CMVC record: 19784 APAR: IY49556 Problem description: 1. Admin Server crash if Error Log retention is a time interval and System Log retention is not a time interval. With v340 SP3, if for example error retention period is 7 days and System Log retention is never, the admin server crashes. 2. If for both System Log and Error Log a time interval is specified, the time interval for the System Log is also used for the Error Log. If for example the time interval for System Log is 2 hours and the time interval for the Error Log is 7 days, then the Error Log entries are deleted after 2 hours. Fix: Immediate work-around is to change the MESSAGE_RETAIN_PERIOD NEVER to MESSAGE_RETAIN_PERIOD 2 DAYS You then have to overwrite the fdl file. The final fix with fmcalsvr.dll now allows to use MESSAGE_RETAIN_PERIOD NEVER. No fdl change is required, if having applied this fix. Pre-requisites: MQSeries Workflow 3.4.0 SP3 Installation: 1. stop MQSeries Workflow 2. make a save copy of the files being replaced 3. replace the library files in 4. start MQSeries Workflow