IBMR WebSphereR Studio Enterprise Developer
Interim Fix Installation Instructions

1.0 Copyright Statement

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2003. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

See Notices and trademarks for other related information.

2.0 Interim Fix Content

WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Interim Fix contains the fixes from from WebSphere Studio Application Develop Integration Edition 5.0.1 Cumulative Fix 002

To completely install the WebSphere Studio Application Develop Integration Edition 5.0.1 Cumulative Fix 002 fixes included in Interim Fix, the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.x RunTime fixes must also be installed separately from Interim Fix

3.0 Installation instructions if using Update Manager to install Interim Fix

**Note: Before installing, the updated JVM from installing must be enabled. Please see Installation instructions for directions on enabling the updated JVM.

  1. Log on to your system with an id that has write permission to the install location and start WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer 5.0.1. (This is typically an id with Administrator authority on Windows).

  2. Start the workbench Help > Software Updates > Update Manager

  3. In the Feature Updates pane, expand Sites to Visit

  4. Expand IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Directory

  5. Expand IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Interim Fixes
  6. Select WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer - Interim Fix (Windows)

  7. In the preview pane, click the Install button

  8. Click Next

  9. Select the accept the license radio button and click Next

  10. Click Next

  11. The Optional Features page will appear.
    Do not modify the selections. Changing the default choices may result in errors.
  12. Click Install to begin the installation.

  13. If you are warned that you are about to install an unsigned feature, click Install to continue.
    This warning will not cause problems during installation.

  14. When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart the product. Click Yes.
    This action will not reboot your machine.
  15. To confirm that the installation was successful, click on Help > About WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer
    1. Click on Feature Details
    2. Click on the Feature Name heading to sort by feature name
    3. The feature WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Interim Fix should be present at version

3.1 Installation Instructions if extracting and installing using the downloadable self-extracting file, WSED5.0.1.17.exe

  1. Download the WSED5.0.1.17.exe file to a temporary directory on your workstation.
  2. Extract the contents to a temporary directory.
  3. Start Enterprise Developer.
  4. Click Help > Software Updates > Update Manager.
  5. In the Feature Updates pane, navigate to the temporary directory where you extracted the files to using the My Computer tree
  6. Browse to the temporary directory where the extracted fix files are stored.
  7. Expand wsed50
  8. Expand discovery
  9. Expand IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Interim Fixes
  10. Select WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer - Interim Fix (Windows)
  11. In the Preview view, click the Install button
  12. Click Next
  13. Select the accept the license radio button and click Next
  14. The Optional Features page will appear. Click Next to continue.
    Warning: Do not modify the selections. Changing the default choices may result in errors.
  15. The final screen of the Install Wizard will show the Install Location. Click Finish to begin the installation.
    Warning: Errors may occur if you change the default Install Location.
    Ensure that the Install Location includes \wstools\eclipse
  16. Click Finish
  17. Click Install
  18. If you are warned that you are about to install an unsigned feature, click Install to continue.
    This warning will not cause problems during installation.
  19. When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart the product. Click Yes.
    Note: This action will not reboot your machine.
  20. Delete the temporary directory or the extracted fix files to conserve disk space.
  21. To confirm that the installation was successful, click on Help > About WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer
    1. Click on Feature Details
    2. Click on the Feature Name heading to sort by feature name
    3. The feature WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Interim Fix should be present at version

4.0 Notices and trademarks

IBM and WebSphere are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.