IBM WebSphere Voice Response for Windows NT and Windows 2000 ServicePak IP22669 README File =============================================================================== Welcome to WebSphere Voice Response for Windows Version 3.1.4 This README contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications; it includes helpful hints, tips, restrictions and corrections. In many cases, this reflects features or functions which were changed or added after the documentation went to publication. This README is divided into the following sections: 1. General information and installation instructions 2. Description of new WebSphere Voice Response function 3. Known Problems PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- This release provides new functionality and service to WebSphere Voice Response for Windows version 3.1 base code, program number 5724-C35. Unlike previous releases the packaging of this update consists of two installation CDs. New functionality and updates included in this service release include: o Support for Intel Dialogic E1 telephony cards D/300JCT-E1 and D/600JCT-2E1 (E&M CAS and FXS/LS CAS protocols only). o Support for new Aculab universal E1/T1 network cards. o Support for new JAVA programming API. o Updated Intel Dialogic software drivers; System Release 5.1.1 plus Feature Pack 1. o Updated Aculab software drivers; 5.10.1. o Updated License Use Management (LUM) package to version 4.6.6. o Revised documentation (HTML + PDF). This includes updated versions of; General Information and Planning Guide, Installation Guide, Problem Solving Guide, and the new publication Developing Java Applications (for developing applications using WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) or WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)). New function introduced in previous ServicePaks and also shipped in this ServicePak: o Support of Intel Dialogic D/120-JCT Rev 2 telephony hardware. o Support for VoiceXML Fetchaudio property. o Support of Australian English for VoiceXML programs. o Support for improved management of the Java/VoiceXML log file. o Support for the VoiceXML 2.0 feature to specify the language of a TTS prompt. o Support for User Definable Termination Tones. o Support of WebSphere Voice Server version 3.1. o Support for two trunks worth of concurrent VR/TTS applications on a suitably powered WebSphere Voice Response system. o Support for the VoiceXML tag, including the ability to invoke Java voice applications (written using JavaBeans) directly from within a VoiceXML dialog. o Support for multilingual VoiceXML applications. o Support for Brazilian Portuguese Java Beans applications. o Support for Canadian French and Brazilian Portuguese VoiceXML applications. o Support for precompiled grammars in VoiceXML. o Support for N-best and confidence level in VoiceXML. o Support for Intel Dialogic D/320-JCT telephony hardware Updated software for the following products introduced in previous ServicePaks and also shipped in this ServicePak: o IBM Developer Kit for Windows (Java 1.3.1 Service Release 3) o IBM Object Rexx Interpreter Edition Warnings and Notes ------------------ Warnings: This ServicePak is for installation on the following product and versions ONLY: o IBM WebSphere Voice Response for Windows NT and Windows 2000 version 3.1 o IBM WebSphere Voice Response for Windows NT and Windows 2000 version 3.1 with an earlier ServicePak applied Do not install it on any other version, and do not install this ServicePak if a later one has already been installed. Notes: This document references the installation media for this ServicePak as being a two CD set. If the ServicePak has been downloaded from another source, please substitute all further references to the CD media with the root directory of where the ServicePak is now stored. Procedure to Determine Installed WebSphere Voice Response for Windows Version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a currently installed version of WebSphere Voice Response for Windows, the version can be obtained by running the Voice Response Configuration program and selecting Help -> Product Information from the menu bar. The version number is displayed beneath the product name, and should be either 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, or 3.1.3. Installing Aculab Device Drivers 5.10.1 --------------------------------------- This ServicePak requires the current version of Aculab Device Drivers to be version 5.10.1. These device drivers are shipped in this ServicePak. In addition to including latest fixes, these drivers incorporate support for the new Aculab Universal E1/T1 network card introduced into production by Aculab in July 2003. As with the 5.9.1 release these drivers are shipped as two separate install packages, one for Windows 2000 and the other for Windows NT. Both install packages can be found in subdirectories of the "\Aculab\Aculab Configuration Tool" directory of the ServicePak CD Disk 1. Prior to installation of the Aculab 5.10.1 drivers, ensure that any existing Aculab drivers (5.8.0 or 5.9.1) are uninstalled from the