WebSphereR Studio Enterprise Developer Version 5.0.1 - Readme file

Welcome to the integrated suite of WebSphereR Studio tools, powered by Eclipse 2.0. This document pertains to the general availability (GA) release of WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer 5.0.1. The document contains the following information:

1.0 Copyright statement

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2003. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBMR, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces.

Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows:

(C) (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. _enter the year or years_. All rights reserved.

Programming interface information

Programming interface information is intended to help you create application software using this program.

General-use programming interfaces allow you to write application software that obtain the services of this program's tools.

However, this information may also contain diagnosis, modification, and tuning information. Diagnosis, modification and tuning information is provided to help you debug your application software.

Warning: Do not use this diagnosis, modification, and tuning information as a programming interface because it is subject to change.

See Notices and trademarks for other related information.

2.0 Contents

1.0 Copyright statement
2.0 Contents
3.0 About this release
3.1 Product Overview
3.2 Product fix history
3.3 New in this release
4.0 Installation, migration, upgrade and configuration information
4.1 Hardware and Software requirements
4.2 Installation and configuration notes
5.0 Uninstallation information
6.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
6.1 Limitations
6.2 Known problems and workarounds
7.0 Documentation
7.1 Additional readme content
7.2 Where to find more information
8.0 Notices and trademarks

3.0 About this release

3.1 Product overview

WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer adds the following features to WebSphere Studio Application Developer or to WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition:

Application Developer is built into Enterprise Developer. Application Developer Integrated Edition provides additional features and is optional when you install Enterprise Developer.

3.1.1 Struts EGL tools

Struts is a set of JavaTM classes and JSP tag libraries that provide a conceptual framework for developing Web applications. The Struts technology is open source and was developed as part of the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta project. Struts helps you develop applications that are divided into three functional areas: model (business logic), view (JSPs and JavaTM beans), and controller (Struts actions and configuration).

The Struts EGL tools add support for the Enterprise Generation Language.

3.1.2 Enterprise Generation Language

Enterprise Generation Language (EGL) is a development technology that lets you quickly write full-function COBOL or Java applications that deliver enterprise data to browsers, regardless of your experience with Web technologies. An EGL-generated program in most cases runs in an environment that comprises three tiers: a Web browser, a Web application server, and a generated program.

3.1.3 z/OSTM application development tools

The z/OS application development tools provide an interactive, workstation-based environment where you can develop mainframe applications in assembler, COBOL, or PL/I. The environment gives you a seamless way to edit on the workstation and prepare output on the mainframe.

3.1.4 XML enablement for the enterprise

XML enablement for the enterprise is a tool that assists COBOL programmers in enabling existing business applications written in COBOL to process and produce XML messages. This tool automatically generates COBOL programs that convert XML input messages into native COBOL data and inversely, convert COBOL data into an XML output message. The converter programs use the IBMR Enterprise COBOL compiler to parse XML messages. The native COBOL data can then be used for seamless communication with the existing COBOL application. The data produced by the existing COBOL program can then be used in its XML form to communicate with various systems that use an XML as data-interchange format such as SOAP or WebServices.

3.1.5 About Eclipse

Eclipse is an open-source project that creates royalty-free technology and a universal platform for tools integration. Eclipse-based tools give you freedom of choice in a multilanguage, multiplatform, multivendor environment. Eclipse delivers a framework for developing plug-ins that makes it easier to create, integrate, and use software tools. By collaborating and sharing core integration technology, tool producers can concentrate on their areas of expertise and the creation of new development technology. The Eclipse platform is written in the Java language and comes with extensive toolkits and examples for constructing plug-ins. It has already been deployed on a range of operating system environments, including LinuxR, MAC OS X, QNX, and WindowsR. Full details of the Eclipse community and white papers documenting the design of the Eclipse platform are available at www.eclipse.org.

Toolkits and complementary middleware from IBM integrate with WebSphere Studio, letting you quickly and easily add new capabilities targeted at specific development needs. Plug-in tools from other vendors, also built using the open Eclipse platform, integrate with WebSphere Studio to provide additional value.

3.2 Product fix history

Defects fixed for Version 5.0.1 of WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer include the following :

Defects tracked by APARs (Authorized Program Analysis Report):

Defects not tracked by APARs:

3.3 New in this release

This release includes the following new and changed features:

4.0 Installation, migration, upgrade and configuration information

For information about installing Enterprise Developer 5.0, see the IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Installation Guide. For information on installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, see 4.2.3 Installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1.

4.1 Hardware and Software requirements

4.1.1 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS

PL/I preprocessor messages will appear in the task list for a build using PL/I on the host only if PTF UQ77592 is applied to Enterprise PL/I for z/OS V3.R2.M0.

4.1.2 Debug Tool for z/OS and OS/390

For double firewall support, Debug Tool version 3.1 requires PTF UQ75633 to be applied.

4.1.3  Foreign File System

When you install the z/OS host components needed to support Enterprise Developer, if you are using the z/OS application development tools, you need to install PTF IP22663 for the Foreign File System (FFS). You can obtain PTF IP22663 from the Enterprise Developer Options for z/OS & FFS CD.

4.2 Installation and configuration notes

4.2.1 TSO Commands are required

TSO Commands are required and must be installed and configured in order for Enterprise Developer to work properly with remote files.

4.2.2 Japanese COBOL & PL/I support

For COBOL Japanese support, we highly recommend that you install VisualAgeR COBOL 3.0.7 Japanese Refresh before you install Enterprise Developer.

