Rational Asset Analyzer (technical preview) Readme File


The executables represent a level of the Rational Asset Analyzer technical preview committed code for execution on a workstation environment.

This is an unsupported, not-for-sale execution environment for the Rational Asset Analyzer technical preview.


Major Updates

The following updates are most recent and apply primarily to differences between the RAA technical preview and the WSAA V5.1 Product Demo driver:

  1. The RAA technical preview will cease to function 90 days after installation
  2. The RAA technical preview's pre-requisite product stack can be completely obtained at no charge
  3. IBM HTTP Server is not on the pre-requisite product stack
  4. New and improved inventory collection of Windows subdirectories and files
  5. New and improved program analysis for unreachable code in COBOL (aka Dead Code Detection)
  6. New dashboard displays for metrics
  7. Previous limitation with regards to userid length have been removed


Following are the hardware and software prerequisites for downloading and installing the RAA technical preview on your local workstation.

Hardware Prerequisites

The local machine on which you are installing the technical preview must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements:

  1. Windows (Intel) workstation
  2. A minimum real memory of 1 GB; 2 GB is suggested for optimal performance
  3. Additional 300+MB of disk space

Software Prerequisites

The local machine on which you are installing the technical preview must have a supported version of DB2, WAS, and OORexx installed and all must be verified to be working properly. The following list contains the set of supported versions for each software product (those in bold green are the recommended free versions of the pre-reqs):

  1. One of the following DB2 versions:
  2. One of the following WAS versions:
  3. One of the following Object Rexx products:


This RAA technical preview installation has the following limitations:

  1. If you have any previous WSAA workstation driver or earlier version of RAA technical preview installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing this technical preview. Additionally, you must drop any previously existing WSAA or RAA workstation database. The install does not do this for you. When you attempt to bring up the technical preview, the driver validates its level against the version of your database. You will be alerted if you have not done this properly.
  2. It is a 90 day trial version, and will expire 90 days from its installation
  3. The first time you install the technical preview, the SVG scrollbars may be disabled. In this case, follow the instructions for Enabling SVG Scrollbars.
  4. There is file identification for Assembler source files, but no data flow will be detected because there is no deep scanner available on the workstation.
  5. There is no scanning support for CICS regions or IMS subsystems, although there is scanning support for IMS DBD and PSB source files

Installing the Technical Preview

Perform the steps in this section to install the RAA technical preview. If you encounter any errors during the installation of the prerequisite software, consult the Troubleshooting and FAQs section at the end of this file for guidance.

Installation Notes:

  1. Ensure that you have satisfied all of the prerequisite hardware and software requirements that are identified in the prerequisites section above.
  2. Ensure that you are logged on to Windows with a user id that has DB2 Admin authority.
  3. Ensure that your WAS Administrative Server is up and running.
  4. Invoke the RAA technical preview install program by typing RAATPMMxDD.exe from a command window.

Verifying Your Technical Preview Installation

If you encounter any errors during the verification of your installation, consult the Troubleshooting and FAQs section at the end of this file for guidance.

Start the RAA technical preview from your Start menu: Start->All Programs->IBM ->Rational Asset Analyzer.

In the following steps, <InstallDir> indicates the directory indicated as the installation directory during the technical preview's installation (for example, c:\Program Files\IBM\Rational Asset Analyzer).

Scan sample data

  1. Click the Database->Collect inventory menu option.
  2. Take the default site and click the Next button.
  3. In the Windows Directory entry field, type <InstallDir>\sample\source and click the Next button.
  4. Take the defaults for the remaining panel, clicking the Next button until you see the Process queued requests panel.
  5. Click the Finish button.
  6. View your inventory collection progress via Database->Analysis queue.

Validate MVS IVP Asset Inventory Collection

After performing inventory collection for the IVP data for MVS assets, validate that you have the correct content by going to the Explore->MVS assets menu. Compare the content displayed in your window to the following. In general, it is okay if the numbers are slightly off for things in the Data box because of the nature of this tool and the fact that it is changing, but it is not okay if you do not see basically what appears below. Go to the Troubleshooting and FAQs section to see a common set of problems if you have problems with this verification step.