system. Before uninstalling the existing drivers, it is recommended that the PATH environment variable is backed up, as total path deletion has been occasionally observed. Refer to known problems section for instructions on how to backup the path statement. When configuring ISA cards under Windows 2000, additional Aculab software installation steps are required prior to running the Aculab Configuration tool. Please refer to Appendix A of the revised WebSphere Voice Response Installation Guide for full installation and configuration instructions for Aculab 5.10.1. Installing Aculab VisualCallGen ------------------------------- The ServicePak CD (Disk 1) also contains a revised version of the Aculab VisualCallGen application for testing and validation of Aculab E1/T1 telephony installations prior to installation of WebSphere Voice Response. If an earlier version has been installed on the system then it should be uninstalled first prior to installing the latest version. Installing Intel Dialogic System Release Drivers 5.1.1 plus Feature Pack 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This ServicePak requires the current version of Dialogic Device Drivers to be version 5.1.1 with Feature Pack 1. Furthermore, if Dialogic E1 telephony cards are to be used (D/300JCT-E1 or D/600JCT-2E1) then the GlobalCall 4.0 CAS prototocol package is also required. Feature Pack 1 includes the latest set of fixes and support for Dialogic cards, and also provides the expected platform for the GlobalCall 4.0 CAS protocol package. However, it does require more system resources than previous Dialogic releases; approximately 1GByte of disk space and approximately 150 Mbyte of system memory (approximately 1 Mbyte per telephony line/channel). If this cannot be accommodated in the target system and Dialogic E1 telephony cards are not going to be used then installing just 5.1.1 base software is sufficient. Prior to installing the Dialogic 5.1.1 drivers, ensure that any existing Dialogic drivers are un-installed from the system. Please refer to the revised WebSphere Voice Response Installation Guide for full installation and configuration instructions for Dialogic 5.1.1, Feature Pack 1, GlobalCall 4.0, and service updates. Installing IBM Developer Kit for Windows (Java 1.3.1 Service Release 3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This ServicePak requires the current version of Java SDK installed on the WebSphere Voice Response machine to be "IBM Developer Kit, Java 2, 1.3.1" (Java 1.3.1 Service Release 3). This version had been updated in a previous 3.1 ServicePak and should only be installed if not previously installed. The installation package is included on the ServicePak CD Disk 1 within the \JAVA directory. Prior to installation of Java version 1.3.1 Service Release 3, you should uninstall any existing Java version installed on the machine. WebSphere Voice Response for Windows previously shipped "IBM Cross Platform Technologies for Windows V2.0" (Java 1.3.0) with version 3.1 and "IBM Developer Kit, Java 2, 1.3.1" (Java 1.3.1 Service Release 2) with ServicePak 1. To determine the current version of Java installed on your WebSphere Voice Response machine, open a command prompt window, and type: Java -version A response of J2RE IBM build cn131-20021102 indicates that the installed version is 1.3.1, service level 3. The number after the hyphen is the build date, so if the JRE installed on your system was produced at a later date, you already have the required level of the software. To install Java 1.3.1 Service Release 3: 1. Move to the \JAVA directory and run install.exe 2. When asked, select your required installation language. 3. Follow the on screen prompts to complete installation Installing License Use Management (LUM) --------------------------------------- This ServicePak requires the current version of License Use Management (LUM) to be version 4.6.6. The previously supplied version (4.6.2) should be uninstalled from the system before installing the newer version. Please refer to the revised WebSphere Voice Response Installation Guide for installation instructions for the IBM License Use Management package. Installing IBM Object Rexx Interpreter Edition ------------------------------------------------------ This ServicePak requires the current version of IBM Object Rexx Interpreter to be version This version update has already been included in an earlier ServicePak and need only be installed if your system has not already been updated to version This update is only required if you are running TREXX applications, and requires version 2.1 to already be installed on your system. Object Rexx version 2.1 was originally shipped with WebSphere Voice Response version 3.1, and should have been installed as part of the base 3.1 installation. To check your current installed version of REXX, open a command prompt window and type: rexx -version and confirm that the release is version 2.1. To install the service release over version 2.1: 1. Move to the \OBJREXX directory on the ServicePak CD-ROM (Disk 2). 2. Run orxi211u.exe 3. When asked, select your required installation language. 