MQSeries Workflow Version 3.3.0 - Service Pack #5 ------------------------------------------------- INDEX ------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Service Pack #5 1.1 Installation on Microsoft Windows NT/2000/ME/98 1.2 Installation on IBM AIX 1.3 Installation on Sun Solaris 1.4 Installation on HP-UX 2. Important Notices 2.1 Applying service to the Web Client 2.2 WebSphere Application Server 4.0 AE support 2.3 Web Client NLS support 3. Changes 3.1 Changes in Service Pack #1 3.2 Changes in Service Pack #2 3.3 Changes in Service Pack #3 3.4 Changes in Service Pack #4 3.5 Changes in Service Pack #5 4. License Notices ------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Service Pack #5 ================================== 1.1 Installation on Microsoft Windows NT/2000/ME/98 --------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Which files must be downloaded? The Service Pack consists of several self-extracting and self-installing executables. One for each National Language version of IBM MQSeries Workflow. To make the distribution of client updates easier, there are three types of self-extracting executables to update Client, Buildtime or full installations, respectively. The Client and Buildtime packages contain only certain MQSeries Workflow components and they are only applicable if these components or a subset of these components are installed. Use the full package to update installations including more than these components. The Client package consists of the API Runtime Library, Program Execution Agent, Runtime Client, Lotus Notes API, Admininstration Utility, Samples, Java, CORBA Agent component. The Buildtime package includes Buildtime and Samples. Following the list of the self-extracting executables: Full Package: ------------- W330ENA5.EXE - U.S. English language version W330CSA5.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W330CTA5.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W330DAA5.EXE - Danish language version W330DEA5.EXE - German language version W330ESA5.EXE - Spanish language version W330FIA5.EXE - Finnish language version W330FRA5.EXE - French language version W330HEA5.EXE - Hebrew language version W330HUA5.EXE - Hungarian language version W330ITA5.EXE - Italian language version W330JPA5.EXE - Japanese language version W330KOA5.EXE - Korean language version W330NLA5.EXE - Dutch language version W330NOA5.EXE - Norwegian language version W330PLA5.EXE - Polish language version W330PBA5.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W330PGA5.EXE - Portuguese language version W330TRA5.EXE - Turkish language version Client Package: --------------- W330ENC5.EXE - U.S. English language version W330CSC5.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W330CTC5.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W330DAC5.EXE - Danish language version W330DEC5.EXE - German language version W330ESC5.EXE - Spanish language version W330FIC5.EXE - Finnish language version W330FRC5.EXE - French language version W330HEC5.EXE - Hebrew language version W330HUC5.EXE - Hungarian language version W330ITC5.EXE - Italian language version W330JPC5.EXE - Japanese language version W330KOC5.EXE - Korean language version W330NLC5.EXE - Dutch language version W330NOC5.EXE - Norwegian language version W330PLC5.EXE - Polish language version W330PBC5.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W330PGC5.EXE - Portuguese language version W330TRC5.EXE - Turkish language version Buildtime Package: ------------------ W330ENB5.EXE - U.S. English language version W330CSB5.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W330CTB5.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W330DAB5.EXE - Danish language version W330DEB5.EXE - German language version W330ESB5.EXE - Spanish language version W330FIB5.EXE - Finnish language version W330FRB5.EXE - French language version W330HEB5.EXE - Hebrew language version W330HUB5.EXE - Hungarian language version W330ITB5.EXE - Italian language version W330JPB5.EXE - Japanese language version W330KOB5.EXE - Korean language version W330NLB5.EXE - Dutch language version W330NOB5.EXE - Norwegian language version W330PLB5.EXE - Polish language version W330PBB5.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W330PGB5.EXE - Portuguese language version W330TRB5.EXE - Turkish language version 1.1.2 Installing the Service Pack Make sure that you have stopped all running MQSeries Workflow processes and services before installing the Service Pack. Double click on the downloaded executable in the Windows Explorer. The program unpacks the files to the temporary directory and starts the installation right after unpacking. 1.1.3 Upgrading your existing MQSeries Workflow Configuration As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. Open a DOS Command Prompt and run fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the runtime database menu and select bind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your MQSeries Workflow services and processes again. 