Rational Developer for System z, Version 7.6

Creating MTOM/XOP-based Web service providers

Enterprise Service Tools Single service projects provide support for creating MTOM/XOP-based Web service providers from both CICS® commarea and channel-based applications.

MTOM (Message Transformation Optimization Mechanism) is an abstract specification that describes, among other things, a technique to optimize SOAP messages where binary objects are used to carry data instead of the typical XML payload. XOP (XML-binary Optimization Package) describes how those binary objects, which were attached using MTOM, can be represented in binary octets instead of base64. Using MTOM/XOP, a Web service requester and provider can exchange request and response language structures in binary format without having to use an intermediate XML representation. While SOAP messages are still used in this configuration, the body of the messages are brief, essentially containing a single XML element that references a binary attachment. To enable a CICS application as an MTOM/XOP Web service, specify the scenario "Create New MTOM/XOP Service Interface" when creating Web services for CICS Single service projects.

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