4. If prompted to terminate the Object REXX memory manager, select YES. 5. Follow the on screen prompts to complete installation Note. When installing Object Rexx 2.1.1 service pack over Object Rexx 2.1 on Windows NT, the following error message may occur: 1604: This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (INSTMSIW.EXE) required to run the installation on this operating system. This messages indicates that the Object Rexx service pack requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows Installer to be present on the machine before the Object Rexx service pack can be applied. Download the latest version of Microsoft Windows Installer from: Once downloaded, run InstMsiW.exe to install the latest version of Windows Installer on your WebSphere Voice Response system. Once the Windows Installer install package has completed, run orxi211u.exe again to install Object Rexx Installing WebSphere Voice Response for Windows ServicePak ---------------------------------------------------------- Before you can install this ServicePak you must have previously installed IBM WebSphere Voice Response for Windows NT or Windows 2000 version 3.1 If an earlier ServicePak has already been installed on the system you may install this ServicePak on top of the previous ServicePak. If a previous ServicePak has not already been applied, then only this ServicePak need be applied as WebSphere Voice Response for Windows ServicePaks are cumulative. To install the ServicePak: 1. Close any running WebSphere Voice Response applications and stop the main GSI node. 2. Insert the ServicePak CD (Disk 1) into the CD-ROM drive on your personal computer. 3. Install the WebSphere Voice Response ServicePak by opening the root directory of the CD-ROM and double clicking on the Setup Launcher SETUP.EXE If WebSphere Voice Response for Windows was originally installed by an Administrator, then you must have administrator rights to install the ServicePak. You will be asked whether you want to back up any files that are updated. Click the Yes button to back up the files, or the No button if you do not want a backup. Notes: (1) If you do not back up the files, you will not be able to uninstall the ServicePak. (2) Only one level of backup is available, so after applying this ServicePak you can restore the previous version, if you back it up on installation. It is then not possible to restore earlier ServicePaks without removing and reinstalling the product and then re-applying the required ServicePak. 4. After the ServicePak has been installed, WebSphere Voice Response configuration MUST be run. Normally this will run automatically after all of the files have been transferred to the workstation and just before the installation program completes. If you are in a special situation and manually edit the GSI configuration file, you must first run the WebSphere Voice Response configuration before the manual editing. Do not use an old copy from a previous configuration. 5. WebSphere Voice Response for Windows with the ServicePak is ready for use. Procedure for Removing the ServicePak ------------------------------------- If you decide you wish to remove the ServicePak after it has been installed, you can do so provided the backup option was used when the ServicePak was installed. To remove the ServicePak: 1. Close all the WebSphere Voice Response sessions and stop the node. 2. Open the CD-ROM drive object on your personal computer and double click on the Setup Launcher SETUP.EXE. 3. Follow the screen prompts to complete the uninstallation, specifying that you want to undo the update. 4. WebSphere Voice Response for Windows without the ServicePak is ready for use. PART II: DESCRIPTION OF NEW WEBSPHERE VOICE RESPONSE FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------- Revised documentation --------------------- The softcopy documentation supplied with WebSphere Voice Response for Windows has been updated in this ServicePak. The HTML documentation, if originally selected as part of the base 3.1 installation, is installed onto the WebSphere Voice Response system. The revised documentation is also shipped in PDF format on the ServicePak CD (Disk 1). The PDF documentation is not installed as part of the ServicePak, and can be found in the \DOCS\PDF directory of the ServicePak CD (Disk 1). Support for Intel Dialogic E1 Telephony cards --------------------------------------------- Included for the first time in this release is support for single and dual trunk Dialogic E1 SpringWare cards (D/300JCT-E1 and D/600JCT-2E1). These cards combine both voice processing and digital networking interface logic on a single card. This reduces the hardware and PC slot requirements compared with previous releases (which for E1 required an Aculab network card plus a D/320 voice card for each E1 trunk). The only supported E1 CAS protocols are E&M and FXS/LS. Both protocols support hookflash transfer capability. The Intel Dialogic GlobalCall 4.0 package must be installed to enable support for CAS protocols. If Echo Cancellation resources are required