1.2 Installation on IBM AIX --------------------------- 1.2.1 Which files must be downloaded? Please download the package wf330a5u.tar.gz (91 MB) and unpack the file to a temporary subdirectory. You need approximately 236 MB to unpack the file. 1.2.2 Installing the Service Pack 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". 2) As root, perform the command 'slibclean'. 3) Update your MQSeries Workflow 3.3.0.x installation (with or without having hotfixes applied) using smit - "update to latest level" to level Note: Your configuration (profiles, /var/fmc/...) will not be modified by the update. However, the installation profile /usr/lpp/fmc/fmcrc will be updated to reflect the new level "ServiceLevel=5". 4) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the runtime database menu and select bind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 1.3 Installation on SUN Solaris ------------------------------- 1.3.1 Which files must be downloaded? Please download the package wf330s5u.tar.gz (33 MB) and unpack the file to a temporary subdirectory. You need approximately 121 MB to unpack the file. 1.3.2 Installing the Service Pack 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". Make sure that all MQSeries Workflow processes are stopped and no file of the product is in use. 2) How to update your MQSeries Workflow 3.3.0.x files (with or without having hotfixes applied) to level - Issue the following command-line as user "root" pkgadd -d /tmp/fmc330u5.pkg - Replace the path "/tmp/fmc330u5.pkg" from this example with the fully qualified path and filename of your ".pkg" file - Accept the installation of this package and the overwriting of the files of the previous package 3.3.0.x. Note: Your configuration(s) (profiles, /var/fmc/...) are NOT modified by the update. However, the installation profile /opt/fmc/fmcrc is updated to reflect the new level "ServiceLevel=5". 3) Because this package includes updated DB2 bind files, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases as follows: - As user "fmc" invoke the configuration utility 'fmczutil' - Choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you want to update. - Choose the runtime database menu, then select bind. All bindings will be made for you. This can take several minutes. After you have performed these steps, your system is ready to run. You can restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 1.4 Installation on HP-UX ------------------------- 1.4.1 Which files must be downloaded? Please download the package wf330h5u.tar.gz (43 MB) and unpack the file to a temporary subdirectory. You need approximately 45 MB to unpack the file. 1.4.2 Installing the Service Pack 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". Make sure that all MQSeries Workflow processes are stopped and no file of the product is in use. 2) This is how to update your MQSeries Workflow 3.3.0.x files (with or without having hotfixes applied) to level - Use "sam" to install the new package. - Use the "software" icon, then select "add software to local host". - Choose installation from disk and enter the fully qualified path to the file "FMC330U5.PKG" and the filename itself. - Choose "Install" from the "Actions" pulldown menu and confirm twice. After the installation, you can go on with step 3. If you do not want to use sam, you can use "swinstall" with the appropriate command-line parameters that suit your needs. Note: Your configuration(s) (profiles, /var/fmc/...) will NOT be modified by the update. 3) Run the command fmczinsx -o upd to update the installation profile /opt/fmc/fmcrc with the new level "ServiceLevel=5". This value reflects the current service pack level of the installation. 4) Because this package includes updated DB2 bind files, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases as follows: - As user "fmc" invoke the configuration utility 'fmczutil' - Choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you want to update. - Choose the runtime database menu, then select bind. All bindings will be made for you. This can take several minutes. After these steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 2. Important Notices ==================== 2.1 Applying service to the Web Client -------------------------------------- It is recommended to have an own configuration for the Web Client. This way, you can easily apply service to the Web Client as follows: - Install the MQSeries Workflow Service Pack - Back up the Web Client files that you have changed (for example, to a directory that is NOT a subdirectory of \cfgs or \installedApps in case you are using WebSphere V4, because the complete subtree of your old Web Client configuration will be deleted in the next