Installation instructions for fix UK81498 for IBM Rational Developer for System z v80 (FMID HHOP801)

The fix is shipped as file IBM.HHOP801.UK81498

The fix has rework (build) date 2012248 (4 Sep 2012)

The following fixes are prerequisites for this fix:

These prerequisites can be downloaded from the Developer for System z Recommended Fixes page, if not included as file IBM.HHOP801.<prereq>.

Overview of the installation steps

Steps required to install the fix:

  1. Allocate host data sets for the fix.
  2. Upload the fix from your workstation to z/OS.
  3. SMP/E hold information for the fix.
  4. Perform SMP/E ACCEPT for the prerequisites.
  5. Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY for the fix.

Allocate host data sets for the fix

A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

//UK81498    DD DSN=hlq.IBM.HHOP801.UK81498,
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//            DSORG=PS,
//            RECFM=FB,
//            LRECL=80,
//            UNIT=SYSALLDA,
//*            VOL=SER=volser,
//*            BLKSIZE=6160,
//            SPACE=(TRK,(232,40))

Upload the fix from your workstation to z/OS

Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:

User enters: Values
mvsaddr TC P/IP address of the z/OS system
tsouid Your TSO user ID
tsopw Your TSO password
d: Your drive containing the fix files
hlq High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above
C:\>ftp mvsaddr
Connected to mvsaddr.
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS %version% at mvsaddr, %time% on %date%.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.
User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid
331 Send password please.
Password: tsopw
230 tsouid is logged on.  Working directory is "tsouid.".
ftp> cd ..
250 "" is the working directory name prefix.
ftp> cd hlq
250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix.
ftp> binary
200 Representation type is Image
ftp> put d:\IBM.HHOP801.UK81498
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set hlq.IBM.HHOP801.UK81498
250 Transfer completed successfully
12905280 bytes sent in 0.28 seconds
ftp> quit
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.

SMP/E hold information for the fix

++HOLD(UK81498) SYS FMID(HHOP801) REASON(DOC) DATE(12248)                      
     * Affected function: console messages                          *           
     * Description: new message, FEK212E                            *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: n/a                                                    *           
     This maintenance defines a new console message                             
     FEK212E = Invalid {0} command option: {1}                                  
     The message can be shown after issueing a faulty formatted                 
     operator command.).                                                        
++HOLD(UK81498) SYS FMID(HHOP801) REASON(ACTION) DATE(12248)                   
     * Affected function: configuration problem analysis            *           
     * Description: updated debug information gathering tool        *           
     * Timing: pre-APPLY                                            *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKSAMP(FEKLOGS)                                  *           
     This maintenance updates the debug information gathering tool,             
     - added support to collect data for multiple userids                       
     If you have customized this file, it is advised to back it                 
     up before proceeding with SMP/E Apply.                                     
     * Affected function: configuration problem analysis            *           
     * Description: updated debug information gathering tool        *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKSAMP(FEKLOGS)                                  *           
     *       [FEK.#CUST.JCL(FEKLOGS)]                               *           
     This maintenance updates the debug information gathering tool,             
     - added support to collect data for multiple userids                       
     Redo your customizations, if any, after applying this                      
     * Affected function: TSO commands service                      *           
     * Description: new environment variable                        *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars                                  *           
     *       [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars]                    *           
     This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the                     
     following optional directives:                                             
     #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -DRSE_DSICALL=TSO"                          
       Method used to collect data set information. By default, the             
       service uses the same TSO/ISPF Client Gateway infrastructure             
       used for TSO commands issued by the user. Uncomment and                  
       specify TSO to use an alternative, less resource-intensive,              
       method to collect data set information. Note that this                   
       alternative method adds additional prerequisites:                        
       * FEK.SFEKLOAD(FEKDSI) must be in LINKLIST or STEPLIB (defined           
         in rsed.envvars)                                                       
       * the REXX runtime library (REXX.*.SEAGLPA) must be in LPA,              
         LINKLIST, or STEPLIB (defined in rsed.envvars)                         
       Also note that this variable is not honored when APPC is used            
       instead of ISPF's TSO/ISPF Client Gateway to support the TSO             
       Commands service.                                                        
     Add these directives to your active rsed.envvars (by default               
     located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use them.                              
     * Affected function: CA Endevor(R) SCM integration             *           
     * Description: new CRABCFG (batch action) directives           *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: FEK.#CUST.PARMLIB(CRABCFG)                             *           
     *       [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRABCFG)]                                *           
     This service introduces new batch action directives for the                
     CRABCFG configuration file (CA Endevor(R) SCM batch actions).              
     # batch action JCL members within SKELETON-DD                              
     ADD-ELEMENT      = CRABATCA                                                
     GENERATE-ELEMENT = CRABATCA                                                
     MOVE-ELEMENT     = CRABATCA                                                
     DELETE-ELEMENT   = CRABATCA                                                
     RETRIEVE-ELEMENT = CRABATCA                                                
     SIGNIN-ELEMENT   = CRABATCA                                                
     PRINT-ELEMENT    = CRABATCA                                                
     PRINT-MEMBER     = CRABATCA   # new directive                              
     * Affected function: CARMA                                     *           
     * Description: CA Endevor(R) SCM VSAM update                   *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: SFEKVSM2(CRA0VCAD)                                     *           
     * Part: SFEKVSM2(CRA0VCAS)                                     *           
     This maintenance updates the CRADEF and CRASTRS VSAM data sets             
     used by the Developer for System z interface to CA Endevor(R).             
     * support PRINT-MEMBER API call                                            
     To apply these changes to your active VSAM data sets, resubmit             
     the customized SFEKSAMP(CRA$VCAD) and SFEKSAMP(CRA$VCAS).                  
     * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface               *           
     * Description: updated CA Endevor support                      *           
     * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *           
     * Part: FEK.SFEKPROC(CRANDVRA)                                 *           
     This fix updates sample member SFEKPROC(CRANDVRA):                         
     * DD SPCLLIST: LRECL(80) -> LRECL(256)).                                   

Perform SMP/E ACCEPT for the prerequisites

SMP/E ACCEPT the prerequisites to facilitate an easy backout of the fix, if required.

Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY for the fix

SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.