Instructions for completing the EGL install of WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Interim Fix 0006


  • New Fixes in Interim Fix 006
  • This fixes various problems in EGL Debugger, EGL generation/runtime, and VA Generator to EGL migration
  • New Fixes in Interim Fix 006:

  1. If you are migrating from VisualAge Generator, you must reinstall the Stage 1 Migration Tool that runs on VisualAge Generator Developer as follows:

    • If you use VisualAge Generator on Java, do the following:

      • Make sure VisualAge Generator on Java is shut down.
      • Run the self-extracting file VAGenMigJava.exe and point to your VAGen install directory. You can find VAGenMigJava.exe in <install_directory>\bin
      • Add the migration feature as described in Chapter 4 of the VisualAge Generator to Enterprise Generation Language Migration Guide. You do not need to delete the old version of the migration feature -- just add the new version.
      • If you have previously run migrations, clean out the migration database by running setupTables.bat as described in Appendix G, section "Resetting the migration database".

    • If you use VisualAge Generator on Smalltalk, do the following:

      • Make sure VisualAge Generator on Smalltalk is shut down.
      • Run the self-extracting file VAGenMigST.exe and point to your VAGen install directory. You can find VAGenMigST.exe in <install_directory>\bin
      • Add the migration feature as described in Chapter 5 of the VisualAge Generator to Enterprise Generation Language Migration Guide. You do not need to unload the old version of the migration feature -- just load the new version.
      • If you have previously run migrations, clean out the migration database by running setupTables.bat as described in Appendix G, section "Resetting the migration database".