step. - Delete the Web Client configuration using the configuration utility 'fmczutil'. - Remove the WebClient's application server in WebSphere. When using WebSphere Version 4, you must remove the WebClient enterprise application before you can remove the application server. - Create a new Web Client configuration. - Merge the changes you made with the new Web Client files. This includes re-installing the samples for the Web Client as, for example, the AuditTrailHandler and the Groupworklist sample. NOTE: For the AuditTrailHandler, the Web Client needs Xalan-Java 2, which is available on the following Web site: It is strongly recommended that you delete the temporary directory that you created for the compiled JSPs of the Web Client on your application server. When using IBM WebSphere V3, this temporary directory is \temp\\MQWFClient-, for example, d:\WebSphere\AppServer\temp\default_host\MQWFClient-WEBC. When using IBM WebSphere V4, this temporary directory is \temp\\WebClient_Server_-_. 2.2 WebSphere Application Server 4.0 AE support ----------------------------------------------- Since MQSeries Workflow Version 3.3 Service Pack 2, you can configure and deploy the MQSeries Workflow Web Client in WebSphere Application Server 4.0 AE. Note: In this Service Pack, the dialog for the WAS 4.0 AE configuration utility is only available in English. It is planned that other languages will be supported in a forthcoming release of MQSeries Workflow. There are one to three server-related components: 1. The MQSeries Workflow Server (including the MQSeries Workflow Runtime and database components) 2. The Java Agent represents an interface between the MQSeries Workflow Server and the WebSphere machine. This interface can be located on - the MQSeries Workflow Server machine, or - the WebSphere machine or - a dedicated machine. 3. The WebSphere machine hosts the MQSeries Workflow Web Client which is implemented as a servlet. It is recommended that you work with a - Standalone setup (all three components are located on the same machine.), or - Two-machine set-up as follows: - On machine 1: a dedicated MQSeries Workflow Server machine (including the Runtime and database components) - On machine 2: a dedicated WebSphere machine with the Web Client (including the Java Agent). The communication between machine 1 and machine 2 is realized via MQSeries. Both machines have a dedicated queue manager. Each dedicated queue manager is a member in an MQSeries cluster. Before using the configuration utility fmczutil on the machine where you have WebSphere installed, check the installation location of WebSphere. The MQSeries Workflow configuration utility assumes that WebSphere is installed in the default location ( /usr/WebSphere/AppServer ). If you use a different location, you must add a symbolic link: ln -s //WebSphere /usr/WebSphere If you use the configuration utility fmczutil, you must do the following to configure the Web Client with WAS 4.0 AE: - Follow the instructions in the Installation Guide until you are prompted to select an application server. - The following describes the special steps for WAS 4.0 AE. The sequence described in this readme file applies to Windows and UNIX platforms. Note: On Windows, make sure that you are using the original command-line processor cmd.exe. Using a command line processor like 4NT can cause problems. - Select 'f ... (X) WebSphere 4.0 (EAR)' - Code Version : [3305] Enter the code version of the Java Agent to be used. The default is the latest version. - FMC33607I Specify information about the WebSphere Application Server...: Installation directory : [D:\WebSphere\AppServer] Enter the directory where WebSphere AppServer is installed - TCP/IP address of administration node : [fmtc503] Enter the hostname (no dotted TCP/IP address) of the administration server - TCP/IP address of name service host : [fmtc503] Enter hostname (no doted TCP/IP address) of server where the Naming Service is running - TCP/IP port number of name service : [900] Enter Port used by the naming service - XML configuration skeleton file name : [fmcoh40.skel] For WAS 4.0 the skeleton file must be fmcoh40.skel! - HTTP transport port of the webcontainer:[9081] Enter the port number to be used for the communication between WebSphere and the HTTP server. Note: You cannot use the same port for multiple Web applications running in parallel! Therefore, use an unused port number. - After you have entered the information, select 'create configuration profile' c ... Create configuration profile for '' now s ... Save input to file r ... Review/change input x ... Exit (input for configuration '' will be lost) The resulting output looks similar to the following: - FMC33680I The profile for the configuration '' was updated successfully. - FMC33682I The general configuration profile was updated successfully. FMC33938I Creating 'fmcohcli.war'. FMC33938I