Invoke the distributed scanner

  1. Ensure that you have created the Distributed Site by bringing up the Distributed Scanner at least once. You can do this by going to Start->All Programs->IBM ->Rational Asset Analyzer->Distributed Scanner. If you have problems bringing up the distributed scanner via the Start menu, you must bring it up from a command line to see what the errors are by doing the following:
    1. Go to the <InstallDir>\assetloc directory
    2. Execute alrun.bat
    3. Examine the errors in the command window. See Diagnosing Distributed Scanner Errors for some common problems.
    Validate that you have two sites by going to the tool's Home Page and noting a Site count of 2. Click on the count and validate that one of the sites is for MVS and one is for distributed. For example:
  2. Create a Distributed Scan Root by doing the following steps:
  3. Run the scanner by clicking Start->All Programs->IBM ->Rational Asset Analyzer->Distributed Scanner. See the Diagnosing Distributed Scanner Errors section topics for problems starting the distributed scanner.
  4. When the Scanner Client dialog appears, click the green arrow to start the scanning process.
  5. Proceed to validate your results for the distributed IVP asset inventory collection.

Validate Distributed IVP Asset Inventory Collection

After performing inventory collection for the IVP data for distributed assets, validate that you have the correct content by going to the Explore->Distributed assets menu. Compare the content displayed in your window to the following. If you cannot see this information , go to the Diagnosing Distributed Scanner Errors section to see a common set of problems.

Congratulations! Your installation has been completed successfully!

Using the COBOL and PLI Compilers for Scanning

The RAA technical preview provides the ability to optionally scan your COBOL and PLI artifacts using the Enterprise COBOL and Enterprise PLI compilers. In order to use the functionality, you must have specified that you want to enable compiler-based scanning during the install and you must have RDz V7.x installed in order to have access to the COBOL and PL/I compilers on your workstation. In addition, you must update your system environment variables to mimic those set by the RDz environment batch file for the compilers. This can typically be found in: <RDzInstallDir>\bin\setenvWDZ71.bat. Once you have found the RDz environment batch file, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to My Computer->Properties
  2. Select the Advanced tab
  3. Click on the Environment Variables button
  4. For each property specified in the RDz batch file, create or update the property in your System Variables section. Note that for English systems, you need not update the LANG property.

This tool allows you to configure your scanning options through the user interface, so aside from enabling the compilers, there is nothing else you need to do to switch between proprietary and compiler-based scanning outside of the product user interface.

Enabling SVG Scrollbars

In the RAA technical preview, due to open source legal issues, the scrollbars on the SVG diagrams are disabled by default. There is a free download available to enable the scrollbars. Please refer to the WSAA External web site for more information.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Quick Links:

HTTP Statut 500 error bringing up product in web brower
Diagnosing problems with the distributed scanner
No Java bytecode methods or fields after distributed scan
Errors occur when installing the RAA technical preview
When scanning the <InstallDir>\sample\source library, no Library or Member objects are created
I can see the Home Page, but I cannot get to other pages from the browser
The SVG graphs do not display
Provider null could not be instantiated exception when trying to bring up the technical preview in a browser window
DB2 crashes when trying to access parts of the technical preview's browser interface
Errors encountered when trying to bring up technical preview's Home Page
Errors encountered when trying to bring up the on line HELP

Issue: HTTP Status 500 error bringing up product in web browser

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: com.ibm.dmh.util.ConfigRuntimeException: ConfigRuntimeException: Could not find configuration file [Urls.cfg] in search path []

root cause

com.ibm.dmh.util.ConfigRuntimeException: ConfigRuntimeException: Could not find configuration file [Urls.cfg] in search path []
        com.ibm.Software Inventory Tool.util.ConfigMgr.getConfigFile(Unknown Source)
        com.ibm.Software Inventory Tool.util.ConfigMgr.get(Unknown Source)

note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.13 logs


In an early version of the WSAA Workstation Edition technical preview, DMH02X20, there was a potential problem setting the wsaaConfig property. Reinstall the latest technical preview version available on the web page to resolve this issue. An alternative is to define a new System Variable:

You can do this via the My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables dialog. You must restart your WAS server after making this update.

Issue: Diagnosing problems with the distributed scanner

Here are a few of the common issues with the distributed scanner that you might encounter. Note that in all cases, by executing the scanner from the command line via <InstallDir>\assetloc\alrun.bat you can see the errors in the command window. If you bring up the scanner from the Start menu, you will not see these errors.

