At this point you will have ftped the following two files from the IBM FTP server to a directory (for example /Service) on your z/OS system: S0023.pax.Z (binary transfer mode) S0023.README.TXT To restore the pax archive of zWebSphere V6: 1. Verify that your zWebSphere file systems are mounted at /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V6R0/ /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V6R0/downloads2 If not you will need to modify the -s string on the following pax command to reflect your directory structure. 2. From an id that has super user authority as well as access to the facility classes BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL, BPX.FILEATTR.APF and BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB, issue the following command from OMVS: /bin/pax -rv -pe -f /Service/S0023.pax.Z -s#/CPACP/OS161223/#/usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V6R0/# The directory /Service represents the temporary directory you are storing the pax archive S0023.pax.Z in. The -s parameter strips off the order directory /CPACP/OS161223 from the archive and substitutes the zWebsphere product path. Modify the string to reflect your directory structure. You can redirect the stdout and stderr to files by adding 2>/Service/stdout 3>/Service/stderr to the above command. Wait for pax command to complete in OMVS. 2. Using your SMP/E Dialogs verify the following ptfs have been APPLYed and ACCEPTed into the zone zWebSphere V6 is installed: UK01437 UK01438 UK01439 UK01440 UK01441 UK01443 UK01444 UK01491 UK01494 UK01497 UK01505 UK01555 UK01567 If your CSI is missing any of the above PTFs you will need to install them to synchronize your SMP/E zones with the Websphere product level shipped in the pax archive. 3. Using your SMP/E Dialogs verify if you have APPLYed and/or ACCEPTed any of the following ptfs: UK02500 UK02501 UK02502 UK04303 UK04304 If so you will need to reinstall them to synchronize your Websphere product libraries with the service level recorded in your SMP/E zones.