----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 03:35:19 on 98/02/03 GMT (by ARNASON at SFOVMIC1) <10393> Subject: DPPX Readiness Status I could not find any data on the IBM Year2000 Website regarding DPPX. Anyone have an idea of where it is at? I am interested in both software and hardware. Calvin Arnason ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:30:28 on 98/02/03 GMT (by LGENDRON at KGNVMC) <10394> Subject: DPPXYear 2000 Readiness Year 2000 Readiness of DPPX products can be found by entering "DPPX" as a search argument at URL: http://wwwyr2k.raleigh.ibm.com/cgi-bin/yr2kload/sw/year2000 This will return a report on the Readiness status of 79 products. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 09:16:54 on 98/02/05 GMT (by GBCAGE05 at ELINK) <10395> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Ken Please could I have a copy of your foils. My email is Jennifer_Currell@standardlife.com Thanks This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Jennifer Currell Standard Life ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 23:53:27 on 98/02/05 GMT (by ZAGORSKI at KGNVMC) <10396> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Ken, Could I get a copy of your presentation? If it's a VM file send it to zagorski at kgnvmc. If it is a pc file send it to zagorski@us.ibm.com. Thanks. Mike Zagorski ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:24:43 on 98/02/09 GMT (by TBURT at TORVM3) <10397> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Ken, I would also appreciate a copy of your presentation. My e-mail address is tburt@ca.ibm.com Thank you, Tom Burt ISM Toronto ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:59:56 on 98/02/10 GMT (by 72437085 at EHONE) <10398> Subject: maitenance for y2k ready programs In the product readiness report for a specific customer was indicated of 12 programs as year2000 ready. Does that mean that every 12 programs are in maintenance on 01/01/2000 and beyond ? Thank you in advance. Regards Horst Winkelmann ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:43:15 on 98/02/10 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) <10399> ..... YEAR2000 CFORUM modified at 16:14:57 on 98/02/10 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) <10400> Subject: maitenance for y2k ready programs Ref: Append at 10:59:56 on 98/02/10 GMT (by 72437085 at EHONE) If a product will be supported by IBM on 01/01/2000, then IBM has committed to make it at least year 2000 tolerant, and preferably year 2000 ready. That does *NOT* mean that any product that is year 2000 ready will be supported on 01/01/2000. A product could already have been announced as being dropped from support. Within the normal termination schedules, a product could be dropped or replaced by a new version. Given there are less then 22 months, it is unlikely any product on the list which has not already announced as being removed from support will be before 01/01/2000. Have I confused you? | For the "Official" IBM policy on this see | http://www.ibm.com/IBM/year2000/news/policy.html | on the internet. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:32:17 on 98/02/10 GMT (by MA00613 at ELINK) <10401> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) I would certainly appreciate it if you would send a copy of this presentation to me at the e-mail address listed below. Thanks! Larry Kahm Heliotropic Systems, Inc. e-mail: kahml@ibm.net "to boldly break software that no one had thought to before..." ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 14:31:45 on 98/02/11 GMT (by NRAY at ENDVM5) <10402> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 18:32:17 on 98/02/10 GMT (by MA00613 at ELINK) I would also like a copy of this presentation. Please send to NRAY@US.IBM.COM thanks, Jena END OF NOTE NRAY @ ENDVM5 (855-8653) IBM Global Services - SQV Software Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:41:33 on 98/02/11 GMT (by GMAPPLE at NYCVMIC1) <10403> Subject: year2000 assembler(BAL) issues: Which assemblers present y2k problems and what are those problems? Also which assemblers are y2k compliant? Where can I find information on these issues? ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 00:33:16 on 98/02/12 GMT (by AS103033 at ELINK) <10404> Subject: maitenance for y2k ready programs Ref: Append at 11:43:15 on 98/02/10 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) >Have I confused you? I have to admit confusion when I see products that are already out of service being declared y2k ready. One such product I know of has not been supported since 1996. IBM uses the term "Year 2000 ready" to refer to products that will function correctly into the 21st century. (Not my words.) How can something that may fail when the next PTF is applied to OS/390 be called y2k ready? Andy Wood This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Westpac Banking Corp ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:14:06 on 98/02/12 GMT (by 61821013 at VIEVMA) <10405> ..... YEAR2000 CFORUM modified at 09:02:02 on 98/02/13 GMT (by 61821013 at VIEVMA) <10408> Subject: Y2K-Readiness of 5685-036 As it is impossible for me to get the report out of the internet, I ask you to send me the extended report for this product: 5685-036 