Issue: The distributed scanner GUI reports error during startup

When attempting to run the distributed scanner, the follow error is displayed:

Loading Asset Locator...
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.

This problem occurs if you do not have your JAVA_HOME environment variable set to point to the JDK runtime environment. For example:


Pay careful attention during the install of the product to ensure that it is pointing to the correct Java directory. The install attempts to default this directory but may not be accurate. In order to fix this, you must do one of the following:

  1. Re-install the tool and specify the correct Java directory. Note that you need not uninstall or drop your database to do this.
  2. Go to <InstallDir>\config\Common.cfg and change the javaHome property to the correct value (see below). You must restart your web applications after making this update.
    # ---PrereqPaths---
    # This specifies the install directories of prerequisite software.
    javaHome = C:\Program Files\IBM\Java50\jre

Issue: No Java bytecode methods or fields after distributed scan

The distributed scanner is shipped with a configuration for coarse-grained scanning, by default. This causes the scanner to skip indepth bytecode scanning that captures method and field information. If you want method and field information in your inventory, you must change this default prior to performing a scan by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to <InstallDir>\config
  2. Edit the AssetLocator.cfg file
  3. Find the GranularityLevel and change the value from "Coarse" to "Fine"
    #bytecode analysis
    #the possabilities are:
    # 1. Coarse - analyze just up to class file level
    # 2. Fine - analyze Methods and Fields in class files, connect methods to method, method to field and method to class
    GranularityLevel = Fine

  4. Restart your web applications

Issue: Errors occur when installing the technical preview

The following list shows some of the reasons for these errors:

  1. If there is a problem with creating the database, check the contents of your \Program Files\wsaainstall.log for the following text:

    SQL1013N The database alias name or database name "DMHDB" could not be found.
    SQLSTATE=42705 Database "DMHDB" does not already exist.
    Creating new database...
    SQL1005N The database alias "DMHDB" already exists in either the local database directory or system database directory.

    If you find this text, then the DMHDB database has been uncataloged from DB2, but has not been dropped. This could occur, for example, if you installed a new DB2 but did not clean up your databases first and did nothing to catalog them after the new install of DB2. You will need to add the DMHDB database back to DB2, drop it, and then create it again. To add the database back to DB2, do the following:

    1. Open up the DB2 Control Center
    2. Expand the "databases" folder
    3. Right-click on the "databases" folder and select "Add". From here you can add the DMHDB database (the directions vary depending upon the version of DB2 you have installed).
    4. At this point, if you know that the database has the correct schema, you are done. Otherise, right-click on the DMHDB database and select "Drop" to drop the database
    5. Run <InstallDir>\install\SetupDB.bat DMHDB DMH to create the database.
  2. If the installation failed trying to update web applications or java resources for the technical preview, you may have a problem with communications between the tool and WAS. The latest stand-alone driver install is designed to try to start the WAS server automatically, but some users experience problems with this for various versions of WAS. As a precaution, you should always ensure WAS is started prior to running the install. You can re-run the install after starting WAS to see if your installation errors go away.

Issue: When scanning the <InstallDir>\sample\source library, no Library or Member objects are created

If after running the scan on <InstallDir>\sample\source, you do not see the appropriate results, try to identify any errors by doing the following steps:

  1. Edit the <InstallDir>\log\dmh6000.log file to find any errors. If there are errors, attempt to correct any problems. If you find errors that you do not understand or cannot correct, consult the Services Contact.
  2. Verify that you have the correct version of IBM Object REXX installed (see the prerequisites section above).
  3. Edit the <InstallDir>\bin\dmh6000Run.bat file to have output from executing dmh6000.exe piped to a log:

Issue: I can see the Home Page, but I cannot get to other pages from the browser

If you can get to the Home Page, but you cannot get to any other page, you likely are experiencing a communications/connection problem. Here are some things to look at:

  1. If your Home Page is served up via the localhost host name, verify whether or not the URL used when you proceed to another page also contains the localhost host name. If you see something more like then try changing the section highlighted in blue to localhost and refresh your browser. If this works, then you must re-run the RAA technical preview's install and be sure to specify localhost as your hostname during the install.
  2. If you specified a host name during the installation of the RAA technical preview and your host name is assigned an IP address dynamically, you are likely to have issues related to (1) above.
  3. If you still cannot get to other pages and you are using a wireless adapter of some kind, you are likely experiencing connection issues related to your adapter. Try removing the adapter to see if you can then get to browser pages.
  4. If you have also installed WSED, you may be experiencing REXX problems even if you have verified in the pre-req steps above that REXX was installed and configured properly. The issue is that WSED copies REXX DLLs to the winnt\system32 subdirectory (rxapi.exe, rexx.dll, etc.). To resolve this, you need to rename the REXX DLLs/EXEs in winnt\system32.

