Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Implementation of Extract actions and Insert actions

This topic describes how Extract actions and Insert actions are implemented in a recorded flow.

Recall that an Invoke screen operation node specifies the information required to manage the transition from one application screen to the next. The input actions (Input actions, AID key actions, and Insert actions apply to the currently displayed application screen. The output actions (Extract actions) apply to the next application screen displayed. (See Screen operation in the Developer for System z information center.)

When an Invoke screen operation node is performed the runtime environment processes the information in the associated screen operation in the following order:
  1. It performs the input actions on the currently displayed screen:
    1. It performs the Insert actions (if any).
    2. It performs the Input actions (if any).
    3. It performs the AID key.
  2. It waits for the host to send the next application screen.
  3. It does screen recognition by comparing each screen in the next screen list to the next application screen until it finds a match.
  4. It selects the output terminal associated with the recognized screen description.
  5. It performs the output actions on the newly displayed application screen:
    1. It performs the Extract actions (if any).
The flow of control then passes to the next node in the flow.

The input actions (Input actions, AID key action, and Insert action) are implemented as mappings in the mapping routine associated with the input terminal of the Invoke screen operation node (see How actions are implemented in mappings: AID key, Input, Extract, and Insert in the Developer for System z information center).

The output actions (Extract actions) are implemented as mappings in the mapping routine associated with selected output terminal (see How actions are implemented in mappings: AID key, Input, Extract, and Insert in the Developer for System z information center).

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