Creating 'fmcohcli.ear'. - Do you want to configure the Web Client within the WebSphere Application Server now? y ... Yes n ... No Make sure that the administration server of WebSphere AppServer is running before you select 'yes'. You get several lines of output from the WebSphere installation utility. Finally, a message confirms that the configuration ended successfully. - FMC33659I The configuration within the WebSphere Application Server was successful. - FMC33940I Please restart your HTTP server to activate the changes. Be sure to restart your HTTP server to let the changes for the configuration become effective! Note: The file must now be customized in the /installedApps/MQWFWebClient_.ear\fmcohcli.war directory. Java Server pages and html files for process start and activity implementations must now be put into these directories: /installedApps/MQWFWebClient_.ear\fmcohcli.war\processes and /installedApps/MQWFWebClient_.ear\fmcohcli.war\programs If you use a different application server, which is J2EE 1.2 compliant, choose 'j ... ( ) Other (Servlet 2.2 / J2EE 1.2)' when prompted for your application server. This means that an enterprise archive (.ear) file will be created for the Web Client servlet by the configuration utility. It is located in the /cfgs//WebClient directory and can be used according to the installation instructions of your application server. Note: The only officially supported application server is WebSphere! The other two selection possibilities 'w ... ( ) WebSphere 3.x' and 'o ... ( ) Other' work the same way as with MQWF V3.3.0 and V3.3.0 SP1. That means that no enterprise archive is created, only the open directory structure is created and used for the application servers. Note: 1. To avoid problems with using the interprocess communication facilities when Java and MQSeries applications are on the same machine, do the following a. Stop all queue managers b. Add in the file /var/mqm/mqs.ini the line IPCCBaseAddress=12 for each queue manager. A typical queue manager entry in the file /var/mqm/mqs.inn looks like QueueManager: Name=FMCQM Prefix=/var/mqm Directory=FMCQM IPCCBaseAddress=12 c. Restart the queue managers 2. In the WebSphere startup server script, the MQSeries Workflow library directory must be added in the LIBPATH statement. The LIBPATH statement then looks like LIBPATH=$WAS_HOME/lib/odbc/lib:$DB_INSTANCE_HOME/sqllib/java12:$DB_INSTANCE_HOME/sqllib/lib:$WAS_HOME/bin:$WAS_HOME/lib:/usr/lpp/fmc/lib:$LIBPATH This requires a restart of the WebSphere application server. 3. If the queue managers are configured in a MQSeries cluster, the root user must be authorized to use the queue manager resources. This is necessary because the WebSphere processes are owned by the root user. The correct authorities are given to the root user by running the following utility: fmczdmqa -y -p root where is the corresponding MQSeries Workflow configuration identifier. 2.3 Web Client NLS support -------------------------- The Web Client now supports the following languages: English, Czech, French, and Japanese. The language used in the Web Browser depends on the settings of the Web browser. For example, with Microsoft Internet Explorer, select the 'Tools' drop-down menu, then 'Internet Options...', then 'Languages...'. Here, add one of English[en], Czech[cs], French[fr], Japanese[ja] to the list. The first language matching one of the four supported languages is used to display the messages in this language. With one MQ Workflow installation, different languages can be used in parallel from different Web browsers if these languages use the same code page. Therefore, English and French can be used in parallel, whereas Czech and Japanese cannot be mixed with other languages. If you do this nevertheless, errors can occur when typing national characters and viewing them in a browser. The on-line helps for the MQSeries Workflow Web Client are available in English only. 3. Changes ========== 3.1 Changes in Service Pack #1 ------------------------------ The following problems are fixed: Nr. PMR/APAR Desc. 14888 Web Client Work List not found 14996 Logon to Web Client fails after previous logoff 12585 Cleanup server floods the execution server queue 14942 Expiration time is not forwarded to MQ message expiration time. 14948 Pre-condition failure in fmcmproc.cxx 14960 Improve trace performance for AIX 14975 FMCEMAIN abends with SQL code 904 14976 Server Framework dumps when terminating 14978 Migration problem 14985 Access violation in fmccmqfr.dll 14986 L0 trace: Assertions don't contain failure location 15007 Memory leak with dynamic SQL for DB2 15085 Memory leak in MQ layer 14971 fmczinsx -o db2/ora: wrong links in a client only installation 15034 Syntax checker does not allow '-' (dashes) in TCP/IP hostnames 15036 HP-UX language support ja_JP.SJIS configuration incorrect 3.2 Changes in Service Pack #2 ------------------------------ The following problems are fixed: Nr. PMR/APAR Desc. 14872 Web Client cannot delete existing lists 14982 The priority of an activity can be updated via the predefined member ACTIVITY_INFO.PRIORITY. However, this change was not reflected on the corresponding workitems. 