Issue: The SVG graphs do not display

  1. When you view a component diagram, you see a message in place of the diagram
    The SVG plugin is not installed, or your Internet Explorer settings are incorrect. First check that both the Run ActiveX and the Script ActiveX options are enabled in Internet Explorer. (Click Tools -> Internet options -> Security -> Enable Run ActiveX and -> Enable Script ActiveX.) If they are, use the link provided in the message to download and install the Adobe SVG Viewer.

Issue: Provider null could not be instantiated exception when trying to bring up the product in a browser window

This is a jaxp.properties bug in WAS 5.1. You need to edit C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\jaxp.properties, and uncomment out the 3 lines at the bottom of the file so it looks like this:


After saving the file, restart WAS.

Issue: DB2 crashes when trying to access parts of the RAA technical preview's browser interface

Some people have seen problems with various levels of DB2 V8 while exploring data in the browser interface. If you are running with DB2 V8, please ensure that you have installed the latest fixpacks. We do know that the base DB2 V8.2 has problems, but by applying fixpack 1 for DB2 V8.2, the problems disappear. This level is equivalent to DB2 V8.1 fixpack 8.

Issue: Errors encountered when trying to bring up RAA technical preview's Home Page

When navigating to the RAA technical preview's Home page, two errors are encountered:

  1. DMH5252E - The data source named "jdbc/DMHDB" could not be located. Ensure that the name has been defined to WebSphere.
  2. DMH7883E - Could not find an appropriate method to access the database

Debugging Steps

  1. Validate that A DB2 connection can be established outside of RAA technical preview via the DB2 command window using the userid and password specified during the RAA technical preview install
  2. Check the SystemErr.log and the SystemOut.log for more details. These logs can be found in your <WebSphereInstall>\AppServer\logs\<serverName> directory
  3. Check the Admin Console to see if you have a DataSource defined in Resources->JDBC Providers (filling in cell, node and server info as appropriate).
  4. Check your \Program Files\wsaainstall.log for any errors

If none of the steps above provide any explanation or if you find that you do not have the appropriate Data Source defined to WAS, try re-installing the RAA technical preview. Remember that starting with V4.2, you no longer have to uninstall before a re-install. Ensure that you fill in the appropriate nodeName during the install so that a DataSource can be created.

Issue: Errors encountered when trying to bring up the on line help

If you have installed WAS CE, there is a possibility that the on line help will issue an error. You will experience the following symptoms:

  1. WAS CE window/console will have a simlar exception reported: 13:54:02,656 ERROR [RepositoryConfigurationStore] C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere \AppServerCommunityEdition\repository\Wsaa\WsaaHelpWar\5.1.1\WsaaHelpWar-5.1.1.w ar is not an empty directory 13:54:02,734 ERROR [DirectoryHotDeployer] Unable to deploy: org.apache.geronimo. kernel.config.ConfigurationAlreadyExistsException: Configuration already exists: Wsaa/WsaaHelpWar/5.1.1/war org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.confi g.ConfigurationAlreadyExistsException: Configuration already exists: Wsaa/WsaaHe lpWar/5.1.1/war at org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.EARConfigBuilder.buildConfigurati on(EARConfigBuilder.java:503)
  2. When you try to use the Help button, you'll get an HTTP STatus 404 error for /dmh2/help.jsp (it isn't available).

    Apparently, this is a timing issue with WAS CE. It has a delay in deploying the web apps once our install finishes. It takes a few minutes for it to finish that task, but it's not obvious that's what is happening. If you immediately go stop and restart the WAS server, it is in the middle of the deploy and things get corrupted. We have added a delay of a few minutes at the end of the install to give WAS time to deploy. In case you are still experiencing this problem, you might need to wait longer after our install finishes, and check the WAS server to see that all the web apps (wsaa, wsaadistscan, wsaaexternal, wsaahelp) have been deployed before stopping/restarting WAS.