To install COBOL for Japanese:

  1. Locate the VisualAge COBOL Japanese 3.0.7 CD, which is included in the Enterprise Developer package. Insert that CD into your CD-ROM drive.
  2. Open a command prompt and change the directory to the root of the CD.
  3. Type setup.exe WSED and press Enter.

If you install Enterprise Developer first, then you will need to uninstall the English COBOL that is installed by default. There are two ways to uninstall the English COBOL:

After you uninstall English COBOL, check that the environment variable COBOLMAIN has been deleted on your system. See section 6.1.10 for details.

Now install VisualAge COBOL Japanese 3.0.7 according to the instructions above. Be sure to install in the same location where the English version was installed (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\vac).

The following information applies to Japanese PL/I support. To produce PL/I Japanese runtime messages, complete the following instructions:

  1. Install a Fix Pack that you can download from the Web:
    1. Open a browser and go to the following URL: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/ad/pli/pliwin/support/
    2. In the Support Downloads section, click All Support downloads.
    3. Look for Fix Pack 2.1.10 in the list that is displayed at the bottom of the page. If you do not see this Fix Pack listed, use the search facility on the page to locate it.
    4. Download the Fix Pack and install it: run setup.exe and select the option REPAIR.
  2. After you install the Fix Pack, specify the environment variable NATLANG=JPN.

4.2.3 Installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1

WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer 5.0 General Availability version must be installed on your workstation before you can install Enterprise Developer 5.0.1. If you have not installed the Interim Fix, the necessary content will be installed automatically when you install Enterprise Developer 5.0.1. For information on installing Enterprise Developer 5.0, see the IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Installation Guide.

Note: A workspace created in Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 or accessed and saved by Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 cannot be used with Enterprise Developer 5.0 or Enterprise Developer 5.0 with the Interim Fix.

Before you install Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, it is recommended that you:

  1. Make a backup copy of your current workspace. See the uninstall limitation described in the section Uninstallation information for further information.
  2. Skim the following installation instructions and related hard disk space requirements to ensure that your configuration of where the product and workspace are installed supports the free disk space required for each stage of the installation.

To install Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, download and install:

  1. Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 1, an InstallShield package.
  2. Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 2, an Update Manager package.
  3. Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 3, a z/OS Host package. Installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 1

Stage 1 of the installation process involves content that will be applied to the Enterprise Developer installation directories already present on your workstation. This part of the installation process should be completed once for each workstation where Enterprise Developer is installed.

To obtain the files for the first stage of the installation process, see the support page of the Enterprise Developer Web site. To locate the information on Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, in the Software Downloads section, click on ->more. Then look for a 5.0.1 PTF download link. After you find the link, complete the following tasks:

  1. Download all files associated with Stage 1 to a temporary directory on your workstation. You should have at least 1GB free disk space on the hard disk drive or hard disk partition where the temporary directory is located.
  2. You now have a set of zip files in the temporary directory. Unzip those files to the same temporary directory.
  3. Delete the Stage 1 zip files.
  4. Stage 1 of the installation process requires that you have 508MB free disk space on the hard disk drive or hard disk partition where Enterprise Developer is installed. Ensure that you have enough space to complete the installation of this stage.
  5. In the extracted WSED501\ subdirectory, run Setup.exe.
  6. Follow the instructions displayed in the InstallShield wizard.
  7. Delete the temporary directory or the unzipped Stage 1 files to conserve disk space. Installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 2

Stage 2 of the installation process involves content that will be applied to the Enterprise Developer workspace already present on your workstation. If you have not launched Enterprise Developer 5.0 since it was installed, a default workspace will be used. This part of the installation process should be completed once for each workstation where Enterprise Developer is installed.

Note: If you uninstall Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 and proceed to reinstall it, you must use a new workspace during the installation of Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 2. Using a workspace that was previously used with Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 will cause problems. After the Stage 2 installation is complete, you can use a previously created Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 workspace.

To obtain the files for the second stage of the installation process, see the support page of the Enterprise Developer Web site. To locate the information on Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, in the Software Downloads section, click on ->more. Then look for a 5.0.1 PTF download link. After you find the link, complete the following tasks:

  1. Download all files associated with Stage 2 to a temporary directory on your workstation. You should have at least 1.25GB free disk space on the hard disk drive or hard disk partition where the temporary directory is located.
  2. You now have a set of zip files in the temporary directory. Unzip those files to the same temporary directory.
  3. Delete the Stage 2 zip files.
  4. Stage 2 of the installation process requires that you have 632MB free disk space on the hard disk drive or hard disk partition where your Enterprise Developer workspace is installed. Ensure that you have enough space to complete the installation of this stage.
  5. Start Enterprise Developer. See Launching the workbench for details.
  6. Click Help > Software Updates > Update Manager.
  7. In the Feature Updates view, expand My Computer.
  8. Browse to the temporary directory where the unzipped Stage 2 files are stored.
  9. Expand WSED501, then expand IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Updates.
  10. Select WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Product (Windows) 5.0.1
  11. In the Preview view, click Update. Click Next.
  12. Read and accept the license agreement to continue the installation.
  13. Accept the defaults. Click Next.
  14. Ensure that the Install Location includes \wstools\eclipse\.
  15. Click Finish
  16. Click Install
  17. This portion of the install process should complete within approximately 25 minutes. When prompted, restart the workbench.
  18. Delete the temporary directory or the unzipped Stage 2 files to conserve disk space. Installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 Stage 3

Stage 3 of the installation process involves uploading content to your z/OS host system. This part of the installation process should be completed only once per z/OS host system. It is expected that a z/OS host administrator will install this content.