Electronic Data Interchange to my VM-ID: VIEVMA(61821013) Thanks in advance. | Thank You, Angus. Hermann Augesky Year 2000 & EURO Conversion Centre IBM Austria, Vienna ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:19:07 on 98/02/12 GMT (by ANGUSK at SYDVMXA2) <10406> Subject: Y2K-Readiness of 5685-036 Ref: Append at 08:14:06 on 98/02/12 GMT (by 61821013 at VIEVMA) Hermann I have forwarded a copy of the report to your VM ID. Kind Regards Year 2000 Technical Support Center - Asia Pacific ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:39:47 on 98/02/13 GMT (by MSHEWELL at SYDVMXA2) <10407> Subject: Processor Controller Year 2000 implications A customer has a 9121-621 processor with an 8580 (PS/2) machine as its Processor Controller. I am trying to find out if there are any Year 2000 implications with the Processor Controller. Obviously it is an old PS/2 which would not automatically roll over its century byte into the Year 2000, however I am not sure if this is an issue with a Processor Controller. Is the Processor Controller ever used to pass date information to the 9121? The reason why the customer was worried was due to the following statement in the Enterprise System/9000 Operating Guide (SA24-4361-03), Chapter 3-15: "When you select Enable Automatic TOD Setting, the TOD clock is set automatically from the clock in the processor controller during a power-on reset." Hope someone can help shed some light on this for me as to whether any action needs to be taken with the Processor Controller for it to be Year 2000 Ready. Regards, Mark. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:33:42 on 98/02/13 GMT (by 70627906 at EHONE) <10409> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR I would also like a copy of this presentation. Please send to F027906ëFR.IBM.COM ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:56:50 on 98/02/16 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) <10410> Subject: SMP/E Date window A number of SMP/E date fields still appear to contain 2 digit years (R 8) It is fairly obvious what years they represent, however I can not see anywhere in the SMP/E documentation where it details the window which SMP/E is using. Any guidance would be appreciated. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Standard Life (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:18:20 on 98/02/16 GMT (by KURTQ at KGNVMC) <10411> Subject: SMP/E Date window Ref: Append at 10:56:50 on 98/02/16 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) Sorry for the scarce documentation. I will ensure the SMP/E books are updated, along with the text for SMP/E APAR IR30804, with the following information: SMP/E uses a sliding window technique to determine whether one two-digit year is earlier or later than another two-digit year. The sliding window self-adjusts over time and uses the current year as an anchor. The window spans 100 years, and the current year anchor is positioned on the 80-year mark. For example, if the current year is 1998, then the 100 year window will be as illustrated below: <---------80---------><--19--> | | 18 - - - - - - - - - 98 - - 17 This means any two-digit year in the range 00-17 is considered chronologically later than any two-digit year in the range 18-99. Hope this is what you were looking for. Kurt Quackenbush -- SMP/E Development ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:22:05 on 98/02/17 GMT (by GAY at KGNVMC) <10412> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Please send a copy of this presentation to my VM userid: GAY @ KGNVMC. Thank you very much! Gay DeGraff, 8/320-9811 VM Program Products ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:11:37 on 98/02/17 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) <10413> Subject: IBM 9672 Y2K Datesource feature Ref: Append at 16:35:41 on 97/11/26 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) I am unable to locate detailed information on the Datesource feature. Can you advise where it is detailed. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Standard Life (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:25:22 on 98/02/17 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE) <10414> Subject: IBM 9672 Y2K Datesource feature Ref: Append at 15:11:37 on 98/02/17 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) Hi, Cut & paste from a MultiPrise announcement letter: YEAR 2000 SYSPLEX TEST DATESOURCE The year 2000 sysplex test datesource capablity allows definition of multiple logical partitions of a single CPC, In conjunction with ICMF, the S/390 Multiprise 2000 will function as a test parallel sysplex, with a synchronized time and date other than that of the production systems(s); this eliminates the need to dedicate an entire CPC for year 2000 testing of a multi-member parallel sysplex. This testing capability will also be available on S/390 Parallel Enterprise Servers, Generation 3, and Generation 4 systems in 4Q97. I presume this requires a specific EC lvl, but I didn't check which one. Jan Vanbrabant, VANBRABJ at BRUVMIS1 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:43:18 on 98/02/17 GMT (by 86211860 at EHONE) <10415> Subject: IBM 9672 Y2K Datesource feature Ref: Append at 15:25:22 on 98/02/17 GMT (by 62479255 at EHONE) Try the PR/SM Planning Guide (GA22-7236-02). Also have a look at APAR OW28604. Datasource requires DRIVER 98 microcode. Sim Schindel EMEA S/390 Parallel Center sim_schindel(a)fr.