14983 Data integrity problem in the area of workitems that only occurs when using an Oracle database and running heavy stress scenarios. 14990 FmcDynPointer::Ensure potentially loops forever 15044 Transfer workitems has wrong default 15049 fmczccd: wrong output, if hostname is longer than 13 chars 15066 Incorrect conversion from local time to UTC (and v.v) in Windows 15073 86750/IY19599 (AvtiveX) Error in the Container processing. The SetValueDbl() method was in error. 15075 Multithreading problems in web context. Servlet crashes and brings JVM down. 15077 If an API program using the MQ Workflow C++ API tried to retrieve a string container element into non-initialized memory, the GetValue method of the container element could return FMC_OK, without the memory being changed. In this case, the wrong value could be returned. In order to fix this problem, fmcjpcon.inl was changed which makes necessary a recompile of the application using the MQ Workflow C++ API. 15090 Refreshing the list of lists does not work 15092 Problem when using the restart activity API with certain input data. 15097 Problem if the last activity of a block expires and the exit condition of this block fails. 15124 Run-time error 40002 (Abnormal Program Termination) 15125 XML Error Handling: Poisoned message 15128 Oracle: Cleanup Server terminates when DB is filled with many processes. If many processes in the database, and many clients are working with the system, the cleanup server gets the error code ORA-1555 and terminates. It starts again, deletes the remaining process instances, but gets the error again. The cleanup server does not respond anymore to any shutdown request of the Admin Utility. It must be killed manually. 15139 IY19917 A deadlock may occur if a program finished message and a suspend process instance message are processed by different execution servers at the same time. 15154 Codepage conversion: support SUN patch 107811-01 15163 Activity Name missing in condition syntax checker messages 15164 Web Client: Change password in user info not possible 15166 Web Client: Duplicate data on user information/ substitution and authorization page 15168 WebClient (French Version): User Information doesn't work 15171 Converter ignores the current locale setting. 15172 If roles had been specified 'from container', then during notification, the coordinator of this role was not notified as it should be. 15181 (ActiveX) Error in the ExecutionService processing: The SetSessionContext() method was in error. 15182 Web Client: Wrong icon for finished/terminated workitem. 15185 Web Client: Finished workitem / finished instance cannot be deleted. 15190 Web Client: Disabled workitem shows wrong state icon. 15192 Runtime error 40009 -> Buildtime goes away... 15231 IY20420 Run-time error 438 15235 fmczchk should check db profile for variable RR_TO_RS 15248 Configuration does not allow DB2 parallel processing 15252 Incorrect display of Czech characters in WebClient 15277 18878,519 No server shut down when audit queue not defined 15293 No message if audit trail cannot be put to audit trail queue 15318 IY22237 For some user defined program execution server, the system and system group had to be specified when referencing it in an activity. This is no longer necessary. Instead, the name is resolved at execution time. 15328 When retrieving the container content RC=112 and RC=113 is sometimes returned on AIX with DB2 V7 fixpack 2, even if the correct container schema is used. 15349 Assertion during Server Shutdown 15350 ORACLE: A worklist using a filter with an variable like (OWNER=CURRENT_USER) causes the Execution Server to trap. 15355 IY22319 Runtime Client: Problem entering data to DBCS data structure members 15359 RTC sorts not the same as the server 15464 Wrong default XML skeleton file for WebSphere in configuration utility 15484 XML Release 2 support for WF/390 15545 68741,033 Multithreading Problems in web environment: Running the Web client in Websphere on Solaris causes core dumps and servlet restarts due to invariant-assertions in FmcBinary JavaAgentGCErr The distributed garbage collector of the Java Agent sometimes uses 100% CPU time 3.3 Changes in Service Pack #3 ------------------------------ The following problems are fixed: Nr. PMR/APAR Desc. 15074 390: first trace entry in extended trace buffer incorrect 15562 SUN+Oracle: Updating domain/system settings needs too much time 15087 JNDI Locator (RMI-IIOP) not functional on OS/390 (z/OS) 15823 Update 15861 NLS-create lists: the 2 assistant buttons in "create lists" are not placed correctly in some languages 15472 The multithreading fix 15075 requires fmcksys.hxx which is currently not included in OS390. 