then as with previous releases, additional Dialogic EC resource cards (e.g. D/320JCT) are required. For details on installing and configuring the new Dialogic E1 cards refer to the updated edition of the Installation Guide. Support for new Aculab universal E1/T1 network cards ---------------------------------------------------- By incorporating Aculab software release 5.10.1, this release supports the new Aculab universal E1 and T1 PCI network cards. The IBM part numbers (see General Information and Planning guide) remain unchanged but can now reference a universal network card. E1 (CAS and ISDN) and T1 (ISDN) protocols are selected and configured using the Aculab Configuration Tool. Please refer to the WebSphere Voice Response Installation Guide (Appendix A) for details on configuring Aculab cards. Support for new Java programming API ------------------------------------ This release includes support for the new open API for the Java Programming API. This interface provides all functionality of existing Java beans (except for User Actions) with new Java wrappers. The same Java code base is used as that of Servicepak 3.1.3 but with some fixes to known defects. For details on using the new Java API refer to the new publication Developing Java Applications (GC34-6318-01). Support for improved management of the Java/VoiceXML log file ------------------------------------------------------------- Additional functionality has been added to the product to allow for better management of the NodeName.out files. This functionality is disabled by default, so no change to current operations will be seen. The new functionality will backup the NodeName.out file, once it is at or above a predefined limit, to a file called NodeName.out.YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS, where YYYY is the year, MM the month, DD the day, and HHMMSS represents the current time. A new NodeName.out file will then be created. It is the user's responsibility to maintain the file system. When the system is stopped and restarted, the NodeName.out* files from the previous run are backed up, with the extension .bak added to the file names. Any previous backup files are deleted. The log files are currently cycled when they reach 5MB in size. The output to the file is written on a line basis, so the exact file size may be a little over this value. The following details how to enable this new functionality: - edit dtj.ini and add the following line: log.usenewformat=true - stop the system, using dtjstop and dtjshost -exit. - Restart the HostManager (dtjshost) and the Nodes (dtjstart). Support for the VoiceXML 2.0 feature to specify the language of a TTS prompt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The VoiceXML 2.0 feature to allow specification of the language of a TTS prompt has been implemented in the VoiceXML 1.0 browser shipped with WVR. If a locale is specified on a tag this will be honoured, assuming the available TTS engines are appropriately configured. Thus the following example will use both the US English and German TTS engines:
Welcome. Wilkommen.
Note: Other than this feature, VoiceXML 2.0 is not supported by WVR for Windows. Furthermore, if VoiceXML applications are developed using the Voice Toolkit then version 4.1.1 should be used (version 4.2 is not supported). Support for User Definable Termination Tones -------------------------------------------- User defined termination tones have been included to allow up to ten new user definable tone definitions to be detected during a call (using Dialogic Global Tone Detection). These tone definitions can be used to recognise far end generated tones such as those produced by answer machines etc. On recognition of one of the user defined termination tones, a DTMF value in the range 'E'' through 'N' is returned to the calling voice application to signify which user tone has being detected. These new tones are defined within the "Tone Detection Definitions" section of the "Voice Response Telephony Server Configuration" tool. Within this application , a new tone class called "User (Term)" has been included to the existing classes of "Busy", "Ringback", "FAX/Modem" and "Hangup (HUP)" Up to 10 new tone definitions can be included, each of which will be allocated to all configured telephony line during WebSphere Voice Response for Windows initialisation. User defined tones are added in the same manner as existing tone definitions, however the "Tone ID" allocated must be a single digit in the range 'E' through 'N'. The "Tone ID" value reflects the DTMF value which will be presented to the voice application on detection of the tone. These tones will be detected and presented in the same manner as the existing DTMF tones '0' through '9', 'A' through 'D', '#' and '*' when used as termination characters during actions such as playing voice segments and/or getting DTMF tone details. Using user terminated tones in VoiceXML --------------------------------------- A VoiceXML application can play audio segments using the tag. Detected user tones definitions can be caught during play by the use of the