Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Searching a remote z/OS system

You can search through a z/OS® system for files or files that contain a search string.

Before you begin
You must first successfully connect to the remote system.
About this task
To search for a file on a z/OS system, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Search window by doing one of the following:
    1. Click the Search button in the toolbar.
    2. Press Ctrl+H.
    3. Select Search > Search from the menu bar.
    4. In the Remote Systems view or z/OS Projects view, right-click the file or container you want to search and then select Search form the pop-up menu.
  2. Click the Remote z/OS Search tab.
  3. Specify the search scope by following these steps:
    1. Click the Browse button. The Select Search Scope window opens.
    2. Select the remote system or container you want to search and click OK.
    Note: The Search button is not activated until a search scope is specified.
  4. In the Search string field, enter the text you want to search for in the files in your search scope. To perform a file name search, leave this field blank (or simply enter * in the field). To search within a file (you are using a file as your search scope), you must specify a search string in this field.
  5. Start of changeOptional: To perform a case-sensitive or bidirectional search, select one of the following check boxes next to the Search string field:
    • Case sensitive finds only strings that match the case in which you enter the search string.
    • Visual Format allows you to enter bidirectional search strings in visual order (allows you to type a search string right to left).
    Note: Start of changeRemote z/OS search does not support regular expression searches.End of change
    End of change
  6. Click the Data set name, Member name, or Data set name/member name button and enter the file names you want to search.
  7. Optional: Select the following check boxes:
    • Include migrated to search through migrated data sets.
    • Include offline volumes to search through MVS™ volumes that are offline.
    • Include additional qualifiers to search outside of your defined filters (but within your defined high-level qualifiers).
    • Run in background to continue to use the workbench while the search is executing. A progress indicator opens in the status bar of the workbench as you continue working.
  8. Optional: Set a value in the Search results limit field for the maximum number of files for the search query to return.
  9. Click Search.
The Search window closes and the Remote z/OS Search view opens, listing the search results. You can double-click files listed in this view to open them in the editor. If you request a search for text within files, the files listed in this view can be expanded by clicking the + next to their names. The lines matching the specified search string are listed beneath these files. You can double-click a line number to open the corresponding file and position the cursor at that line.

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