Installation instructions for fix UK42639 for IBM WebSphere Developer for zSeries JES Job Monitor (FMID H002600)

The fix is shipped as file IBM.H002600.UK42639.

Overview of the installation steps

Steps required to install the fix:

  1. Allocate host data sets for the fix.
  2. Upload the fix from your workstation to z/OS.
  3. SMP/E hold information for the fix.
  4. Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY for the fix.

Allocate host data sets for the fix

A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

//UK42639  DD DSN=hlq.IBM.H002600.UK42639,
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//            DSORG=PS,
//            RECFM=FB,
//            LRECL=80,
//            UNIT=SYSALLDA,
//*            VOL=SER=volser,
//*            BLKSIZE=6160,
//            SPACE=(TRK,(5,5))

Upload the fix from your workstation to z/OS

Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:

User enters: Values
mvsaddr TC P/IP address of the z/OS system
tsouid Your TSO user ID
tsopw Your TSO password
d: Your drive containing the fix files
hlq High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above
C:\>ftp mvsaddr
Connected to mvsaddr.
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R8 at mvsaddr, 04:43:52 on 2007-03-15.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.

User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid
331 Send password please.

Password: tsopw
230 tsouid is logged on.  Working directory is "tsouid.".

ftp> cd ..
250 "" is the working directory name prefix.

ftp> cd hlq
250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix.

ftp> binary
200 Representation type is Image

ftp> put d:\IBM.H002600.UK42639
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set hlq.IBM.H002600.UK42639
250 Transfer completed successfully
ftp: 229200 bytes sent in 0.02Seconds

ftp> quit
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.

SMP/E hold information for the fix

++HOLD(UK42639) SYS FMID(H002600) REASON(DOC) DATE(08353)
    * Affected function: JES Job Monitor                           *
    * Description: add CONSOLE_NAME support                        *
    * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *
    * Part: FEJJCNFG                                               *
    This maintenance introduces new control directives for JES Job

    CONSOLE_NAME = {consolename | &SYSUID}         (default is JMON)
    GEN_CONSOLE_NAME = {ON | OFF}                   (default is OFF)

    CONSOLE_NAME specifies the name of the EMCS console to be used
    for issuing generated commands against jobs (CANCEL, PURGE,
    HOLD, and RELEASE).

    CONSOLE_NAME must be either a console name consisting of 2 to 8
    alphanumeric characters, or '&SYSUID' (without quotes).

    If a console name is specified, a single console by that name
    is used for all users.

    If &SYSUID is specified, the userid is used as the console name.
    Thus a different console is used for each user.  If the console
    by that name happens to be in use (which may be the case if, for
    example, the user is using the SDSF ULOG, or is using a TSO
    console), then if GEN_CONSOLE_NAME=ON an alternative console
    name is generated by appending a single numeric digit to the
    userid.  The digits 0 through 9 are attempted. If no available
    console is found, then the command fails.

    If GEN_CONSOLE_NAME=OFF and the userid is not available as
    the console name, the command fails.

    No matter which console name is used, the user ID of the client
    requesting the command is used as the LU of the console, leaving
    a trace in syslog messages IEA630I and IEA631.
    IEA630I  OPERATOR console  NOW ACTIVE,   SYSTEM=sysname , LU=id
    IEA631I  OPERATOR console  NOW INACTIVE, SYSTEM=sysname , LU=id

    If no value is specified for CONSOLE_NAME, the default is JMON.
    Thus existing installations will not be affected unless
    CONSOLE_NAME is introduced to the configuration file.

    If used, these directives must be added to the FEJJCNFG
    configuration file, by default located in
    * Affected function: JES Job Monitor                           *
    * Description: add LIMIT_COMMANDS support                      *
    * Timing: post-APPLY                                           *
    * Part: FEJJCNFG                                               *
    This maintenance introduces a new control directive for JES Job
    Monitor, LIMIT_COMMANDS.


    LIMIT_COMMANDS defines against which jobs the user can issue
    selected JES operator commands (HOLD, RELEASE, CANCEL, PURGE).

    Actions agains spool files owned by the user are always allowed.

    Actions against spool files owned by others pass some security
    checks, based upon the value of the LIMIT_COMMANDS directive:
    USERID   Not allowed (default setting)
    LIMITED  Allowed only if explicitly permitted by security
    NOLIMIT  Allowed if permitted by security profiles or when the
             JESSPOOL security class is not active

    If LIMIT_COMMANDS is LIMITED/NOLIMIT, then JES Job Monitor will
    query for ALTER permission to the nodeid.userid.jobname.jobid
    profile in the JESSPOOL class, where
    nodeid   NJE node ID of the target JES subsystem
    userid   Local user ID of the job owner
    jobname  Name of the job
    jobid    JES job ID

    If no value is specified for LIMIT_COMMANDS, the default is
    USERID. Thus existing installations will not be affected unless
    LIMIT_COMMANDS is introduced to the configuration file.

    If used, this directive must be added to the FEJJCNFG
    configuration file, by default located in
++HOLD(UK42639) SYS FMID(H002600) REASON(ACTION) DATE(08353)
    * Affected function: SMP/E install                             *
    * Description: create SMPTLOAD DDDEF statement                 *
    * Timing: pre-APPLY                                            *
    * Part: n/a                                                    *
    Applying this maintenance requires the use of the SMP/E SMPTLOAD
    DDDEF statement. You can add this DDDEF using the sample JCL
    below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your
    site's requirements before submitting.
    - Change #globalcsi to the data set name of your global CSI.
    - Change #tzone to your CSI target zone name.
    - Change #dzone to your CSI distribution zone name.
    //SMPCSI   DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi
    //SMPCNTL  DD *
      SET   BDY(GLOBAL) .
      UCLIN .
      ENDUCL .
      SET   BDY(#tzone) .
      UCLIN .
      ENDUCL .
      SET   BDY(#dzone) .
      UCLIN .
      ENDUCL .

Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY for the fix

SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.