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 21:17:27 on 98/02/17 GMT (by 72437085 at EHONE) <10416> Subject: Info Data Tapes MVS, program no. 5665-955 This program consists of text data. It is declared Year 2000 Not Ready. The software service will be withdrawn effective 1998Q4. Does all that mean that the delivery of the data will be stopped this year ? Thank you for your answer in advance. Regards, Horst Winkelmann ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:52:03 on 98/02/18 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) <10417> Subject: OS/390 and other IBM SW/HW testing Could anyone provide insight into how OS/390 is integration tested, particularly in light of year 2000 date tests. If so: - What was the format of the tests - Function tests (check product functions regardless of date) - Date tests (verify dates return correct values) - Integration tests (verify prducts integrate regardless of date) - Full system test (Multiple O/S, Sysplex, CEC, network) - Dates - What dates were tested - How were dates set (LPAR, Sysplex timer, DateSource) - Testing tools - Scripting products such as TPNS or HVT - Time tweakers Any other relevant insight would also be appreciated This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Standard Life (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:14:51 on 98/02/18 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) <10418> Subject: OS/390 and other IBM SW/HW testing Ref: Append at 11:52:03 on 98/02/18 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) Answered in MVSESA forum. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support PS. It's not polite to cross-post the same question on multiple forums without at least telling people you have done it. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:26:57 on 98/02/18 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) <10419> Subject: OS/390 and other IBM SW/HW testing Ref: Append at 12:14:51 on 98/02/18 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) Aplogies Greg, I usually do. I did think however that there may have been 2 different slants on the testing front: - OS/390 function and integration tests - OS/390 year 2000 tests This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Standard Life (UK) 0131-245-7024 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:18:13 on 98/02/19 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) <10420> Subject: OS/390 and other IBM SW/HW testing Ref: Append at 11:52:03 on 98/02/18 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK) Peter At the ITSO here Poughkeepsie we exercised the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9672 Basic mode no Sysplex Timer - GMT W.05.00.00 with local at 18:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 Basic mode no Sysplex Timer - GMT E.11.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 Basic mode no Sysplex Timer - GMT W.00.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware and software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9672 LPAR mode no Sysplex Timer - GMT W.05.00.00 with local at 18:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode no Sysplex Timer - GMT E.11.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode no Sysplex Timer - GMT W.00.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware and software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer - GMT W.05.00.00 with local at 18:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer - GMT E.11.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer - GMT W.00.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware and software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (works the same without Sysplex Timer) One Logical Partition controlling its own logical TOD and XCFLOCAL - GMT W.05.00.00 with local at 18:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (works the same without Sysplex Timer) One Logical Partition controlling its own logical TOD and XCFLOCAL - GMT E.11.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (works the same without Sysplex Timer) One Logical Partition controlling its own logical TOD and XCFLOCAL - GMT W.00.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware and software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (same without Sysplex Timer) Two Logical Partition, using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature (and SIMETR) - GMT W.05.00.00 with local at 18:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (same without Sysplex Timer) Two Logical Partition, using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature (and SIMETR) - GMT E.11.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (same without Sysplex Timer) Two Logical Partition, using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature (and SIMETR) - GMT W.00.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware and software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (same without Sysplex Timer) One Logical Partition, using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature, XCFLOCAL - GMT W.05.00.00 with local at 18:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (same without Sysplex Timer) One Logical Partition, using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature, XCFLOCAL - GMT E.11.