MQSeries Workflow 3.2.2 - Service Pack #4 ----------------------------------------- INDEX ------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Service Pack #4 1.1 Installation on IBM OS/2 1.2 Installation on Microsoft Windows 1.3 Installation on IBM AIX 1.4 Installation on Sun Solaris 1.5 Installation on HP-Unix 2. Important Notices 3. Changes 3.1 Changes in Service Pack #3 3.2 Changes in Service Pack #4 ------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Service Pack #4 =========================================== 1.1 Installation on IBM OS/2 ------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Which files must be downloaded? The Service Pack consists of several self-extracting executables. One for each National Language version of IBM MQSeries Workflow. If you need to update another language than U.S. English ("ENU"), both the U.S. English language version and the language dependent version must be downloaded. Following the list of the self-extracting executables: O322ENU4.EXE - U.S. English language version including the common files of MQSeries Workflow O322CHS4.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version O322CHT4.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version O322DAN4.EXE - Danish language version O322DEU4.EXE - German language version O322ESP4.EXE - Spanish language version O322FIN4.EXE - Finnish language version O322FRA4.EXE - French language version O322HEB4.EXE - Hebrew language version O322HUN4.EXE - Hungarian language version O322ITA4.EXE - Italian language version O322JPN4.EXE - Japanese language version O322KOR4.EXE - Korean language version O322NLD4.EXE - Dutch language version O322NOR4.EXE - Norwegian language version O322PLK4.EXE - Polish language version O322PTB4.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version O322PTG4.EXE - Portuguese language version O322TRK4.EXE - Turkish language version 1.1.2 Unpack the files Copy the O322ENU4.EXE to a temporary directory and execute it using the command: O322ENU4 /D . This command unpacks the common files and the U.S. English files. If you need to update another language than U.S. English ("ENU"), you must copy the additionally downloaded file to the temporary directory and execute it by the command: O322xxx4 /D . where 'xxx' is the language abbreviation. 1.1.3 Update your existing MQSeries Workflow installation To install this Service Pack, use the Install & Maintain icon in your MQSeries Workflow folder. Note: First stop any running MQSeries Workflow programs. 1. Double-click on the MQSeries Workflow Install & Maintain icon 2. Select FILE from the menu bar. 3. From FILE select OPEN CATALOG. 4. Select DRIVE. 5. From the Drive list box, select the drive which contains the Service Pack. 6. Use the SEARCH button to search for the catalog file FMCZIxxx.ICF of the Service Pack. It is located in the subdirectory 'xxx' of the directory where you have unpack the downloaded executable. Note: 'xxx' is the language used also with the downloaded executable. 7. Press OPEN. 8. Select ACTION from the menu bar. 9. From ACTION, select UPDATE. 10. Select the UPDATE button. 11. Select if YES for Rollback or NO for No-Rollback Reboot the system to activate the changes done by the Service Pack installation. 1.1.4 Upgrading your existing MQSeries Workflow Configuration As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. For every configuration which involves the Runtime Database Utilities component on your system please invoke fmczrdb -y -o:b Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. 1.2 Installing the Service Pack on Windows NT/2000/95/98 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1 Which files must be downloaded? The Service Pack consists of several self-extracting and self-installing executables. One for each National Language version of IBM MQSeries Workflow. To make the distribution of client updates easier, there are three types of self-extracting executables to update Client, Buildtime or full installations, respectively. The Client and Buildtime packages contain only certain MQSeries Workflow components and they are only applicable if these components or a subset of these components are installed. Use the full package to update installations including more than these components. The Client package consists of the API Runtime Library, Program Execution Agent, Runtime Client, Lotus Notes Client, Admininstration Utility, Notes DB Templates, Samples, Java, CORBA Agent component. The Buildtime package includes Buildtime and Samples. Following the list of the self-extracting executables: Full Package: ------------- W322ENA4.EXE - U.S. English language version W322CSA4.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W322CTA4.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W322DAA4.EXE - Danish language version W322DEA4.EXE - German language version W322ESA4.EXE - Spanish language version W322FIA4.EXE - Finnish language version W322FRA4.EXE - French language version W322HEA4.EXE - Hebrew language version W322HUA4.EXE - Hungarian language version W322ITA4.EXE - Italian language version W322JPA4.EXE - Japanese language version W322KOA4.EXE - Korean language version W322NLA4.EXE - Dutch language version W322NOA4.EXE - Norwegian language version W322PLA4.EXE - Polish language version W322PBA4.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W322PGA4.EXE - Portuguese language version W322TRA4.EXE - Turkish language version Client Package: --------------- W322ENC4.EXE - U.S. English language version W322CSC4.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W322CTC4.