The fix is shipped as file ibm.h001600.uk22991.
Steps required to install the fix:
A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.
//ALLOC1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //* //FTPALLO DD DSN=hlq.IBM.H001600.UK22991, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DSORG=PS, // RECFM=FB, // LRECL=80, // BLKSIZE=6160, // SPACE=(TRK,(10,4)), // UNIT=SYSALLDA //* VOL=SER=&TVOL1 //*Upload the fix from your workstation
Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:
User enters: | Values |
mvsaddr | TC P/IP address of the z/OS system |
tsouid | Your TSO user ID |
tsopw | Your TSO password |
d: | Your drive containing the fix files |
hlq | High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above |
C:\>ftp mvsaddr Connected to mvsaddr. 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R8 at mvsaddr, 04:43:52 on 2002-03-15. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes. User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid 331 Send password please. Password: tsopw 230 tsouid is logged on. Working directory is "tsouid.". ftp> cd .. 250 "" is the working directory name prefix. ftp> cd hlq 250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix. ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> put c:\ibm.h001600.uk22991 ibm.h001600.uk22991 200 Port request OK. 125 Storing data set 250 Transfer completed successfully 924480 bytes sent in .2 seconds ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.
This fix contains one part FEKFRSED which requires Program Control Authorization. The following information has been excerpted from page 4 of the Host Configuration Guide SC31-6930-00. In /usr/lpp/wd4z/rse/lib (RSE installation directory) mark these files as Program Controlled by issuing the following commands in OMVS: extattr +p fekfdir.dll extattr +p fekfivp extattr +p fekflock extattr +p fekfrsed Check by issuing ls -laE fek* to display the attributes. fekfscmd does not require the +p (as shown below) Example output: # ls -laE fek* -rwxr-xr-x -ps- 2 DFS SYS1 188416 Apr 26 9:35 fekfdir.dll -rwxr-xr-x -ps- 1 DFS SYS1 114688 Jun 1 16:43 fekfivp -rwxr-xr-x -ps- 2 DFS SYS1 13172 Apr 26 9:34 fekflock -rwxr-xr-x -ps- 2 DFS SYS1 147456 Apr 26 9:34 fekfrsed -rwxr-xr-x --s- 2 DFS SYS1 42521 Jul 26 11:59 fekfscmd