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 9672 LPAR mode with Sysplex Timer (same without Sysplex Timer) One Logical Partition, using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature, XCFLOCAL - GMT W.00.00.00 with local at 23:00:00 12/31/1999 - this is 1 hour before hardware and software y2k - OS/390 was OK for both GMT and Local up 23:59 12/31/199 and both into 01/01/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- We also exercised Feb 29 2000 (that there was a Feb 29 in year 2000) We also exercised that using the IBM 9672 Datesource feature that you cannot go beyond the TOD role over time (2041/2042). These exercises were performed from May through to October 1997. We also did some VM/ESA exercises. We also did a couple of quick checks for a New Zealand Y2K, because they will be running GMT E.13.00.00 on December 31 1999, they also worked OK (and they will be the first country to enter the year 2000). For all the exercises the date/time changes were performed with the IBM 9672 in a normal operating state. No IBM internal functions were were used for these exercises, only the IBM 9672 and the OS/390 externally published operational interfaces were used for making date/time changes. Our objective was to see that the: - IBM 9672 CPC TOD could be managed for those dates and times - IBM 9672 SE could be managed for those dates and times - IBM 9672 HMC could be managed for those dates and times - IBM 9037-002 could be managed for those dates and times (We did also use an IBM 9037-001 in some of the exercises) - OS/390 displays for those dates and times were correct (OS/390 was our 9672 CPC TOD monitor) So we generally used the New York, Sydney and Europe time zones, as they will be in Dec 1999, Jan 2000 and Feb 2000. Ken Trowell ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:52:18 on 98/02/22 GMT (by FUNSP at KULVM) <10423> Subject: Y2K LPAR & VTAM cross domain connection My customer has a Y2K LPAR but many of their VTAM terminals are physically connected to another LPAR which has a cross domain connection to the Y2K LPAR via a 3745. Any considerations for such a set up? Thanks in advance, S.P. IBM Malaysia ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:31:14 on 98/02/22 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) <10424> Subject: Y2K LPAR & VTAM cross domain connection Ref: Append at 07:52:18 on 98/02/22 GMT (by FUNSP at KULVM) Apart from DASD isolation, RACF password expirations, NONE. Ken Trowell ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:24:48 on 98/02/23 GMT (by TARDY at TORVM3) <10425> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Ken, could I get a copy of your presentation. Please send it to my VM id TARDY at TORVM3. Thanks, Daniel Tardy ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:58:54 on 98/02/23 GMT (by MRYSTEPH at TORVM3) <10426> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Ken, Please send me a copy of your presentation. Please send it to my VM id MRYSTEPH at TORVM3.I don't have internet FTP or Lotus Notes. Thanks, Maxine Rystephanick ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:58:04 on 98/02/24 GMT (by 62419510 at EHONE) <10427> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Please send a copy of this presentation to my VM userid: DECROTY at BRUVMIS1 Thank you very much! ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:05:11 on 98/02/24 GMT (by 86401452 at EHONE) <10428> Subject: Y2k issue when loading remote NCP's even with latest VTAM If I am not querying this with the correct forum please point me in the right direction. When one re-loads a remote Frame Relay attached NCP the following procedu 1) Dialup connection is established with the remote 3745/3720 2) Command : F NET,LOAD,ID=NCPxxx,ACTION=SETTIME,IPLTM=(DD/MM/YY),NOTIFY= This normally happens at some of my customers "dark" remote sites. The command format on VTAM V4R4 is as follows which still does not cater for a 4 digit Year field. IPLTIME=(date,time) specifies the time of the scheduled IPL. The format of the da entered is determined by the value specified on the DATEFORM s option. The valid possible values for this operand are:  DATEFORM=MDY (default); date format is mm/dd/yy. The delimiters can be either slash (/) or dash (-).  DATEFORM=DMY; date format is dd/mm/yy. The delimiters can either slash (/) or period (.).  DATEFORM=YMD; date format is yy/mm/dd. The delimiters can slash (/), period (.), or dash (-). For example, if DATEFORM=MDY is in effect, specify the IPL tim the form IPLTIME=(mm/dd/yy,hh:mm). ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:07:30 on 98/02/24 GMT (by BIGAND at CBEPROFS) <10429> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Reference : Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Please, could you also send me a copy of this presentation to my VM userid : BIGAND at CBEPROFS. Thank you very much. