The fix is shipped as file IBM.HHOP801.UK72577
The following fixes are prerequisites for this fix:
These prerequisites can be downloaded from the Developer for System z Recommended Fixes page, if not included as file IBM.HHOP801.<prereq>.
Steps required to install the fix:
A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.
//ALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //* //UK72577 DD DSN=hlq.IBM.HHOP801.UK72577, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DSORG=PS, // RECFM=FB, // LRECL=80, // UNIT=SYSALLDA, //* VOL=SER=volser, //* BLKSIZE=6160, // SPACE=(TRK,(240,40)) //*
Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:
User enters: | Values |
mvsaddr | TC P/IP address of the z/OS system |
tsouid | Your TSO user ID |
tsopw | Your TSO password |
d: | Your drive containing the fix files |
hlq | High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above |
C:\>ftp mvsaddr Connected to mvsaddr. 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS %version% at mvsaddr, %time% on %date%. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes. User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid 331 Send password please. Password: tsopw 230 tsouid is logged on. Working directory is "tsouid.". ftp> cd .. 250 "" is the working directory name prefix. ftp> cd hlq 250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix. ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> put d:\IBM.HHOP801.UK72577 200 Port request OK. 125 Storing data set hlq.IBM.HHOP801.UK72577 250 Transfer completed successfully 13357120 bytes sent in 0.28 seconds ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
++HOLD(UK72577) SYS FMID(HHOP801) REASON(ACTION) DATE(11283) COMMENT (**************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA * **************************************************************** * Description: CA Endevor(R) SCM VSAM update * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: SFEKVSM2(CRA0VCAD) * * Part: SFEKVSM2(CRA0VCAS) * **************************************************************** This maintenance updates the CRADEF and CRASTRS VSAM data sets used by the Developer for System z interface to CA Endevor(R). To apply these changes to your active VSAM data sets, resubmit the customized SFEKSAMP(CRA$VCAD) and SFEKSAMP(CRA$VCAS). **************************************************************** * Affected function: client-host communication * **************************************************************** * Description: disable TCP/IP delayed ACK * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directive: #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -DDSTORE_TCP_NO_DELAY" Disable TCP/IP's "delayed ACK" mechanism for Developer for System z host to client communication. The default is FALSE. Uncomment and specify TRUE to disable "delayed ACK". Add this directive to your active rsed.envvars (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use it. **************************************************************** * Affected function: system resources * **************************************************************** * Description: limit resource usage * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix changess the interpretation of the process.cleanup.interval directive in rsed.envvars when value 0 is assigned. _RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dprocess.cleanup.interval=0" Previous interpretation: Disable the daemon to clean up a hung/dead process New interpretation: Clean up the process as soon as the daemon realizes that the process is dead or hung. The possible timing is a new client logon or a DISPLAY PROCESS operator command. **************************************************************** * Affected function: initial setup * **************************************************************** * Description: z/OS UNIX security bits for 64bit code * **************************************************************** * Timing: pre-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(FEKRACF) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(FEKRACF)] * **************************************************************** This fix updates sample job FEKRACF to also set the correct z/OS UNIX permission bits for 64bit RACF code. Save your current customizations to FEKRACF before applying this maintenance if you changed the SFEKSAMP copy of the sample. **************************************************************** * Affected function: PL/I remote preprocessor * **************************************************************** * Description: new sample member * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(FEKRNPLI) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(FEKRNPLI)] * **************************************************************** This fix adds a new sample member, FEKRNPLI, which is can be called by the client to remote preprocessing fro PL/I. Customize the sample PL/I preprocessor (REXX) exec FEK.#CUST.CNTL(FEKRNPLI), as described within the member, and notify the Developer for system z users where the exec is located. **************************************************************** * Affected function: push-to-client * **************************************************************** * Description: new directive * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/ * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample by adding the following directive: accept.product.license=false Indicates whether the product license is automatically accepted during updates initiated by push-to-client. If enabled, IBM Installation Manager does not ask to accept the license during client update. The default is false. The only valid values are true and false. Add this directive to your active (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use it. **************************************************************** * Affected function: C/C++ content asist * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variable * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directive: #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -DCPP_CLEANUP_INTERVAL=60000" Cleanup interval for unused C/C++ header files in milliseconds. The default is 60000 (1 minute). Uncomment and customize to change the cleanup interval. Specifying 0 will prevent caching of C/C++ header files, reducing performance of remote content assist in the editor. Add this directive to your active rsed.envvars (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use it. **************************************************************** * Affected function: RDZ specifice security profiles * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variable * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directive: #_RSE_FEK_SAF_CLASS=FACILITY Specifies the security class where FEK.* profiles are defined. The default is FACILITY. Uncomment and change to enforce the usage of the specified value. This is an optional directive. Add this directive to your active rsed.envvars (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use it. **************************************************************** * Affected function: push-to-client LDAP usage * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variable * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directives: #_RSE_LDAP_SERVER=ldap_server_url Specifies the LDAP server host name used by the push-to-client function. The default is the current z/OS host name. Uncomment and change to enforce the usage of the specified value. This is an optional directive. #_RSE_LDAP_PORT=389 Specifies the LDAP server port used by the push-to-client function. The default is 389. Uncomment and change to enforce the usage of the specified value. This is an optional directive. #_RSE_LDAP_PTC_GROUP_SUFFIX="O=PTC,C=DeveloperForZ" Specifies the "O=<organization>,C=<country>" suffix needed to find the push-to-client groups within the LDAP server. The default is "O=PTC,C=DeveloperForZ". Uncomment and change to enforce the usage of the specified value. This is