Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Installing help content locally using the Local Help Updater and the RDz7.6_updateSite.zip file

If you are not going to use remote help to access the help content from the Web, you must install the help content locally. This topic explains how to install the help content using the Local Help System Updater and the RDz7.6_updateSite.zip file provided in the install image.

Before you begin
During installation, the help access option, Download help and access the content locally, was selected.
About this task
Before using the help for the product, you have to install the help to your local system.

To install the help content on the workstation using the Local Help System Updater, complete the following steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the file RDz7.6_updateSite.zip to a temporary location on your system. This file is available on the Developer for System z documentation CD. Remember this location.
  2. Open Developer for System z, click Help > Local Help Updater. The Local Help Updater opens.
  3. Specify the location of the extracted RDz7.6_updateSite.zip file.
    1. Select the Internal Sites tab.
    2. Select the + icon to add a location.
    3. Select Local.
    4. Type a name for the site.
    5. Click Browse and browse to the location where you extracted the contents of RDz7.6_updateSite.zip.
    6. Click OK. A progress bar opens and tracks the status as the Local Help Updater searches for the available features included in the RDz7.6_updateSite.zip file.
  4. The Available Features list is populated with a list of the help that is available for download. select IBM Rational Developer for System z Documentation.
  5. Click Install. A progress bar opens and tracks the status of the install.
  6. When the installation is complete, open the help in the product by selecting Help > Help Contents.
The help that you selected is installed on your system.

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