To obtain the files for the third stage of the installation process, see the support page of the Enterprise Developer Web site. To locate the information on Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, in the Software Downloads section, click on ->more. Then look for a 5.0.1 PTF download link. After you find the link, complete the following tasks:

  1. Download all files associated with Stage 3 to a temporary directory on your workstation. You should have at least 1.62MB free disk space on the hard disk drive or hard disk partition where the temporary directory is located.
  2. You now have a set of zip files in the temporary directory. Unzip those files to the same temporary directory.
  3. Delete the Stage 3 zip files.
  4. You should have 15 cylinders of disk space available on the z/OS host to complete the installation of this stage.
  5. See Installation Instructions for 5.0.1 Host PTFs. Follow the instructions in that document to install the z/OS host content.
  6. Delete the temporary directory or the unzipped Stage 3 files to conserve disk space.

4.2.4 Launching the workbench

After installation, we recommend that you start the workbench from the WindowsR Start menu: Click Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer.

You can optionally start the workbench by running the wsenterprise.exe file found in the product installation directory.

When you start the workbench for the first time, it creates a directory called workspace in the location you are asked to specify. The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\My Documents\workspace, where user_name is your user name. This directory is used as the default content area for your projects as well as for holding any required metadata. For shared or multiworkspace installations you should explicitly state the location of your work space rather than using the default. There are two ways to control the location of your workspace: using the current working directory or using the -data command line argument.

Perhaps the easiest way of using the current working directory is to create a shortcut. However, this method works only if you are creating a shortcut to the eclipse.exe executable not to wsenterprise.exe. To use this method, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the executable in the Windows Explorer and using a right button drag, create a shortcut to the executable.
  2. Edit the properties of the shortcut so that the Start in field identifies the location of your work space (for example, c:\myworkspace).
  3. Close the properties dialog and double-click on the shortcut.

Of course, you can get the same effect using a command prompt by changing directory to your workspace directory and then running the executable.

The other options are to add the -data argument (for example, -data c:\myworkspace) to the Target line in the shortcut or to start the executable from a command prompt and include the -data argument.

5.0 Uninstallation information

The installation of Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 includes the use of the Eclipse Update Manager. Due to the design of this facility, you will not be able to uninstall Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 and automatically restore the previous installation of Enterprise Developer 5.0 or 5.0 with the Interim Fix.

If you need to uninstall Enterprise Developer 5.0.1, you must completely uninstall Enterprise Developer and reinstall Enterprise Developer 5.0 with or without the Interim Fix, depending on your previous configuration. When you launch Enterprise Developer 5.0 or 5.0 with the Interim Fix, point to the backup copy of your workspace you made before installing Enterprise Developer 5.0.1. This will effectively restore the previous state of the product.

6.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

6.1 Limitations

6.1.1 Struts EGL tools

Following are known limitations and problems: Web Project wizard (Struts feature) Action Class wizard, ActionForm wizard, and Action Mapping wizard

6.1.2 EGL Action Class wizard Missing fda.jar file

If your Struts project does not contain EGL actions and you invoke the EGL Action wizard, sometimes an error message is displayed stating that the fda.jar file cannot be found. Click OK and the file will be added to the project. Inability to find a class

Java code created by the Egl Action wizard is sometimes unable to find a particular class. For example, if it cannot find a class named Staff, the Tasks view displays the following error message:

Staff cannot be resolved or is not a type.

If this occurs, right click on white space in the Java editor and select Source > Organize Imports. The Java editor then adds an import statement so that the class is found. Buttons truncated

Buttons are truncated in some dialogs of the Action Class wizard. However, you can use the mouse to hover over a button and to display the functional description. Type mismatches

Java code created by the Egl Action wizard sometimes contains type mismatches. For example, you may see messages such as the following in the Tasks view:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from java.lang.String to short
Type mismatch: cannot convert from long to java.lang.String

If this occurs, you need to delete and rewrite all code that is after the following line and before the next try block:

NameWrapper wrapper = new NameWrapper();

Name is the name of an EGL program.

6.1.3 Validation of Struts configuration files

6.1.4 Revalidation of JSPs

6.1.5 Rendering of Struts tags in Design view of Page Designer

Page Designer in its Design view does not render custom tags that are outside the HTML body element. Therefore Struts tags that are used outside the body element are not rendered. For example, the <bean:message> tag in the following example does not get rendered:

    <title><bean:message key="logon.title"/></title>

6.1.6 Struts tools enhancements since the EA release

Struts tools have been enhanced since the Enterprise Developer 5.0 early availability (EA) release. Significant enhancements are as follows:

Web diagram editor support for bean nodes
The Web diagram editor lets you add nodes that represent the form beans and JavaBeansTM that your Struts application uses. It lets you draw connections to show where they are used or referenced by your actions and JSPs. For example, you can draw a connection between a form bean and an action to indicate that the form bean is passed to that action as its input (after being populated from a JSP). Also, for example, you can draw a connection between a form bean or JavaBean and a JSP to indicate that the JSP uses that bean.
Cheat sheets
This is a new technology that walks you through a set of steps needed to perform a more complex task than a single wizard can support. We are providing a cheat sheet that walked you through the creation of a Struts-based Web application from scratch.
Wizard enhancements

6.1.7 Exporting an EAR project

Sometimes, during the exporting of an EAR project, Enterprise Developer may throw an exception. If it happens, complete following steps:

  1. Click NO, which means do not exit the workbench.
  2. Click Cancel to cancel out of the wizard.
  3. Rebuild the projects you are trying to export.
  4. Shut down and restart the workbench.
  5. Export the EAR again.

