Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Web-based help content

The Developer for System z help system is configured to use remote help so that you can pull in content from the Web dynamically. With remote help, you always have the latest content available from within Developer for System z. Some help systems are not configured to access help content on the Web; in such cases, help content is included with the installation.

You can obtain help three ways. One of these options is best for you, depending on your needs and situation:

You can change your access decision at any time. If you install multiple products together, you can use different locations for the help for each product, depending on installation footprint, frequency of use, and internet policies. If internet speed is an issue, a longer one-time download and local access might be preferable. Later help updates include only differences.

If you are an administrator and you want users to access help content from an intranet server, see the Installation Manager information center for instructions on how to install the help WAR file on a server. In the Installation Manager information center, select Enterprise installation articles -> Delivering help content from an intranet server.

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