The fix is shipped as file IBM.HHOP760.UK74316
The following fixes are prerequisites for this fix:
These prerequisites can be downloaded from the Developer for System z Recommended Fixes page, if not included as file IBM.HHOP760.<prereq>.
Steps required to install the fix:
A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.
//ALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //* //UK74316 DD DSN=hlq.IBM.HHOP760.UK74316, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DSORG=PS, // RECFM=FB, // LRECL=80, // UNIT=SYSALLDA, //* VOL=SER=volser, //* BLKSIZE=6160, // SPACE=(TRK,(30,5)) //*
Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:
User enters: | Values |
mvsaddr | TC P/IP address of the z/OS system |
tsouid | Your TSO user ID |
tsopw | Your TSO password |
d: | Your drive containing the fix files |
hlq | High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above |
C:\>ftp mvsaddr Connected to mvsaddr. 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS %version% at mvsaddr, %time% on %date%. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes. User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid 331 Send password please. Password: tsopw 230 tsouid is logged on. Working directory is "tsouid.". ftp> cd .. 250 "" is the working directory name prefix. ftp> cd hlq 250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix. ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> put d:\IBM.HHOP760.UK74316 200 Port request OK. 125 Storing data set hlq.IBM.HHOP760.UK74316 250 Transfer completed successfully 1625920 bytes sent in 0.28 seconds ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
++HOLD(UK74316) SYS FMID(HHOP760) REASON(DOC) DATE(11333) COMMENT (**************************************************************** * Affected function: automatic process cleanup * **************************************************************** * Description: change action for process.cleanup.interval=0 * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This service changes the implementation when process.cleanup.interval equals 0. Current implementation: Disable the automatic cleanup of processes that are hung/dead. New implementation: Cleanup the process as soon as the daemon realizes that the process is dead or hung. This can happen during a new client logon or the DISPLAY PROCESS operator command. Note that the implementation for non-zero values remains the same. For example, when "process.cleanup.interval=60" is specified, a monitor thread will run every 60 seconds and consume CPU, even if there is no dead process. When "process.cleanup.interval=0" is specified, the monitor thread is not needed and thus there is no CPU consumption if there is no hung/dead process.). ++HOLD(UK74316) SYS FMID(HHOP760) REASON(ACTION) DATE(11333) COMMENT (**************************************************************** * Affected function: RSED operator commands * **************************************************************** * Description: new operator command: D P,CPU * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: not applicable * **************************************************************** This service introduces a new operator command for the RSED started task. MODIFY RSED,APPL={DISPLAY | D} {PROCESS | P},CPU[,PID=pid] Show CPU usage per z/OS UNIX thread in the RSE thread pools. Results are shown in a single BPXM023I console message per RSE thread pool. Add optional argument PID=pid (where pid is the process ID of an RSE thread pool) to limit the scope of the command to a single thread pool. BPXM023I (STCRSE) ProcessId(207 ) ASId(0069) JobName(RSED9) Order(2) USERID THREAD-ID TCB@ ACC_TIME TAG STCRSE 0ED8E20000000000 005E6B60 748 1/ThreadPoolProces STCRSE 0ED8F30000000001 005E69C8 001 STCRSE 0ED9040000000002 005E6518 1870 STCRSE 0ED9150000000003 005E66B0 1767 STCRSE 0ED9260000000004 005E62F8 001 STCRSE 0ED9370000000005 005E60D8 001 STCRSE 0ED9480000000006 005C4D80 009 6/ThreadPoolMonito STCRSE 0EDDCC0000000009 005C49C8 068 STCRSE 0EDE43000000000A 005C4088 002 IBMUSER 0EDDBB000000000D 005C4BE8 315 16/ServerReceiver IBMUSER 0EDEA9000000000E 005C2BE0 146 12/ServerUpdateHan IBMUSER 0EDEBA000000000F 005C29C0 558 11/ServerCommandHa STCRSE 0EDE980000000012 005C2E00 004 STCRSE 0EDE870000000013 005C42A8 126 IBMUSER 0EDECB0000000014 005C27A0 027 22/UniversalFileSy IBMUSER 0EDF200000000018 005C2140 002 23/EnvironmentMine IBMUSER 0EDEFE0000000019 005C2580 002 27/CommandMiner IBMUSER 0EDEED000000001A 005C2360 079 28/MVSFileSystemMi IBMUSER 0EDF0F000000001B 005C1E88 002 29/MVSByteStreamHa STCRSE 0EDF31000000001C 005C1CF0 001 IBMUSER 0EDF53000000001D 005C1AD0 066 30/JESMiner IBMUSER 0EDF64000000001F 005C18B0 003 32/FAMiner IBMUSER 0EDF750000000020 005C1690 001 33/LuceneMiner IBMUSER 0EDF860000000021 005C1470 001 34/CDTParserMiner IBMUSER 0EDF970000000022 005C1250 001 35/MVSLuceneMiner IBMUSER 0EDFA80000000023 005C1030 001 36/CDTMVSParserMin BPXM023I (STCRSE) ProcessId(204 ) ASId(003B) JobName(RSED7) Order(1) USERID THREAD-ID TCB@ ACC_TIME TAG STCRSE 0ED1D80000000000 005E6B60 727 1/ThreadPoolProces STCRSE 0ED21C0000000001 005E69C8 001 STCRSE 0ED22D0000000002 005E6518 425 STCRSE 0ED23E0000000003 005E66B0 1884 STCRSE 0ED2820000000004 005E62F8 001 STCRSE 0ED2930000000005 005E60D8 001 STCRSE 0ED4090000000006 005C4D80 007 6/ThreadPoolMonito **************************************************************** * Affected function: C/C++ content asist * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variable * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directive: #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -DCPP_CLEANUP_INTERVAL=60000" Cleanup interval for unused C/C++ header files in milliseconds. The default is 60000 (1 minute). Uncomment and customize to change the cleanup interval. Specifying 0 will prevent caching of C/C++ header files, reducing performance of remote content assist in the editor. Add this directive to your active rsed.envvars (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use it.).
SMP/E ACCEPT the prerequisites to facilitate an easy backout of the fix, if required.
SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.