW29078 UW29079 - OW15521 UW29078 UW29079 - OW15791 UW22861 UW22850 - OW16482 UW24975 UW24976 - OW16638 UW23057 UW23058 - OW17632 UW25367 UW25370 - OW18292 UW28978 UW28979 - OW18359 UW26670 UW26671 - OW19513 UW27532 UW27533 - OW19683 UW90336 UW90337 UW90338 OW20226 UW29004 UW29005 - OW20303 UW31066 UW31067 - OW21152 - UW30091 - OW22025 UW31251 UW31252 - JES3 Year 2000 APARs -------------------- APAR # MVS MVS 5.1.1 5.2.1 OW16161 UW25523 UW25526 - OW18724 UW30127 UW30128 - ESCON Manager ------------- Both the following ESCON Manager products/versions are Year 2000 Ready, but V1.2.0 was withdrawn from service 1995Q2. 5688-008 ESCON Manager V1.2.0 Replaced by SA/MVS (see below) 5688-008 ESCON Manager V1.3.0 Replaced by SA/MVS (see below). 5645-005 SA/MVS - System Automation for MVS V1.2.0 Ready with the following UW9 5645-005 SA/MVS - System Automation for MVS V1.1.0 Ready with the following UW30397,UW91070,UW91071,UW91072,UW --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope this helps, Good Luck! Year 2000 Technical Support Center - Asia Pacific Internet: y2ktscap@vnet.ibm.com VNET: Y2KTSCAP at SYDVMXA2 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:16:38 on 97/09/18 GMT (by ACLARK at ELINK) <10250> Subject: Readiness of ESCON Director Ref: Append at 01:40:34 on 97/09/18 GMT (by LAURAG at SYDVMXA2) You mentioned the ESCON Director components on MVS... is there any Y2K implications on the ESCON Director console itself since it runs an older version of OS/2 and the Director config. is running under Win/OS2? Adrian Clark - Sears Canada Inc. IBMMAIL(CASRSAJC) / aclark@null.net ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:18:58 on 97/09/18 GMT (by 86658575 at EHONE) <10251> Subject: Specific problems on re'IPLing Y2K system back as today ? I have reviewed this forum, OS/390 forum and others and seen numerous warnings but little detail as to problems that will be experienced (MCAT, VSAM ?). My customer has established an isolated MVS Y2K system. He believes he will only be running either a Y2K or a current date system, but not both at the same time. Due to a shortage of addresses he has asked is there anyway he can use any of the system packs for IPL'ing today, and for Y2K. Specifically is there documentation anywhere as to specfically what are the problems they would encounter, as the system came up, or in general usage ? They are focusing on MVS, rather than DB/OLTP issues. Thanks very much for any pointers, John Hutchinson - IBM UK ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:05:58 on 97/09/18 GMT (by ZIEMBA at BCRVM1) <10252> Subject: Conversion of Client/Server Applications Ref: Append at 20:54:40 on 97/09/17 GMT (by JDARDIFF at ATLVMIC1) The UIAT program can scan the ASCII text of these applications, using its default patterns, as well as others that you can specify, and find the potential date impacts. (It runs under UNIX.) There is a Visual Basic parser for RA if you are using RA for the mainframe stuff. These tools only help with the find. There is a tool on the called Visual DataScope 2000 that is described on internet that claims it can find and fix Visual Basic code. Don't know anything else about it. C. A. Ziemba ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:58:56 on 97/09/22 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) <10253> Subject: S390 Hardware Isolation We have a 9672 with multiple partitions. We have setup 2 LPARs for Y2K development/testing which are hardware isolated from the other LPARs. Isolation is implemented via IOCP/MVSCP in that the CHPID's are defined for use by certain Lpars, even though the devices are genned on all systems. For example the following combined IOCP/MVSCP source is used on 4 LPARS - Y2KA (test-A), Y2KB (test-B), LPARA (prod-A) and LPARB (prod-B) CHPID PATH=(41,42,43),TYPE=BL,PARTITION=(LPARA,REC) CU0400 CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0400,PATH=(41,42,43),UNIT=3990,UNITADD=(00,64) DEV400 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(400,64),CUNUMBER=(0400),UNIT=3390, FEATURE=(ALTCTRL,SHARED) Is it true that even though each system knows about these devices, they can be accessed *ONLY* by the system for which the channel is assigned (ie LPARA). They are therfore hardware isolated from the Y2K Lpars (I understand that as the channel is reconfigurable it could be re-assinged re-assigned to one of