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:24:23 on 98/02/24 GMT (by ELMUMM at CHGVMIC1) <10430> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 10:22:05 on 98/02/17 GMT (by GAY at KGNVMC) Ken, Please send a copy of the Y2K Lpar guide to my VM reader CHGVMIC1(ELMUMM) Thanks, Eland ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:36:29 on 98/02/25 GMT (by 70669016 at EHONE) <10431> Subject: Which Clocks informations can a program get in a Year2000 LPAR ? Hello, Customer is going to implement a Year2000 Logical Partition. He told me that he would probably have some problem to test a specific application that uses the "Hardware Clock". I'm quite surprised with what customer said, and I would like to obtain some precisions about Clocks. As the 9672 runs in LPAR Mode, each partition has its own Logical TOD Clock. When he will IPL the Year2000 Partition, and reply to the IEA888A message with something like R 00,DATE=2000.001,CLOCK=17.00.00,GMT , this will cause the Year2000 Partition Logical TOD to be set (it will be the Partition "GMT/UTC Time"). Then he will eventually give LOCAL time information... So, after IPL, this Logical Partition "GMT Time" and Local Time will both be in year 2000; the PHYSICAL TOD Clock being not changed (date in 1998). => Now my question : Can an application program obtain the PHYSICAL TOD Clock information via some specific instruction like STCK, TIME macro, or something else ? ie can a program get a time information that is in fact "out of the Logical Partition" (in this case it would be a 1998 date) ? Or can it only obtain the LOGICAL TOD clock information (or the Local Time...) of the Logical Partition in which this program is running (in this case it would be only year 2000 dates, and there should be no problem with the customer application program) ? Thanks a lot for help. Gildas Le H{naff - IBM France ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:15:52 on 98/02/25 GMT (by GAD at KGNVMC) <10432> Subject: Which Clocks informations can a program get in a Year2000 LPAR ? Ref: Append at 15:36:29 on 98/02/25 GMT (by 70669016 at EHONE) Any program running in a LPAR partition will *always* get the time associated with that partition. Many people say they use the "physical" time in the processor, when they mean they are using STCK to obtain it. This, however, always returns the partition logical time which *is* the physical time as far as that partition is concerned. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 02:05:53 on 98/02/26 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) <10433> Subject: Which Clocks information can a program get in a Year2000 LPAR ? Ref: Append at 15:36:29 on 98/02/25 GMT (by 70669016 at EHONE) Your #1 question was: >> Can an application program obtain the PHYSICAL TOD Clock information >> via some specific instruction like STCK, TIME macro, or something >> else ? ie can a program get a time information that is in fact "out >> of the Logical Partition" (in this case it would be a 1998 date) ? The answer to your #1 questions is: NO (see answer to your question 2) Your #2 question was: >> Or can it only obtain the LOGICAL TOD clock information (or the >> Local Time...) of the Logical Partition in which this program is >> running (in this case it would be only year 2000 dates, and there >> should be no problem with the customer application program) ? The answer to your #2 questions is: You are correct, the STCK instruction will only obtain the TOD information from the LOGICAL PARTITIONS LOGICAL TOD, which will be GMT/UTC settings for that logical partition (ie for you a year 2000 TOD value). Local time only comes from the SCP, which will be the GMT/UTC value (from the logical partitions logical TOD), plus the time zone and offset values (for this SCP). Ken Trowell ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:50:40 on 98/02/26 GMT (by DEXDAK01 at ELINK) <10434> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ref: Append at 00:14:05 on 98/01/31 GMT (by TROWELL at WTSCPOK) Ken, may I also get a copy of your Y2K presentation (or is it available via Internet/WWW)?? Thanks in advance, Helmut This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Helmut Roebbelen, DAK Hamburg System Programmer (MVS, JES3 etc.) Phone : 0049 +40 2396-1920, Fax: 0049 +40 2396-2230 Internet: SYSPROG@DAK.DE ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:58:11 on 98/02/26 GMT (by 70669016 at EHONE) <10435> Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Ken, Like many others, I'm very interested in your presentation; so If you could send it to me (70669016 at EHONE) it would surely be very helpful. Customers ask lots of questions on this subject (not surprising...). Thanks for your help. Gildas Le Henaff - IBM France ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:00:02 on 98/02/26 GMT (by CHO at CANVM2) <10436> Subject: test plans Hi, would anybody have Y2000 test plan(s) for your IMS, CICS, DB2, MQSeries systems that you wouldn't mind sharing with me please? With thanks, Betty Cho - IBM Canada. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:24:00 on 98/02/26 GMT (by 836194 at PKMFGVM3) <10437> Subject: Date Testing Does anyone have any information on date testing and scheduling ? I.E. how do they go about the mechanics of cycling through all the dates ? THANKS : Marty Gordon, Customer Account Manager IBM Global Services Service Delivery Center North