6.1.8 Limitations on DBCS names

In general, when you are doing remote builds, whether with the z/OS application development tools or with an EGL generator, the input and output files of the build, including their paths, cannot contain double-byte character set (DBCS) characters. Specifically, for the EGL generators, if you specify the destHost build descriptor option, which signifies that a remote build is to be performed, the following restrictions apply:

In the z/OS application development tools you cannot use DBCS characters in project names, folder names, and source code files names. Even for local projects where builds are done on the local machine, the z/OS tools use a remote build process. Therefore these restrictions apply to both local and remote projects when you are using the z/OS application development tools.

6.1.9 Build server support for Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese

Build servers started to run on the Unix Systems Services (USS) of zOS or OS/390 cannot be configured to return messages in Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese. Normally, the language to be used for messages is specified on USS by setting the CCU_CATALOG environment variable in the ccubldw.sh shell script used to start build requests on USS. Message catalogs could not be successfully generated for the Chinese languages using the gencat utility.

6.1.10 Uninstalling Enterprise Developer and the COBOLMAIN environment variable

Note:You need to delete the COBOLMAIN environment variable only if your workstation includes the version of COBOL installed by Enterprise Developer. If your workstation had a previous installation of COBOL, then you should not delete the COBOLMAIN environment variable. To determine whether a previous installation exists, check your workstation registry:

  1. Access the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\IBM VisualAge COBOL\3.0\ParentProducts
  2. Verify whether or not Base is listed as a key under ParentProducts.

After Enterprise Developer is uninstalled, check that the environment variable COBOLMAIN has been deleted:

6.1.11 Late breaking information on other WebSphere Studio components

The following known problems and limitations apply to the Struts component which is available in several WebSphere Studio products. For additional readme content on Struts, see Additional readme content. Known problems with the Web Diagram Editor Known problems with the Struts Trade Sample application

6.1.12 Packaging of translated documentation

In some cases English files are included in other language builds of the product documentation. This occurs when no language translation is available.

6.1.13 Currency of translated documentation

If you use a non-English build of the product documentation and encounter problems, check the English build as some content may be more current than the non-English builds.

6.1.14 Manual uninstall needed using Add/Remove Programs

6.1.15 Struts EGL documentation update

The title of the Struts EGL cheat sheet has changed to "Create a Struts-based Web application with EGL."

6.1.16 Enterprise Generation Language EGL part editor and EGL source editor

You have the choice of two different editing interfaces for developing EGL programs that are to be used to generate COBOL or Java programs. The EGL source editor lets you edit an entire EGL file at once. Using the EGL source editor is similar to using a standard editor for traditional programming languages. Content assist helps you with the syntax for the various EGL language constructs. You also have the option of using the EGL part editor, which provides a specialized view for a particular part, such as a record or function.

The EGL source editor is the default whenever you open an EGL file. If you want to use the EGL part editor, then in the navigator chose Open With > EGL Part Editor. Which editor you chose depends on how familiar you are with the EGL syntax and whether you prefer a serialized 3GL code view or part-specific dialogs. EGL part editor - Record and structure pages

Be careful when you select the organization of your records in the EGL part editor. The record editor does not let you change a record's organization. EGL part editor - EGL source editor interoperability

Invalid content and comments entered in the EGL source editor may be lost if you open the file in the EGL part editor and perform extensive editing. This happens most frequently if you change the nesting of the parts by drag-and-drop in the outline view in the EGL part editor. Comments inside Properties blocks are most affected. EGL part editor - Move part from build file

The EGL part editor facility for moving parts from a build file to a new or existing file does not work. Use of this function can result in the loss of data. A work around, is to open the build file with the Text editor and use cut/paste functions to move a part from one file to another. Part Resolution view Retrieve SQL action and views

The retrieve SQL action does not support retrieving from views. This action is available from both the EGL source editor and EGL part editor. Regenerating when passwords are being used

If you pipe the output of an EGLSDK command and you specify the destUserID and destPassword options, the EGL Security Manager server is started in a window that remains open to service future password retrieval. This window is a child of the batch generation window and inherits its environment, including the handle of the file the output is piped to. If you try to start a second batch generation piped to the same file, you get an error that the file is in use. You can get around this problem by closing the CCU Security Manager window, or by starting the Security Manager independently before the first batch generation request. Importing linkages.eglbld from mqReusableParts

If you import the linkages.eglbld file from the mqReusableParts folder into your workspace, you may get the following error:

IWN.XML.3999.e 0/0 XML Validation Error - (The system cannot find the path specified) - in file \Source\MqReusableParts\linkages.eglbld

If you get this error, open the linkages.eglbld file with a text editor and change the following line:



<!DOCTYPE EGL PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD EGL 5.0//EN" ""> Known restrictions: part names

You should avoid creating parts with the same name and type. Creating parts with the same name and type may cause unexpected results when using the EGL editors in the workbench. If the usage of parts with the same name and type does appear to cause unexpected results, rebuilding the project that contains the parts should fix the problem. Conflict with VA Generator jar Files

Jar files for VisualAge Generator (hpt.jar and vgjwgs.jar) and Enterprise Developer (eglbatchgen.jar, fda.jar, and fdaj.jar) use the same Java package and class names, but the class definitions of the two products are not compatible. Therefore you cannot run both products on the same machine without resetting the CLASSPATH variable in between. Change in file name for table output

When a program contains a declaration of a table named T, files named EzeT.java and VGDataT.tab are generated. The .java file is a class that contains the layout of the table (items and so forth); the .tab file contains the table's data. The .tab file is named after the table, not the declaration. Generation error following reboot

The first time you try to generate after rebooting your system, the Distributed Build (Command Prompt) window comes up. Closing this window takes down Enterprise Developer and causes a JVM error. You can avoid this problem by minimizing the window and ignoring it. If you close the window, thus bringing down the product, you can restart the product, and the Distributed Build window does not reappear until the machine is rebooted.

