The fix is shipped as file IBM.HHOP900.UI13095
The fix has rework (build) date 2013335 (1 Dec 2013)
The following fixes are prerequisites for this fix:
These prerequisites can be downloaded from the Developer for System z Recommended Fixes page, if not included as file IBM.HHOP900.<prereq>.
Steps required to install the fix:
A sequential data set must be allocated on the z/OS system to receive the fix that you will upload from your workstation. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.
//ALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //* //UI13095 DD DSN=hlq.IBM.HHOP900.UI13095, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DSORG=PS, // RECFM=FB, // LRECL=80, // UNIT=SYSALLDA, //* VOL=SER=volser, //* BLKSIZE=6160, // SPACE=(TRK,(181,30)) //*
Upload the file in binary format from your workstation to the z/OS data set. On a Windows system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:
User enters: | Values |
mvsaddr | TC P/IP address of the z/OS system |
tsouid | Your TSO user ID |
tsopw | Your TSO password |
d: | Your drive containing the fix files |
hlq | High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above |
C:\>ftp mvsaddr Connected to mvsaddr. 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS %version% at mvsaddr, %time% on %date%. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes. User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid 331 Send password please. Password: tsopw 230 tsouid is logged on. Working directory is "tsouid.". ftp> cd .. 250 "" is the working directory name prefix. ftp> cd hlq 250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix. ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> put d:\IBM.HHOP900.UI13095 200 Port request OK. 125 Storing data set hlq.IBM.HHOP900.UI13095 250 Transfer completed successfully 10101760 bytes sent in 0.28 seconds ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
++HOLD(UI13095) SYS FMID(HHOP900) REASON(ACTION) DATE(13333) COMMENT (**************************************************************** * Affected function: Integrated Debugger * **************************************************************** * Description: debugger support * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/rsed.envvars * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars] * * Part: FEK.#CUST.PROCLIB(ELAXFGO) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(ELAXFGO)] * **************************************************************** This fix holds an enhancement that introduces an integrated debugger in RDz. The related load modules reside in SFEKAUTH. This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars file by adding a new directive: CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$RSE_LIB/debug_miner.jar This fix updates the sample ELAXFGO proclib member by adding SFEKAUTH to STEPLIB to enforce usage of the Integrated Debugger during a compile-and-go debug session. This fix introduces the following SFEKSAMP members: - AQECSD: CICS updates for Integrated Debugger - AQEJCL: started task for Integrated Debugger support (DBGMGR) - AQERACF: RACF definitions for Integrated Debugger started task This fix introduces a SVC, SFEKLPA(AQESVC01). Notes: - RDz v9010 or higher client is required to use the Integrated Debugger. - By default, the RDz v9010 client generates a debugger invocation string that is compatible with IBM Debug Tool. This implies that the v9010 clients do not use the DBGMGR started task by default. - SFEKSAMP(AQECSD) documents additional CICS-related customization tasks that are not covered by the Host Configuration Guide. **************************************************************** * Affected function: audit * **************************************************************** * Description: additional audit records * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: n/a * **************************************************************** This fix introduces new audit records that track z/OS UNIX activity. * File access (read, write, create, delete, rename) * Execution of z/OS UNIX commands **************************************************************** * Affected function: console messages * **************************************************************** * Description: new message, FEK215W, FEK216W * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: n/a * **************************************************************** This maintenance introduces new console messages FEK107E = Almost Disk-Full in {0}, existing {1} removed If a disk is almost full when writing a log message, the oldest log file is removed. **************************************************************** * Affected function: RSE * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variables * **************************************************************** * Timing: pre-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars * * [/etc/rdz/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updates the sample rsed.envvars by adding the following optional directives: #RSE_UBLD_DD=$CGI_ISPCONF/ISPF.conf Specifies the DD statements that will be used when generating JCL for IBM Rational Team Concert user builds from a RDz client that invoke TSO or ISPF commands. By default, RDz uses the definitions in ISPF.conf, which is referenced by CGI_ISPCONF in rsed.envvars. Uncomment and change to use the DD definitions in the specified file, which must follow the syntax rules specified for ISPF.conf. #RSE_UBLD_STEPLIB=$STEPLIB Specifies the STEPLIB statement that will be used when generating JCL for IBM Rational Team Concert user builds from a RDz client that invoke TSO or ISPF commands. By default, RDz uses the STEPLIB definition in rsed.envvars. Uncomment and change to use the specified STEPLIB definition. #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dkeep.all.logs=false" When commented out or set to true, RSE will keep all host logs. This is the default. When set to false, RSE will delete older host logs. This is the pre-v901 behavior. #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dlog.retention.period=5" When keep.all.logs is active, then RSE will delete logs older than the specified number of days. No logs are deleted when 0 is specified. The default is 5 days. #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Ddisplay.users=true" Automated display of active users. The default is false. Uncomment and specify true to enable an automated display of active users in rseserver.log on each user logon and logoff. #_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsearch.server.limit.timeout=0" When set, this optional variable limits how long a search will be allowed to run (specified in seconds) before the server ends it. When set to zero, there is no limit. **************************************************************** * Affected function: RSE * **************************************************************** * Description: new environment variables * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /usr/lpp/rdz/samples/rsed.envvars * * [/etc/rdz/rsed.envvars] * **************************************************************** This fix updated sample file rsed.envvars. Redo your customizations, if any, after applying this maintenance. