Installation instructions for fix UK96308 for IBM Rational Developer for System z v80 (FMID HHOP801)

The fix is shipped as file IBM.HHOP801.UK96308

The fix has rework (build) date 2013212 (31 Jul 2013)

The following fixes are prerequisites for this fix:

These prerequisites can be downloaded from the Developer for System z Recommended Fixes page, if not included as file IBM.HHOP801.<prereq>.

Overview of the installation steps

Steps required to install the fix:

  1. Allocate host data sets for the fix.
  2. Upload the fix from your workstation to z/OS.
  3. SMP/E hold information for the fix.
  4. Perform SMP/E ACCEPT for the prerequisites.
  5. Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY for the fix.
  6. Restart started tasks to activate changes.

Allocate host data sets for the fix

A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

//UK96308    DD DSN=hlq.IBM.HHOP801.UK96308,
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//            DSORG=PS,
//            RECFM=FB,
//            LRECL=80,
//            UNIT=SYSALLDA,
//*            VOL=SER=volser,
//*            BLKSIZE=6160,
//            SPACE=(TRK,(94,10))

Upload the fix from your workstation to z/OS

Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:

User enters: Values
mvsaddr TC P/IP address of the z/OS system
tsouid Your TSO user ID
tsopw Your TSO password
d: Your drive containing the fix files
hlq High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above
C:\>ftp mvsaddr
Connected to mvsaddr.
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS %version% at mvsaddr, %time% on %date%.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.
User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid
331 Send password please.
Password: tsopw
230 tsouid is logged on.  Working directory is "tsouid.".
ftp> cd ..
250 "" is the working directory name prefix.
ftp> cd hlq
250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix.
ftp> binary
200 Representation type is Image
ftp> put d:\IBM.HHOP801.UK96308
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set hlq.IBM.HHOP801.UK96308
250 Transfer completed successfully
5204240 bytes sent in 0.28 seconds
ftp> quit
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.