6.1.17 Using DB2R UDB to validate SQL statements

If you are using DB2R UDB to validate SQL statements at development or generation time and if you do not receive validation messages from the database manager, you may need to unset the DB2 option DEFERREDPREPARE. To unset the option, you can follow either of two procedures.

The first procedure is as follows:

  1. Using a text editor, go to the DB2 UDB installation directory SQLLIB and open the file db2cli.ini.
  2. Under the file's COMMON section (which affects all databases) or under a specific DSN section (which affects a specific database), add this entry:
  3. Save the file and restart Enterprise Developer.

The second way to unset the option DEFERREDPREPARE is from the DB2 command line processor, which also changes the file db2cli.ini:

  1. Open the DB2 UDB command line processor.
  2. To affect all databases, enter this command:
    db2 update cli cfg for section COMMON using DEFERREDPREPARE 0
  3. (To affect a specific database, use the name of a DSN instead of the word COMMON.)

  4. To verify that the change was accepted, enter this command:
    db2 get cli cfg for section COMMON
  5. (Again, you can use the name of a DSN instead of the word COMMON.)

  6. Restart Enterprise Developer.

6.1.18 EGL Java debugger

Due to some problems in the Java debugger that is used to debug EGL programs you may experience the following behaviors:

6.1.19 EGL Web services Record parameters with arrays

The Web Services wizard displays an error message and fails to finish if a selected EGL program accepts as a parameter an EGL record or structure that contains a substructured array (either one-dimensional or multidimensional). Parameters with DBCS characters

If a sample JSP is generated for a Web service that contains an operation that returns DBCS characters, the JSP will contain errors and not compile. The actual Web service is not affected.

6.1.20 Non-J2EE code cannot access CICS

Although you can use EGL to generate non-J2EE Java code for debugging purposes, the non-J2EE code cannot access programs on CICSR. The CICSECI value for the remoteComType attribute of the remoteCall element of the LinkageOptions part is not supported in this release. An EGL-generated Java program that runs in the context of a J2EE application can access CICS. In this case, set property remoteComType to CICSJ2C.

6.1.21 Restriction on record part comments

Avoid having a comment on the same line as the StructureType keyword of a record part. Having a comment there causes a nullPointerException in the processing of the file. The result is that EGL does not parse the rest of that file, causing later definitions to appear to be missing and preventing the reporting of additional errors in the remainder of the file. Comments may appear on the line immediately before or after the line containing the StructureType keyword without causing any problems.

6.1.22 Do not define parts with duplicate names

Because of future changes being planned for EGL, it is recommended that you do not define parts with duplicate names within a program. This applies to parts within the same file and parts that are imported from another .egldef file.

6.1.23 Example JNDI name of a data source

In several instances of the online documentation, an example JNDI name of a data source is shown incorrectly. Instead of jdbc/MyDB, the example should be java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDB.

6.1.24 Location of EGL trace information

The build descriptor option debugTrace indicates whether EGL puts trace information at the end of a generated COBOL source file. The trace information never goes into a separate trace file.

6.1.25 Use of escape character in string expressions in EGL script

The escape character (\) is used in two cases not mentioned in the help:

6.1.26 z/OS Remote and Offline projects will not work with CVS

6.1.27 DB2 SDK required for syntax check with EXEC SQL

To perform a local build, or syntax check of a PL/I or COBOL program that contains EXEC SQL statements, DB2 UDB Personal Edition 6.2 should be installed, as well as DB2 Application Development Client. 

6.2 Known problems and workarounds

6.2.1 z/OS application development tools

This section describes known problems and limitations that pertain to the z/OS application development tools.

The following limitations and observations may have "Host:" or "Local:" to indicate whether the following paragraph applies to S/390® Host or the local Windows workstation. Inaccurate representation in Project and System views

Host: Remote file support causes + and - signs on the z/OS Project and System views to be inaccurate in exchange for performance. Refreshing is done "lazily" or on demand. Additions to sequential files, PDSs, and PDS members in a high-level qualifier by ISPF are noticed at the next time a directory is refreshed. If you refresh an MVS project, the display is updated to with regard to removals. PDSs are mishandled when you import a project

When you import an MVS project from a different workspace by using the menu sequence Eclipse File > Import > Existing Project into workspace, the following problems occur: Failure when saving to a PDS

If you edit a file that is in a PDS and you choose the Save as...option and specify a file name whose base name is longer than eight characters, the following error message is displayed: Save could not be completed. Could not write file.

In such case, the project name on the z/OS project navigator does not match the dialog navigator for the Save-as action, and the structure of the dialog navigator does not have the same structure as the projects navigator. TSO commands

Host: When using TSO commands from the z/OS application development tools plug-in to the current S/390R system, it is possible to place the tools in a hang state. If the program call does not complete on OS/390, a thread of control is not returned and the GUI will hang until killed (losing unsaved data and metadata) or the command is killed on the host. z/OS file and folder properties preference

By default the preference for displaying the data set characteristics for remote artifacts is selected. If you experience any kind of performance issues in selecting the resources in z/OS Systems view or the z/OS Projects view, you should turn this preference off  by un-checking the display of properties check box. When this preference is selected, a TSO command is run to get the properties from the host system.

