IBM WebSphere Voice Response for Windows NT and Windows 2000 with DirectTalk Technology. CSD 4. Download Instructions. ================================================================== The files provided here supply CSD 4 (PTF IP22669) for IBM WebSphere Voice Response for Windows NT and Windows 2000 with DirectTalk Technology Release 3.1. This CSD changes the code modification level to 3.1.4. This CSD comprises two CD images and each CD is represented here by a downloadable zip file in the form of a self-extracting exe. As an alternative to downloading large files this CSD may be ordered from through your IBM service representative using the PTF number above. disk1.exe contains the following: o WVR product update o Adobe Reader 6.0 o Aculab 5.10.1 Drivers o Dialogic System Release 5.1.1 o IBM Java 1.3.1 Service Release 3 o License Use Management (LUM) version 4.6.6. o Documentation disk2.exe contains the following: o Dialogic Feature Pack 1 o Dialogic GlobalCall 4.0 o Dialogic Service o DTSIM 3.1.4 o ObjectRexx Update (unchanged from previous CSD). Depending on the configuration the second CD image may not be required. More information on this and on the above components is contained in the ReadMe file. For those who do not require the second CD image but would still like to download the Simulator or Object Rexx update these are available in the following files: dtsim.exe o Contains the Java/VoiceXML WVR Simulator objrexx.exe o Contains the Object Rexx update. Download the files you require to a temporary directory and execute them. Due to the size of some of the files it is recommended that you use a file transfer utility that can resume the download in the event of a break in transmission. There are a number of such utilities available. On executing the files you will be prompted for a directory to unpack them. It is suggested you select an empty directory to make file cleanup easier. They will unpack into a directory tree similar to that on the CD-ROM version of the CSD. Follow the instructions provided in the readme.doc file (or readme.txt above) and installation guide to continue the installation. References to the CD-ROM in readme.doc should be substituted by the temporary directory where you have unpacked the images. Trademarks and Service Marks ============================ The following terms are trademarks or service marks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM, WebSphere, DirectTalk. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. END OF FILE