an optional directive. Add these directives to your active rsed.envvars (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use them. **************************************************************** * Affected function: processing audit data * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variable * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directives: #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Daudit.action=<user exit>" Name of a user exit which will be invoked when an audit log file is closed. There is no default value, but a sample exit is provided in /usr/lpp/rdz/samples/process_audit.rex. Uncomment and specify the full pathname of the user exit program to enable post-processing of audit logs. #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS<userid>" User ID to be used for running the exit specified in the audit.action variable. The default is the user ID assigned to RSE daemon. Uncomment and specify a user ID to use the specified ID for executing the audit post-processing exit. Add these directives to your active rsed.envvars (by default located in /etc/rdz) if you want to use them. **************************************************************** * Affected function: UOPT creation for CICS & IMS debugging * **************************************************************** * Description: changed sample procedure * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.PROCLIB(ELAXFUOP) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(ELAXFUOP)] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample ELAXFUOP by adding the following DD statement: added //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEEMAC Add this DD to your active ELAXFUOP procedure (by default located in FEK.#CUST.PROCLIB) if you want to use it. **************************************************************** * Affected function: Assembler error feedback * **************************************************************** * Description: new load modules * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.SFEKLOAD(ELAXHAS2 and ELAXHASM) * **************************************************************** This fix adds load modules FEK.SFEKLOAD(ELAXHAS2 and ELAXHASM) which are used by error feedback for High Level Assembler. Add these loadmodules to the STEPLIB DD of FEK.#CUST.PROCLIB(ELAXFASM) if you want to use HLASM error feedback. **************************************************************** * Affected function: LOCKD operator commands * **************************************************************** * Description: new LOCKD operator command * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: n/a * **************************************************************** This service introduces a new operator command for the LOCKD started task. MODIFY LOCKD,APPL=DISPLAY TABLE Display the lock daemon mapping table in a single BPXM023I message. The lock daemon uses this mapping table to determine which Developer for System z user holds a certain data set lock (GRS reports only the ASID/TCB pair). **************************************************************** * Affected function: RSED operator commands * **************************************************************** * Description: new RSED operator command * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: n/a * **************************************************************** This service introduces a new operator command for the RSED started task. MODIFY RSED,APPL=IVP ISPF,userid Invoke ISPFs Client Gateway as user ID 'userid'. The function is similar to what the fekfivpi IVP (Installation Verification Program) does. Results are shown with console messages FEK900I ande FEK901I. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA * **************************************************************** * Description: CARMA VSAM update * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: SFEKVSM1(CRA0VMSG) * **************************************************************** This maintenance updates the CRAMSG VSAM data set used by CARMA To apply these changes to your active VSAM data sets, resubmit the customized SFEKSAMP(CRA$VMSG). **************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA CRASTART * **************************************************************** * Description: LPA update * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.SFEKLPA(CRASTART) * **************************************************************** This fix updates LPA load module CRASTART, which is used by CARMA. The fix introduces cosmetical changes in debug output, so there is no requirement to immediatly update your active LPA. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA * **************************************************************** * Description: system affinity * **************************************************************** * Timing: pre-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBMT) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBMT)] * * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBCA) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBCA)] * **************************************************************** In a sysplex environment, the CARMA server must be started on the same system as the RSE server is active. This fix updates sample job CRASUBMT and CRASUBCA to show how to add system affinity to the job. Save your current customizations to CRASUBMT and CRASUBCA before applying this maintenance if you changed the SFEKSAMP copy of the samples. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface * **************************************************************** * Description: new load module * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.SFEKLOAD(CRARPKGS) * **************************************************************** This fix adds load module FEK.SFEKLOAD(CRARPKGS) which is used for handling CA Endevor SCM(R) packages. Add this loadmodule to the TASKLIB DD of crastart.endevor.conf or the STEPLIB DD of FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBCA) if you want to use the CA Endevor SCM(R) packages support. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface * **************************************************************** * Description: Endevor packages support * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.SFEKPROC(CRANDVRA) * **************************************************************** This fix updates sample members SFEKPROC(CRANDVRA), to support CA Endevor SCM(R) packages. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface * **************************************************************** * Description: batch actions * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.PARMLIB(CRABCFG) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRABCFG)] * * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRABATCA) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRABATCA)] * **************************************************************** This fix introduces 2 new sample members, CRABCFG and CRABATCA, which are used by batch-action support for CA Endevor SCM(R). Refer to RDz 803 Host Configuration Guide (SC23-7658-06) for more details on batch-action support for CA Endevor SCM(R). **************************************************************** * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface * **************************************************************** * Description: batch actions * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBCA) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBCA)] * * Part: /etc/rdz/crastart.endevor.conf * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/crastart.endevor.conf] * **************************************************************** This fix updates sample members CRASUBCA and crastart.endevor.conf, to support batch-actions for CA Endevor SCM(R). Refer to RDz 803 Host Configuration Guide (SC23-7658-06) for more details on batch-action support for CA Endevor SCM(R).).
SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.