To set the preference, navigate the following menu sequence: Window > Preferences > z/OS Solutions > z/OS File and Folder Properties. You should see the check box for display of properties. Debugging and running programs

Batch debugging

Debugging a batch PL/I program does not work if the source is inline in the JCL. The debugger requires a source file.

When you right click on a remote executable and select Debug application, that action starts a batch debugging session. Since the application is running in batch, you cannot provide program input at the TSO command prompt.

CICS remote debugging

The debugger provides two interfaces for injecting the debug code into a CICS program during the Link step:

EQADCCXT - lets you dynamically change the destination of the debugger listing to a different workstation.

CEEUOPT  - z/OS inserts a static IP address and port number in the CICS program.

Here is an example of how the EQADCCXT interface was link edited into the CICS programs:




If you elect to use the EQADCCXT interface, the debugger provides a CICS program called Debug Tool Control Panel to dynamically change your debug test environment. The debug session can be tested solely on the CICS region using the MFI protocol or redirected to a workstation, where Enterprise Developer is running, using the TCP protocol.

The Debug Tool Control Panel can be started by entering DTCN at the CICS terminal. When the Control Panel appears, simply enter TCP for the protocol, the port number on which the Enterprise Developer debugger server program is listening on the workstation (usually port 8001) and the IP Address of the workstation. Press PF4 to save and PF3 to exit. At this point, check Enterprise Developer to make sure that the debugger server is listening at the correct port number. You can invoke the CICS program (via the transaction ID) and the Debug perspective should come into view in Enterprise Developer on your workstation. Assembler

Assemble errors do not appear in the task list.  To view your Assemble errors from a batch compile, view the z/OS Output Console after performing a Get Job Output.. Subsystems (CICS and DB2 support)

Local: Source files in a local project with CICS EXEC functions can be preprocessed and compiled to produce the .dll file on the local workstation. To run CICS, you can use VisualAge CICS, which you can also use for local compiling. To compile and debug a COBOL program with DB2, specify the following compiler options: TEST,LIST,SQL('database tradedb user db2admin using db2admin'). Additionally, to perform syntax check on a COBOL program with CICS, select the Preprocessor for CICS check box. Preprocess steps not generated in JCL

Error Feedback for separate CICS translate and separate DB2 CoProcess is not supported.

JCL generation and build is possible for a separate DB2 CoProcess step and a separate CICS Translate step preceding a compilation. Compile options EXIT(ADEXIT(ELAXMGUX)) or XINFO(XML) must not be specified. If these compile options are specified, the co-process or translate steps will not be generated. Problems connecting to a host system from Windows NT

On a Windows NT system, a Password Required window does not come into focus as needed when you add a system from the z/OS Systems view, step through the wizards, click Finish, and click Yes to connect to the system. To work around the problem, click No when prompted to connect to the system in the sequence of events described above. Then, explicitly connect to the system from the z/OS Systems view. LPEX Editor

Use LPEX to edit PDS members

To edit PDS members you should use the z/OS LPEX editor. We do not recommend editing PDS members with the Text Editor or any other editor that is unaware of mainframe-specific considerations such as record length, file locking (ISPF ENQ/DEQ), and sequence numbers. Doing so may lead to error messages from the file system, because these editors let you save lines with an incorrect record length.

Additional error possibilities using an editor other than LPEX

Another potential problem with editing PDS members with an editor other then LPEX comes from differences between the EBCDIC and ASCII code pages. Certain nonprinting characters may not go back and forth correctly between the host z/OS system and your workstation if you edit with a workstation editor.

Unable to save a file when LRECL is exceeded

If you edit a PDS member that does not have a known extension, the system editor instead of the LPEX editor is invoked and you are in insert mode. As a result, you may not be able to save the file, because the record length (LRECL) defined for the PDS will have been exceeded.

User sequence numbers

When you edit remote z/OS files with the z/OS LPEX editor, text in the sequence number field (columns 73 through 80) is maintained separately by the z/OS LPEX editor only if the field contains valid ordered sequence numbers for every line in the file when the file is opened. Unordered numbers and arbitrary text are not maintained separately by the editor, but you may maintain them yourself by using replace mode instead of insert mode.

Unwanted password dialogs

If you edit a remote z/OS file with the Text Editor instead of the z/OS LPEX editor, it is recommended that you close the file before closing the workbench. Otherwise, you will see a number of password dialog boxes when you reopen the workbench, because the editor tries to reopen the file.

Problem editing PDS members with variable-length records

The following problem may occur for members with variable-length records (VB) that contain blank lines. If such a member is edited and saved with LPEX, then reopened, you will see a message that incorrectly states that the file contains characters that might not round-trip correctly, and the session will be set to readonly mode.

To work around this problem, you can take LPEX out of readonly mode by pressing the Escape key. Then enter the following LPEX line command: set readonly off.

Note: ISPF file locking (ENQ) will not be in effect. JCL Generation fields in the properties require explicit dataset names

 Fields on the properties pages for projects, folders, and files should not contain substitution variables for JCL generation and project build.