15475 fmczchk consistency updates 15488 Regression problem with 15277: don't throw ALL external exceptions further, only that with ID=FMC_ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR... Note: throwing the exception further causes the server to terminate. Also fixed a regression problem with 13655. After that fix "normal" exceptions were no longer reported. 15277: When a put is tried to a non-existing queue/queue manager,then an error log is written and the server continues running (UPES,AUDIT). But when a put is tried and a queue/queue manager is not defined, then the server throws an assertion and dies.The server should stay up and write an error log as he does when the queue/queue manager does not exist. 13655: Tried to startup an already started Admin Server.The respective error message FMC12120E appears twice in file fmcerr.log. 15513 directory renaming of java related targets in driver build needs to be reflected in installation. 15527 50175 ActiveX LogonWithCredentials doesn't work - rc 816 (LogonWithCredentials doesn't process the VARIANT of an array of Binary s correctly.) 15550 Assertion with fmcibie: fmckmtsp.cxx fmckdbg.cxx, Line=153, Function=fmckRequire(const char*,const char*, unsigned int) FmcAssertionException, Condition= *** Pre-condition failed in fmckmtsp.cxx(238): _dbUsrStartTime != 0 15581 After configuring a WebClient in WebSphere 4.01 there is no chance to log on via the .../RTC.html. Logon via .../servlet/Main?command=logon&... works. 15599 IY24586 When sending messages to the clients (API) the message expiration is changed to unlimited (-1) from the original value. The Put method of the FmcFmlsDevice expects the setting of the message expiry in the FmcDeviceCtxRef and no longer in the FmcOutMsg. This has been changed with the fix for defect 14671. The replier has to be changed accordingly. Module fmccdfsp.cxx does not map expiry from FmcOutMsg to device context. 14671: Map expiry time from device context to FmcOutMsg 15627 using "create and start instance" button in a template list brings up the error message: "file Main not found". The instance is created and started anyway. With the "create" button the problem does not occur. 15644 Expand Profilekey FmcConncetName to 2048 bytes 15681 When configuring a WebClient in WebShere 4.01 the defaults for "min. and max. Thread (Pool) Size" and "Thread Inactivity Timeout" are all set to 0. These values must be added to WebClient Skeleton XML. 15754 Memory leak in Java Agent under heavy load 15762 AUDIT_TO_MQ is not correctly exported 15768 61802 throwing of exception must be moved from fmcaautc.cxx to fmcaauth.cxx return code of authenticate() is ignored in Java auth. exit 15787 62547 WebClient API compatibility broken 15797 does not work with WebSphere 4.0.1. rtc.html does not appear correct during first try. Startup of servlet not OK 15826 IY25491 Multithreading problems in container API. 15836 IY16000,IY21742 Related message = FMC31050E An error has occurred which has terminated processing. Error location = File=e:\v330\src\fmckdbg.cxx, Line=199, Function=fmckAssert(const char*,const char*,unsigned int) Error data = FmcAssertionException, Condition= *** Assertion failed in e:\v330\src\fmckids.inl(181): (_oid!=rhs._oid) || (_btid==rhs._btid) Scenario: Activity STP_Spinoff_Items is forced finished. As a result of this the succeeding activity STP_Spinoff_Audit is being tried to be activated. The start condition of this activity fails and therefore it is skipped. Both activities are contained in a block named activity STP_Create_Transactions. This block is now finished and the exit condition is evaluated. The exit condition fails and as a result of the failing exit condition the block activity is restarted (i.e. the activities inside the block are deleted and new instances are created). Finally a response of the force finish request is being tried to be created. And here comes the problem: because the activity STP_Spinoff_Items has already been deleted (and re-created as result of the failing block exit condition) the original activity does not exist anymore when it is being accessed during the creation of the response message. This results in the error message mentioned in the PMR. Fix: Replace the block activity STP_Create_Transactions by a process activity and create a subprocess containing the activities of the block. 15845 Start Database Manager within migration utility may customer prevented from to successful migration. 15853 Memory leak in Java Agent under heavy load (part 2 - started with: 15754) 15862 NLS / create lists / sort assistant / ASC and DESC: these two radio buttons are not placed correctly 15873 NLS / block monitor partly not translated: in a block monitor the word "Block" appears. It is not translated. 