SMP/E hold information for the fix

++HOLD(UK96308) SYS FMID(HHOP801) REASON(ACTION) DATE(13212)                   
     * Affected function: RSE                                       *           
     * Description: new environment variables                       *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: /usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars                      *           
     *       [/etc/rdz/rsed.envvars]                                *           
     This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the                     
     following optional directives:                                             
     #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsearch.server.limit.hits=0"               
     #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsearch.server.limit.datasets=0"           
     #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsearch.server.limit.lines=0"              
     When set, these optional variables limit how long a search will            
     run. You can limit on the number of results found (limit.hits),            
     the number of data sets searched (limit.datasets) or the total             
     number of lines searched (limit.lines).                                    
     #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsearch.server.limit.timeout=0"            
     When set, this optional variable limits how long a search will             
     be allowed to run (specified in seconds) before the server ends            
     it. When set to zero, there is no limit.                                   
     * Affected function: RSED operator commands                    *           
     * Description: new RSED operator command                       *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: n/a                                                    *           
     This service introduces a new operator command for the RSED                
     started task.                                                              
     MODIFY RSED,APPL=DEBUG CG,PID=pid                                          
       Request a Java Garbage Collection for a specified thread pool,           
       where pid is the process ID of an RSE thread pool.                       
     * Affected function: data set lock                             *           
     * Description: limit delays in releasing data set locks        *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars                                  *           
     *       [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars]                    *           
     This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the                     
     following non-customizable directive:                                      
     Add this directive to your active rsed.envvars (by default                 
     located in /etc/rdz).                                                      
     * Affected function: RSE                                       *           
     * Description: new environment variable                        *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars                                  *           
     *       [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars]                    *           
     This service updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the                 
     following optional directive:                                              
     #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -DDISABLE_TEXT_SEARCH=true"                 
       Disable the ability to do text searches in libraries. Remote             
       index search is still possible. The default value is FALSE.              
       Uncomment and specify TRUE to disable library text searches.             
     * Affected function: console messages                          *           
     * Description: changed message, FEK210I                        *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: n/a                                                    *           
     This maintenance changes the text of console message                       
     FEK210I = {0} was disconnected forcibly because of the active              
       single.logon directive.                                                  
     * Affected function: console messages                          *           
     * Description: new message                                     *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: n/a                                                    *           
     This maintenance introduces new console messages                           
     FEK215W = Command {0} is not processed by all thread pools                 
     FEK216W = Unable to process command, busy processing previous              
     These message can be shown when there is a problem processing              
     operator commands.                                                         
     FEK106E = No Resource Bundle of {0}                                        
     This message is shown when a properties file cannot be found.              
     * Affected function: CARMA                                     *           
     * Description: user exit support                               *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: /etc/rdz/                             *           
     *       [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/]               *           
     * Part: /etc/rdz/crastart.conf                                 *           
     *       [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/crastart.conf]                   *           
     * Part: /etc/rdz/crastart.endevor.conf                         *           
     *       [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/crastart.endevor.conf]           *           
     * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBMT)                               *           
     *       [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBMT)]                               *           
     * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBCA)                               *           
     *       [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBCA)]                               *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKPROC(CRANDVRA)                                 *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKPROC(CRAALLOC)                                 *           
     This fix introduces an enhancement that allows the execution               
     of user-specified code during CARMA startup.                               
     This fix updates the sample file by adding               
     an optional directive:                                                     
     #user.exit = 'FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRAEXIT)'                                       
       Defines user-specified code to be executed during CARMA                  
       startup. Uncomment and specify the data set name of the code             
       to be executed.                                                          
       With quotes (') the data set name is an absolute reference,              
       without quotes (') the data set name is prefixed with the                
       client's user ID, not the TSO prefix. The latter requires that           
       all CARMA users must maintain their own exit code.                       
       A sample user exit is provided as SFEKSAMP(CRAEXIT). This                
       sample also documents the startup arguments passed to the                
       user exit.                                                               
     This fix updates the sample crastart.conf and                              
     crastart.endevor.conf file by adding support to pass multiple              
     arguments to the CARMA startup exec (CRAALLOC and CRANDVRA).               
     This fix updates the sample CRASUBMT and CRASUBCA members by               
     accepting multiple arguments and pass them to the CARMA startup            
     exec (CRAALLOC and CRANDVRA).                                              
     This fix updates the CRANDVRA CARMA startup exec so it can                 
     invoke a user exit.                                                        
     This fix introduces the CRAALLOC CARMA startup exec.                       
     * Affected function: CARMA CRASTART                            *           
     * Description: LPA update                                      *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKLPA(CRASTART)                                  *           
     This fix updates LPA load module CRASTART, which is used by                
     Refer to the Host Configuration Guide for information on                   
     dynamically activating LPA updates.                                        
     * Affected function: JES Job Monitor                           *           
     * Description: altered TCP/IP bind                             *           
     * Timing: pre-APPLY                                            *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKAUTH(FEJJMON)                                  *           
     This fix changes JES Job Monitor to bind to the loopback                   
     address only. This change is incompatible with older RDz                   
     servers that expect JMON to bind to the default IP stack.                  
     By specifying LOOPBACK_ONLY=OFF in FEJJCNFG you instruct the               
     JMON server to bind to the default stack and the loopback                  
     address. This allows both older and the current RDz server to              
     connect to a single JMON server.                                           
     * Affected function: JES Job Monitor                           *           
     * Description: config file update                              *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: FEK.#CUST.PARMLIB(FEJJCNFG)                            *           
     *       [FEK.SFEKSAMP(FEJJCNFG)]                               *           
     This fix updates the sample FEJJCNFG member:                               
     1. add optional directive                                                  
       Defines whether JES Job Monitor binds to the loopback address            
       only, or to every available TCP/IP stack. Binding to loopback            
       is more secure, because only tasks local to this z/OS system             
       will be able to contact JES Job Monitor. The default is ON.              
       Uncomment this directive and specify OFF if you want JES Job             
       Monitor to bind to all TCP/IP stacks.                                    
     2. remove optional directive                                               
       As the loopback address has no TCP/IP stack affinity, support            
       for _BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT has been removed.).                        

Perform SMP/E ACCEPT for the prerequisites

SMP/E ACCEPT the prerequisites to facilitate an easy backout of the fix, if required. Note that once accepted, you cannot backout the accepted prerequisites.

You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

//* Change #globalcsi to the data set name of your global CSI.
//* Change #dzone to your CSI distribution zone name.
//SMPCSI   DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi
   SET BOUNDARY(#dzone) .

Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY for the fix

SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.

You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

//* Change hlq to the high level qualifier used to upload the fix.
//* Change (2x) #globalcsi to the data set name of your global CSI.
//* Change #tzone to your CSI target zone name.
//SMPCSI   DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi
//SMPCSI   DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi
   SET BOUNDARY(#tzone) .

Restart started tasks to activate changes

Restart started tasks to activate changes.