The asterisk (*) is not allowed in any of the fields for z/OS build options. If you enter a data set that is not valid or not allocated, a JCL error will occur. Updating CICS Region as part of your build

JCL generation: The Update CICS Region after build check box, along with the CICS Region ID entry field are used to generate an operator's command in the JCL to run a CEMT SETTM program NEW command, where program is the name of a program. If you have defined a console entry in your CSD as CONSNAME(INTERNAL), you know the CICS Region ID, and you have the authority to execute CICS operator commands from batch, you can perform a build and have a new copy of the load module known to the CICS region in a single step. Otherwise, you need to do this separately from the CICS region. Nonstandard code page translation in SCLM

If you require an ASCII/EBCDIC code page translation other than the standard default (IBM-1047 / ISO8859-1), you must code the following parameters in the httpd.conf (elaxwebc.conf) file for the HTTP Web server:

DefaultFsCp ebcdic-codepage

DefaultNetCp ascii-codepage

For example, for Japanese translation the required code pages would be as follows:

DefaultFsCp IBM-939

DefaultNetCp IBM-932C

Note: Some restrictions exist in Windows Japanese with regard to SCLM host character translation. Enterprise Developer translates the following EBCDIC characters to ? (0x3F): Job Monitor Server Code-Page compatibility

DBCS users should not modify the default Code-Page CODEPAGE=UTF-8. Debugging Source Files with Duplicate Names

There is a known problem in the debugger that can cause it to debug the wrong source file. Given the same source file name in two Local Projects, the wrong application is debugged. Setting breakpoints in the source file in one will cause the debugger to stop in the other source file as if breakpoints were set in it. This is a known defect (Defect 32110) and will be fixed in a future release of the product. To work around the problem, keep only one source file with a given name in your workspace. To work around the breakpoint problem, keep hitting run in the debugger when unwanted breakpoints are encountered. Error conditions when connecting to a remote system

When you connect to a remote system in the Systems View, an error occurs if one of the following conditions is not met:

If one or more of these is incorrect, the FFS Startup EXE will put up a message. When this dialog is dismissed, the Systems View will put up a dialog of the messages from the invoked Net Use command. The messages may not pinpoint the cause of the error. To work around the problem, review the list above and ensure that the three conditions are met; then try to connect to the remote system again. Breakpoints prior to a remote debug session with a PLI Programs

Breakpoints will not be honored if set before launching a remote debug session (PQ71801). To work around the problem, launch the debug session and then set the breakpoint while in the debug perspective. To launch the debug session, select the program in the Project view, then right-click and select Debug Application. Workspace migration:

WSED 5.0.1 will transparently migrate workspaces created using WSED 5.0 interim fix. WSED workspaces created using 5.0 GA (without interim fix) are not compatible with 5.0 GA with interim fix or WSED 5.0.1.  Use of these workspaces with WSED 5.0.1 could result in failure in certain features of WSED. Shortcut keys in the z/OS LPEX Editor

Some of the problems with keyboard shortcuts that are documented in the interimfix readme, in section "Keyboard Shortcuts in the z/OS LPEX Editor," have been fixed:

The remaining problems are that the workbench does not distinguish between the following key combinations:

Also, the recommendation to execute

     set userParameter.useLpexKeys on


is no longer necessary because it is done automatically. Error messages for build or syntax check

The following error message may be displayed when you perform a build or syntax check:

Error reading XML file from compilation.

Problem with SAX parser.

Document root element is missing.
This may occur in the following circumstances: InstallShield and command.com

InstallShield could experience an illegal exception (NTVDM.CPU) if the wrong level command.com is present on the system. If this occurs, see Microsoft Support for further information. Catalogued and uncatalogued datasets displayed in System View

Currently, the System View will display both catalogued and uncatalogues datasets. Please note that most standard operations are not supported for uncatalogued datasets in WSED. Furthermore, uncatalogued datasets are not viewable through ISPF 3.4 screen, unless the volume tne uncatalogued dataset reside on is specified.  Thus the Systems View hierarchy may seem inconsistent with the ISPF 3.4 display if uncatalogued datasets are present. CVS and z/OS projects( Local/Remote/Offline ) interaction:

z/OS Local Projects( local projects that are created in the z/OS Perspectives) can be checked in and checked out of CVS Repository but Properties on the project are not maintained during the check in and check out process. Everytime the project is checked out of CVS, it would have the default properties.

There is no support for using CVS with Remote MVS projects, regardless of the project state (offline or online). Import into a z/OS MVS Project causes Null Pointer message

If the user has selected an MVS Project (zOS Project View) as the target for an import (File Menu), the operation fails with a Null Pointer message.  The workarounds are as follows: PL/I variables do not appear in the variables window for a local debug session

PL/I variables do not appear in the variables window for a local debug session.  To see PL/I variables in a debug session, you must monitor the expression, or monitor the storage for that variable. Some Japanese PL/I compiler messages do not appear

All of the PL/I compiler messages are not translated.  This results in a message could not be read message in the task list, and in the PL/I listing file.  The workaround is to compile with NATLANG(ENU), to view the message in English. Preprocess options are not added automatically to the compile options

If the integrated CICS preprocessor, or integrated DB2 coprocessor is specified as a property on a file, the CICS or SQL compile options are not automatically placed in the PARM string for the compile.  The workaround is to explicitly specify CICS or SQL if you are using either of the integrated preprocessors. Extra lines in Job Card will cause JCL errors

In the property pages for a system, project, folder, or file, if you end the Job Card entry field by pressing the enter key, the Job Card entry field will have an extra line, this will be echoed in JCL, causing an IEFC0191 MISPLACED DD STATEMENT error in your Job.  The workaround is to backspace over all extra lines in the Job card entry field until you are on the same line as the last line of text. PL/I Preprocessor messages do not appear in the task list.