15886 NLS / Error scenario with Internet Explorer: 1) Logon to the Web Client 2) Press Help button 3) Click on "Help Index" (should be disabled or this window should keep the focus without opening another window) => another IE-Browser pops up with the same help index page 4) Close the first "Help Index" and click again on help button of the main window => IE displays an error message window 15907 IY22237 Insufficient error report using non-existing UPES queue Scenario: Starting a process instance with an activity which will be executed by an UPES and the UPES specifies an MQ queue which does not exist The error reporting is very poor. I am missing context information like MQ queue name and queue manager name, process instance name (activity name) fmcemain stdout: FMC10200I Execution server for system AKESYS started. FmcFMLException in OpenQueue, ReasonCode = 2085 fmcsys.log: 11/24/2001 10:34:27 AM FMC31010E An error in the message layer occurred. Error code: 2085, Reason code: fmcerr.log: MQSeries Workflow 3.3 Error Report Report creation = 11/24/2001 10:34:27 AM Related message = FMC31010E An error in the message layer occurred. Error code: 2085, Reason code: Error location = File=n/a, Line=0, Function=n/a Error data = FmcExtException, MsgID=31010, MsgParam=2085, , , , , , , 15911 Multithreading of API enforces deadlocks on the database. Select of workitems must done with cursor stabiblity instead of read stability. 15959 NLS: follow-on to 15862 / not ok for KOR/NLD 15962 NLS/ITA logon screen looks strange. OK and clear button are not in one line. 15964 NLS/PTG: instance name and process context in one line in the checkout screen these PTG words are in two lines, they should appear in one line 15983 IY25999 Intermittent PEA hangs at V330 Customer 16054 The fix provided with defect 15836 does only work if the block nesting level is at least 2. Otherwise the activity is already created again with the same AIID and the algorithm to look for an activity with its AIID to decide if the block has looped does not work. 3.4 Changes in Service Pack #4 ------------------------------ The following problems are fixed: Nr. PMR/APAR Desc. 15255 WebClient: Do not allow 'OWNER=CURENT_USER' as process instance filter 15865 fmczchk: Trap on Solaris when using response file - 'fmczchk @file' 15976 Buildtime Data Mapping: Specifying blanks or nothing for the mapping source node results in an exception. 16086 PMR56749 Shared library activity implementation terminates PEA with external exception. 16113 PMR85007,033 Profile not found error in case of concurrent logins (multiple-threads) 16148 RELATED_ROLE, RELATED_ORGANIZATION missing for single persons 16151 Execution Server does not terminate after CreateAndStartProcessInstance when AuditQueue is not defined 16154 Add password to IMS Bridge header 16168 IY27200 Windows configuration GUI cannot create a remote Buildtime 16183 PMR77561 Database deadlocks under various conditions 16240 PMR00361 " 16276 PQ57158 " 16193 fmczutil fails with assertion if WebSpere is not installed in the default path 16206 delete temporary deployment directories after creating the .ear file 16208 Intermittent PEA crashes for Noop ActImpl. 16216 IY28137 port numbers larger than 32678 not accepted during configuration 16219 Pre-condition violation in Exe Server on invalid UserID in XML 16221 PMR62199 Admin Server crash if authentication with Java exit fails 16227 No DB2 Instances listed if db2 node directory is large 16230 IY28280 XML Encoding specification of UTF-16 abends the Execution Server 16335 Queue Manager Name must be specified for Audit Trail queue 3.5 Changes in Service Pack #5 ------------------------------ The following problems are fixed: Nr. PMR/APAR Desc. 16407 Development Execution server terminates with duplicate OID error after 32000 OIDs 16580 Development fmczchk has typo in prompt message 16590 IY31180 iPlanet 4.1: RootURI can't be set via properties file 16591 IY31142 When user enters url for Web Client on 3.3.0 SP4 using Internet Explorer browser to display RTC.html, a message box pops up with message "A runtime error has occurred, do you wish to debug? line: 81 error: port not defined". Entering Debug takes you to line 81 of logon.html which contains if (port && location.port != "") port.value = location.port; The variable port is not defined. If is set to use jsp, the same error is reported on logon.jsp 16619 IY28899 Resource problem: pthreads not detached on AIX 16755 IY32165 Query of non-existent Scheduling Server crashes Admin Server 4. License Notices ================== This product internally uses the XML4C parser and therefor is obliged to distribute the following license text: --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * * * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. 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