Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Generating WSBind with the new WSBind parameters introduced in CICS TS 4.1

Enterprise Service Tools Single service projects provide support for the new CICS® Web Services WSBind parameters (REQUEST-CHANNEL, RESPONSE-CHANNEL, DATETIME & DATA-TRUNCATION) in CICS TS 4.1.

This feature adds a graphical user interface and batch processor options that allows users to generate WSBind with the new WSBind parameters introduced in CICS TS 4.1. In previous versions, it was possible to create a Web service provider from a language structure with one container only, typically DFHWS-DATA. CICS Transaction Server V 4.1 introduced the capability to create a Web service provider from an application that uses many containers on a channel. Also, it added support on how the XML elements of the xsd:dateTime type are mapped into the CICS ASKTIME format and how truncated data is treated by the CICS native conversion mechanism.

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