The workaround is to view your preprocessor messages in the listing file, or apply  PTF UQ77592 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS V3.R2.M0 Copy and move failure conditions for remote files

Copying or moving a file could fail if

The workaround to this problem is to copy the file to the representation of the dataset under the Systems View instead.

Similarly, copy/move will not prompt the user if they want to overwrite a file that was created outside of Enterprise Developer on the host. Foreign File System and TSO command Processor can experience port conflicts

The Foreign File System and TSO Command Processor  can experience port conflicts in case of TSO Command timeout.

If the TSO command times out and the port is then used by FFS Locking, the client will continue to issue commands but will not get a response from the server which is now an FFS Lock server which simply ignore the unwanted requests. Misleading dialog box when a delete operation is performed on a shared data set

If a PDS or (some of) its members have been added to more than one MVS Project and a "delete" is attempted using the context menu, a dialog box will appear for the PDS and/or its members.  The dialog box is incorrect, it should only show members.   If the user allows the operation to proceed the members appearing in the target PDS will be deleted (in all MVS Projects and Systems View).  The PDS will be removed from the target MVS Project.  However, the PDS is not removed from other MVS Projects unless all of their members are deleted by this operation.  Again, in Systems View, other members remain together with the PDS unless ALL members of the PDS are deleted by this operation, then the PDS is also deleted from the Systems View. Delete operations should be performed from the context menu

If a file is selected in Projects View and deleted with "delete" from the Edit menu or the delete key, the deleted file will still be visible in the Systems View.  Deletes should be invoked from the context menu. Problems with the rename operation: Cataloged data sets residing on unmounted volumes

Cataloged data sets which reside on unmounted volumes may cause problems if the high level qualifier is included in a system definition within the workbench.  The FFS server's attempt to access the volume will result in a request to the operator to either mount the volume or cancel the request.  FFS will be unable to process user requests until there has been a reply to the mount request.  If there is a delay in the reply, user connections will time out - user will be required to reconnect.

Work arounds include: Unable to connect to the Job Monitor Server

On occasion it will be found that the Job Monitor (JMon) server is running but a given user cannot connect to it.  Shutting down the workbench and stopping the Security Manager, then restarting the workbench usually allows the user to connect to the JMon server. Too many variables in the local variables window to monitor

 When debug a large program,  and the message: Too many local variables for local monitor, close the Variables pane, and Use program monitor to view variables instead. No way to set environment variables for local workstation execution.

If you wish to set environment variables for local, workstation execution, create a bat file to set the environment variables prior to invoking the exe. Preprocessor errors for local syntax check not in task list 

When performing a local syntax check on a remote COBOL or PL/I program with EXEC CICS statements, errors discovered by the Windows CICS translator during a syntax check are not posted to the task list. Enterprise COBOL Language Reference contains accessibility errors

Syntax diagrams start with the word Format. A screen reader might say the lines, symbols, and words in a diagram, but not in a meaningful way.  For example, you might hear "question question dash dash MOVE dash dash plus dash dash literal-1 dash dash plus" for part of the MOVE statement.  You can enter Say Next Paragraph to move quickly through syntax diagrams if your screen reader has that capability.  For accurate reading of code examples and information about the picture symbols period and comma, you must set your screen reader to say all punctuation. APARs currently open against z/OS Development Tools

6.2.2 XML enablement

This section contains a description of known limitations and problems pertaining to XML enablement. Development workbench

The COBOL Importer preference page is available in English only. Inbound XML converters

For inbound message processing the following statements are true: Outbound message generation

For outbound message generation the following statements are true: Data structure limitations

The following data structure limitations exist:

6.2.3 Help System

This section contains a description of known limitations and problems pertaining to the Help System. Table of contents not available

After the Japanese language version of Enterprise Developer 5.0.1 is installed, in the online Help System, the table of contents is not displayed.

7.0 Documentation

7.1 Additional readme content

Enterprise Developer is integrated with either WebSphere Studio Application Developer or WebSphere Studio Application Developer, Integrated Edition depending on how you install the product. For readme content that pertains to the components shipped with those products, see the comprehensive IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.0 - readme that covers the components of both products. It is recommended that you read the content for the Struts component available in that document in addition to any other components related to your use of Enterprise Developer.

7.2 Where to find more information

To access online documentation for Enterprise Developer, click on Help > Help Contents > Enterprise Developer information.

For information about installing Enterprise Developer, see the IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Installation Guide (document number SC31-6316-00) in HTML or PDF format.

For information about WebSphere Studio Application Developer, see the IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Getting Started Guide. To access the Getting Started Guide (document number SC31-6317-01), access the online documentation as described above. There is an HTML version in the help system and a link to a PDF version of the document.

There are white papers related to Enterprise Developer available from the Additional Information section of the product Install. The following paper is also available in the root directory of the first Enterprise Developer CD, although it is not accessible from the Install:

8.0 Notices and trademarks

Notice for VisualAgeR CICSR use

VisualAge CICS (VA CICS) is provided on an "AS IS" basis within the WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer and portions of VA CICS - Copyright 1982-1995 Pervasive Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. VA CICS may only be used by a single user on a single computing device and cannot be used to provide services for users connected through a network, terminal, or other computing device other than the host computer.

Other notices

This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

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Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

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This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental.

Trademarks and service marks

CICS, DB2, IBM, IMSTM, InformixR, LanguageEnvironment, MVS, MQSeriesR, OS/390, S/390, SupportPacTM, VisualAge, WebSphere, and z/OS are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.

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