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA CRASTART * **************************************************************** * Description: LPA update * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.SFEKLPA(CRASTART) * **************************************************************** This fix updates LPA load module CRASTART, which is used by CARMA. Refer to the Host Configuration Guide for information on dynamically activating LPA updates. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA * **************************************************************** * Description: CA Endevor(R) SCM VSAM update * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: SFEKVSM2(CRA0VCAD) * **************************************************************** This maintenance updates the CRADEF VSAM data set used by the Developer for System z interface to CA Endevor(R). To apply these changes to your active VSAM data set, resubmit the customized SFEKSAMP(CRA$VCAD). **************************************************************** * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface * **************************************************************** * Description: Enhanced Edit * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.PARMLIB(CRACFG) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRACFG)] * **************************************************************** This fix introduces a new configuration file, CRACFG, which is used by Enhanced Edit support for CA Endevor SCM(R). This configuration file is accessed via a new CRACFG DD in CRASUBCA / crastart.endevor.conf. # ENTRY-STAGE-COPY-MODE Disable or enable the use of the CA Endevor SCM(R) Transfer Element API. The default is TRANSFER. Uncomment and specify RETRIEVE-ADD to use a RETRIEVE and ADD mechanism instead of the Transfer Element API. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CA Endevor SCM(R) interface * **************************************************************** * Description: batch actions * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBCA) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBCA)] * * Part: /etc/rdz/crastart.endevor.conf * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/crastart.endevor.conf] * **************************************************************** This fix updates sample members CRASUBCA and crastart.endevor.conf, to specify DD CRACFG. **************************************************************** * Affected function: CARMA * **************************************************************** * Description: user exit support * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: /etc/rdz/ * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/] * * Part: /etc/rdz/crastart.conf * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/crastart.conf] * * Part: /etc/rdz/crastart.endevor.conf * * [/usr/lpp/rdz/samples/crastart.endevor.conf] * * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBMT) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBMT)] * * Part: FEK.#CUST.CNTL(CRASUBCA) * * [FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRASUBCA)] * * Part: FEK.SFEKPROC(CRANDVRA) * * Part: FEK.SFEKPROC(CRAALLOC) * **************************************************************** This fix introduces an enhancement that allows the execution of user-specified code during CARMA startup. This fix updates the sample file by adding an optional directive: #user.exit = 'FEK.SFEKSAMP(CRAEXIT)' user.exit Defines user-specified code to be executed during CARMA startup. Uncomment and specify the data set name of the code to be executed. With quotes (') the data set name is an absolute reference, without quotes (') the data set name is prefixed with the client's user ID, not the TSO prefix. The latter requires that all CARMA users must maintain their own exit code. A sample user exit is provided as SFEKSAMP(CRAEXIT). This sample also documents the startup arguments passed to the user exit. This fix updates the sample crastart.conf and crastart.endevor.conf file by adding support to pass multiple arguments to the CARMA startup exec (CRAALLOC and CRANDVRA). This fix updates the sample CRASUBMT and CRASUBCA members by accepting multiple arguments and pass them to the CARMA startup exec (CRAALLOC and CRANDVRA). This fix updates the CRANDVRA CARMA startup exec so it can invoke a user exit. This fix introduces the CRAALLOC CARMA startup exec. **************************************************************** * Affected function: zUnit * **************************************************************** * Description: new startup option * **************************************************************** * Timing: post-APPLY * **************************************************************** * Part: n/a * **************************************************************** This fix introduces a new startup option for the zUNIT test runner. -MVS invocation: CLOCALE=<locale> -z/OS UNIX invocation: -l=<locale> where <locale> is the z/OS XL C/C++ compiled locale to use for native character data exchanged between the test case and the test runner.).
SMP/E ACCEPT the prerequisites to facilitate an easy backout of the fix, if required. Note that once accepted, you cannot backout the accepted prerequisites.
This step can be skipped if there are no prerequisites, or if there is a reason to not make a prerequisite permanent.
You can accept the prerequisites by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.
//* //* Change #globalcsi to the data set name of your global CSI. //* Change #dzone to your CSI distribution zone name. //* //ACCEPT EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGION=0M //SMPCSI DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi //SMPCNTL DD * SET BOUNDARY(#dzone) . ACCEPT SELECT( ) REDO COMPRESS(ALL) BYPASS(HOLDSYS,HOLDERROR). //*
SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY the fix.
You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.
//* //* Change hlq to the high level qualifier used to upload the fix. //* Change (2x) #globalcsi to the data set name of your global CSI. //* Change #tzone to your CSI target zone name. //* //RECEIVE EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGION=0M //SMPCSI DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi //SMPPTFIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.IBM.HHOP900.UI13095 //SMPCNTL DD * SET BOUNDARY(GLOBAL) . RECEIVE SELECT(UI13095) SYSMODS LIST . //* //APPLY EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGION=0M //SMPCSI DD DISP=OLD,DSN=#globalcsi //SMPCNTL DD * SET BOUNDARY(#tzone) . APPLY SELECT(UI13095) REDO COMPRESS(ALL) BYPASS(HOLDSYS,HOLDERROR). //*
Restart started tasks to activate changes.