This directory (C/370) contains a directory of free samples ... directory is called "samples". Each 'instance' of a sample will have its own subdirectory. Each sample will be in EBCDIC form ... including any README files that go with it. All files should therefore be downloaded in BINARY format, then uploaded to the host in BINARY format to preserve the integrity of the data (translation from EBCDIC to ASCII, then back to EBCDIC tends to transform some hex characters). Directory 'news' contains the latest C/370 Newsletter; directory 'oldnews' contains the back-level versions of the newsletter. We hope you can make use of what is provided here - should you have any suggestions for improvements, please drop a line to or CAIBMRXZ at IBMMAIL, and we'll be happy to listen. Thanks, IBM C/C++/390 (aka C/370)