WebSphere Voice Response For Windows: APAR Fixes ------------------------------------------------ This directory contains APAR fixes made available since CSD 3 for release 3.1 of WebSphere Voice Response for Windows. Each fix is available as a self extracting executable having the same name as the APAR and containing a readme.txt file. Download the fix you require to a temporary directory on your PC and execute it to extract the updated files. Follow the instructions in the extracted readme.txt to apply the fix. APAR Description ------- ----------------- IC36071 Timestamps in WVR Messages and logs ignore daylight saving time. IC36078 DWA Fails if more than 2000 characters entered for segment text field. IC36106 After CSD2/3 User Actions from T-REXX fail with EXH4019 Action is invalid. IC36129 DWA does not process application names containing underscores correctly. IC36149 Reco failures with sub second async plays and voice bargein. IC36341 Simultaneous inbound calls for DTBE default application can hang on dual cpu system. IC36382 Inbound line to VoiceXML application is not released when caller hangs up. IC36802 Line hangs following re-record or importVoiceHost during segment play. IC37336 Trap after ts_ecstartrec 912 errors. IC37550 Support for Aculab Revision 2 PM Daughterboard IC37572 Javacore in DWA testing module containing string, date, time, number, etc. IC37919 VoiceXML can truncate playing of long voice segments during high activity. IC38382 Initial Timeout value reset to zero when loading context profile in DWA. IC38391 Variable format ANI/DNIS data cannot be accessed by the Java layer. IC38442 Node Manager abends when trying to view Application Statistics Log. IC38448 DTJSTOP does not quiesce system when calls are active. IC38686 Cannot catch error.com.ibm.configuration.TTS error in VoiceXML IC46844 When caller hangs up during VoiceXML DTJ6300 error.semantic is output.