Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Limitation: A Web service generated from a service flow project cannot call itself (recursive call)

A Web service generated from a service flow project cannot call itself, either directly or indirectly. In general, the service flow project tools do not allow you to create a recursive invocation of a flow, that is, a flow invoking itself, either directly or through intermediate calls.

However, the service flow project tools currently do not detect the following type of recursion:

In this situation: The flow editor does not detect the recursion when you create it and does not display an error message. You can successfully generate runtime code for the CICS® Service Flow Runtime and deploy the Web service (WS01). When you run the Web service (WS01), the invocation to the second Web service (WS02) is successful. However, the recursive invocation (from WS02 back to WS01) fails.

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