the other LPAR's) If this is the case, then does the same hold true for shared (EMIF'd) channels as defined below in that the devices are hardware isolated from LPARA and LPARB. CHPID PATH=(21,22,23),TYPE=CNC,PARTITION=((Y2KA,Y2KB),(=)),SHARED CU0200 CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0200,PATH=(21,22,23),UNIT=3990,UNITADD=(00,64) DEV200 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(200,64),CUNUMBER=(0200),UNIT=3390, FEATURE=(ALTCTRL,SHARED) This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Tel 0141-204 2737 SEMA Group Outsourcing Fax 0141-204 2523 1 Atlantic Quay Broomielaw, Glasgow G2-8JE Email: Peter.Gammage@mail.sema.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:00:29 on 97/09/22 GMT (by 83826043 at EHONE) <10254> Subject: MVS/ESA Y2K date simulation as a VM/ESA guest Our BRS engine runs with VM/ESA. One of our customers running MVS/ESA wants to do some Y2K testing. For the testing his MVS/ESA will run as a VM/ESA guest. My question is : if we IPL VM/ESA with 1997 date and only the customer's system with 2000 date,would this be all we need to setup the environment? Must we also ipl VM/ESA with Y2K date? Armando Otonin Systems Support IBM Global Services Spain ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:13:28 on 97/09/22 GMT (by ACLARK at ELINK) <10255> Subject: MVS/ESA Y2K date simulation as a VM/ESA guest Ref: Append at 15:00:29 on 97/09/22 GMT (by 83826043 at EHONE) The first level VM system can remain running with the local time. Make sure the userid for the test machine has the CP directory option "OPTION TODENABLE". This allows the second level system to maintain it's own TODCLOCK, different from the real TODCLOCK. (You may find the IBM Conference call that's on Wed. interesting if you want more details on the VM side of things - The topic is "VM Customers Share What They've Learned in Preparing for the Year 2000".) All the considerations for _not_ sharing DASD between Y2K and production systems still apply. Adrian Clark - Sears Canada Inc. IBMMAIL(CASRSAJC) / aclark@null.net ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:37:25 on 97/09/25 GMT (by GBCBHU09 at ELINK) <10256> Subject: Y2K effects on network infrastructure I'd like to start an open discussion on this topic, as it has just come to the fore here. Here is an example scenario for starters, though feel free to swap your own TLAs/boxes/networks/Protocols etc.etc. UNIX box with LU6.2 ==> "A network"=LANs/WANs/FEPs/tin-cans-and-string/ ===> Mainframe=OS/390 R2 isolated LPAR with CICS I should say that in this case the "network" would also be carrying traffic to/from production environments. Now let's forward date both the UNIX box and the MVS LPAR to (say) 1st Jan 2000. What (if any) risks may there be to the "network" ? Do people in general feel that this scenario should be avoided and the "network" should be as isolated as the LPAR ? I have heard rumours that "servers" may be timestamped with future "last accessed" dates and this may cause (undefined) problems. Of course, both the UNIX box and the LPAR would be "wiped clean" before resetting the date/time. This subject, is, I feel, beyond the task of just asking software or hardware suppliers "is your thing compliant". I look forward to all comments no matter how speculative. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Melvyn Maltz Marks and Spencer plc Tel:0171 268 5246 Fax:0171 268 5246 Email: melvyn.maltz@marks-and-spencer.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:22:53 on 97/09/30 GMT (by 9WARLTK at NHBVM7) <10257> Subject: Windowing tool for Mainframe COBOL Ref: Append at 20:47:56 on 97/07/07 GMT (by PABLOF at LASVM1) >> Hi all. I was wondering if anyone has some clue on a tool that >> supports windowing under COBOL-MVS. The tool should be approved >> for IBM use, and also, should be fast (i.e. automatic). The need >> for speed is due to the potential amount of LOCs. Thanks in >> advance. Pablo Fernandez. Pablo, Have you looked at the COBOL Millennium Language Extensions described on www.software.ibm.com/ad/va2000 September 3, 1997 Announcement, White Paper, and Frequently Asked Questions? VisualAge PL/I Version 2.0 MLEs are available now (Announcement Letter No. ZP97-0533) Product number 5639-D65 Regards, Keith Warltier, COBOL, MLE & Year 2000 Consultant 9WARLTK@NHBVM7 or GBIBMTJ2@IBMMAIL or KEITH_WARLTIER@UK.IBM.COM