Installation instructions for PTF UQ85374 for WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Options for z/OS

PTF UQ85374 supercedes all prior maintenance for WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Options for z/OS

  1. If you have previously installed and configured the WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Options for z/OS base product you now need to install UQ85374 by following Step by Step Instructions for Installing PTF UQ85374.
  2. If you are a new user of WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer Options for z/OS, first follow the instructions in the program directory, to install and configure the base product. Then install PTF UQ85374, as described in the section Step by Step Instructions for Installing PTF UQ85374.

UQ85374 resolves several known problems and adds some new functions. In particular:

Step by Step Instructions for Installing UQ85374

This material is intended for the system programmer responsible for installing and maintaining programs. It contains information about the material and procedures associated with the installation of PTF UQ85374. You should read all of this material before installing the this PTF and keep for future reference.

The PTF is shipped as file WSED511\heds500\service\ibm.heds500.UQ85374.

Overview of the installation steps

Steps required to install the PTF:

  1. Allocate host data set for the PTF.
  2. Upload the PTF from your workstation to z/OS.
  3. Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY.
  4. Perform Customization tasks.
Allocate host data set for the PTF

A Sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the PTF that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Before submitting the job add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements.

//FTPALLO  DD  DSN=hlq.IBM.HEDS500.UQ85374,
//         DSORG=PS,
//         RECFM=FB,
//         LRECL=80,
//         BLKSIZE=6160,
//         SPACE=(TRK,(10,4)),
//         UNIT=SYSALLDA
//*        VOL=SER=&TVOL1
Upload the PTF from your workstation to z/OS

Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:

User enters: Values
mvsaddr TC P/IP address of the z/OS system
tsouid Your TSO user ID
tsopw Your TSO password
d: Your drive containing the PTF
hlq High-level qualifier that you used for the data set allocated in the job above
C:\>ftp mvsaddr

Connected to mvsaddr.
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R8 at mvsaddr, 04:43:52 on 2002-03-15.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.

User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid

331 Send password please.
Password: tsopw
230 tsouid is logged on.  Working directory is "tsouid.".

ftp> cd ..
250 "" is the working directory name prefix.

ftp> cd hlq
250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix.

ftp> binary
200 Representation type is Image

ftp> put d:\wsed511\heds500\service\ibm.heds500.UQ85374 ibm.heds500.UQ85374
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set
250 Transfer completed successfully.
2609120 bytes sent in .01 seconds

ftp> quit
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.

Using SMP/E perform Receive/Apply.

Perform Customization tasks

There is customization needed to incorporate these changes into your system, as described in the ++HOLD comments in the PTF cover letter. This customization must be completed for the fixes contained in the PTF to become effective.