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W322DAC4.EXE - Danish language version W322DEC4.EXE - German language version W322ESC4.EXE - Spanish language version W322FIC4.EXE - Finnish language version W322FRC4.EXE - French language version W322HEC4.EXE - Hebrew language version W322HUC4.EXE - Hungarian language version W322ITC4.EXE - Italian language version W322JPC4.EXE - Japanese language version W322KOC4.EXE - Korean language version W322NLC4.EXE - Dutch language version W322NOC4.EXE - Norwegian language version W322PLC4.EXE - Polish language version W322PBC4.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W322PGC4.EXE - Portuguese language version W322TRC4.EXE - Turkish language version Buildtime Package: ----------------- W322ENB4.EXE - U.S. English language version W322CSB4.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W322CTB4.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W322DAB4.EXE - Danish language version W322DEB4.EXE - German language version W322ESB4.EXE - Spanish language version W322FIB4.EXE - Finnish language version W322FRB4.EXE - French language version W322HEB4.EXE - Hebrew language version W322HUB4.EXE - Hungarian language version W322ITB4.EXE - Italian language version W322JPB4.EXE - Japanese language version W322KOB4.EXE - Korean language version W322NLB4.EXE - Dutch language version W322NOB4.EXE - Norwegian language version W322PLB4.EXE - Polish language version W322PBB4.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W322PGB4.EXE - Portuguese language version W322TRB4.EXE - Turkish language version 1.2.2 Installing the Service Pack Make sure that you have stopped all running MQSeries Workflow processes before installing the Service Pack. Double click on the downloaded executable in the Windows Explorer. The program unpacks the files to the temporary directory and starts the installation right after unpacking. 1.2.3 Upgrading your existing MQSeries Workflow Configuration As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. For every configuration which involves the Runtime Database Utilies component on your system please invoke fmczrdb -y -o:b Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. 1.2.4 Known Problems, hints and tips Desktop seems to be corrupted after uninstalling MQ Workflow on Windows 98 Certain hardware setups lead to the following problem when you uninstall MQ Workflow on Windows 98: After uninstalling MQ Workflow, the Windows desktop shows black and white waved lines and several windows are not displayed properly. To solve the problem, reboot the computer. 1.3 Installation on IBM AIX --------------------------- 1.3.1 Which files must be downloaded? Please download the package wf322a4u.tar.gz (79MB) and unpack the file to a temporary subdirectory. You need approximately 200MB to unpack the file. 1.3.2 Installing the Service Pack 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". 2) As root, perform the command 'slibclean'. 3) Update your MQSeries Workflow 3.2.2.x installation (with or without having hotfixes applied) using smit - "update to latest level" to level Note: Your configuration (profiles, /var/fmc/...) will not be modified by the update. However, the installation profile /usr/lpp/fmc/fmcrc will be updated to reflect the new level "ServiceLevel=4". 4) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the 'r'untime database menu and select 'b'ind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 1.4 Installation on SUN Solaris ------------------------------- 1.4.1 Which files must be downloaded? Please download the package wf322s4u.tar.gz (32MB) and unpack the file to a temporary subdirectory. You need approximately 120MB to unpack the file. 1.4.2 Installing the Service Pack 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". Make sure that all MQSeries Workflow processes are stopped and no file of the product is in use. 2) This is how to update your MQSeries Workflow 3.2.2.x files (with or without having hotfixes applied) to level Issue the following command line as user "root", replace the path "/tmp/fmc-3.2.2-update.pkg" from this example with the fully qualified path and filename of your ".pkg" file: pkgadd -d /tmp/fmc-3.2.2-update.pkg accept the installation of this package and overwriting files of the previous package 3.2.2.x. Note: Your configuration(s) (profiles, /var/fmc/...) will NOT be modified by the update. However, the installation profile /opt/fmc/fmcrc will be updated to reflect the new level "ServiceLevel=4". 3) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the 'r'untime database menu and select 'b'ind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 1.5 Installation on HP-Unix --------------------------- 1.5.1 Which files must be downloaded? Please download the package wf322h4u.tar.gz and unpack the file to a temporary subdirectory. 1.5.2 Installing the Service Pack 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". Make sure that all MQSeries Workflow processes are stopped and no file of the product is in use. 2) This is how to update your MQSeries Workflow 3.2.2.x files (with or without having hotfixes applied) to level Use "sam" to install the new package. Use the "software" icon, and select "add software to local host". Then choose installation from disc and enter the fully qualified path to the file "FMC322U4.PKG" and the filename itself. Choose "Install" from the "Actions" pulldown menu and confirm twice. After installation you will be ready to go on with step 3. If you do not want to use sam, you can use "swinstall" with the appropriate command line parameters that suit your needs. Note: Your configuration(s) (profiles, /var/fmc/...) will NOT be modified by the update. 3) Run the command fmczinsx -o upd to update the installation profile /opt/fmc/fmcrc with the new level "ServiceLevel=4". This value reflects the current service pack level of the installation. 4) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the 'r'untime database menu and select 'b'ind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 2. Important Notices =========================================== When using JDK 1.2 with security enabled together with the MQWF Java Agent using RMI, the following authorizations must be added to {java.home}/jre/lib/security/java.policy: grant codeBase "file:/e:/Program Files/MQSeries Workflow/bin/-" { permission "*:1024-", "accept, connect, listen, resolve"; }; Be sure to use the correct path for your MQWF installation in the codeBase attribute. 3. Changes =========================================== 3.1 Changes for Service Pack #3 ------------------------------ MQSeries Workflow now comes with a feature that makes sure that all server resources (e.g. memory) are freed regularily. The feature is enabled by setting the profile variable RTRecycleThreshold. This defines the maximum number of server transactions that a server instance performs before it frees its resources. The actual threshold is determined by a random threshold based on threshold defined in RTRecycleThreshold. Not setting the profile variable or setting it to 0 (or a negative number) disables this feature. You could enable this feature when you experience: o that memory consumption increases o that server performance decreases when servers are running for a long period e.g. weeks. The feature applies to the execution server, cleanup server and scheduling servers on distributed platforms. To make the changes active, it is necessary to update the IBM MQSeries Workflow profile fmcrc. In a default installatin and configuration, this file can be found in /var/fmc/cfgs/FMC. The keyword is: RTRecycleThreshold If you want to shutdown and restart a fmcemain every 1000 transactions, you need to specify fmczchk -c inst:m,RTRecycleThreshold,1000 Any fmcemain started after having specified this, will quit after 1000 transactions and then start a new one. 3.2 Changes for Service Pack #4 ------------------------------ The following problems are fixed: Nr. PMR/APAR Desc. Service Pack #1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13270 /390: Admin server terminates due to DB2 cancellation 13681 OS/2: Configuration checker does not show MQSeries CSD 4 13726 FMLConnectName not written when using fmczutil -k (client using MQ server API) 13750 Enable Runtime Client to be able to connect to different system groups simultanously 13754 /390: Enable change of LE Runtime Options 13808 /390: Multiple OID encoding support 13816 Errors in HTML code when exporting from Buildtime 13831 Migration utility fails for DBCS databases 13844 Wrong error message when setting filter in Runtime Client 13848 Admin server abends when client uses invalid code page 13865 175851LD Exceptions occur when running multithreaded API programs 13868 Migration fails if one or more container names reach 32 byte 13869 Logon/logoff takes more time when system was idle for more than 5 minutes 13876 Performance problem in case of invalid XML characters 13880 Unicode 2.0 is not properly handled by UnicodeConverter 13886 Cleanup server abends with protection exception after deadlock 13897 Migration utility does not work correctly under HP and Sun 13911 /390: Increased pathlength in PES 13941 Multiple network adapter takeover problem Service Pack #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13970 PMR 07543,519,000 XML response messages with array members 14014 Memory leak in ExecuteProcInst 14045 PES 0C4 if Backoutcount Exceeded 14078 Return additional info in case of communication errors. 14254 34920 EINTR error on semaphore calls 14255 Change exception handling of FML layer 13636 The API FmcjExeOptions:WindowStyle reports NOT_SET 13929 ProcessInstance.start2() crashes when using RMI and JDK 1.2.2 13932 Run of "fmctiqo -p" abends 13943 RMI-IIOP does not work with JDK 1.2 13961 The following parameters are no longer supported by MQSeries 5.2 13984 FmcFileSys::CanonicalDir does not work for root dir '/' on UNIX: 14012 IY13898 Admin utility shows wrong information about cleanup server 14027 fmczacfg: DB2 Connect panel does not allow to enter a UID (JPN) 14126 Memory leak when using containers and ActiveX 14144 Exception in Ctnr Element accessor when related Ctnr is deleted 14261 PQ43517 OS/390 XML interface problem with non English codepages 14236 Buildtime: Organization not saved in person after usage of "find" button 14292 ConfigID not found, if ServiceDisplayName is changed on Windows 2000 14322 FMC01100E Incorrect XML document is displayed although the document is correct Service Pack #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14818 fmczchk does not translate configuration ID to uppercase Therefore the configuration might not be found on UNIX 14965 fmczchk: AssertionException in Fmckstr PositionChar 14530 IY15338 Intermediate PEA cores on Unix due to SIGCHLD 14575 Build Time Japanese version: garbled characters on Windows 2000 e.g. in activity names 14846 Missing java run time in Xbootclasspath 14467 Memory Leak using UPES InvokeProgram 14476 PMR 91711 Memory leak using DATA DEFAULT connector 14518 PMR 91711 Memory leak in trace Context setter methods on SUN and HP 14797 Memory leak in XML out message 14401 Return MQSeries action code 'close' to API 14602 PMR 49884.499 Migration problem on AIX 14612 IY16621 Execution server shutdown performance enhanced 14809 PMR 01203 Provide module flow trace information for MQ transaction calls 14928 IY16881 FDL import problem 14349 Staffresolution problem causes an abend of the emain server Service Pack #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12585 -/pq49748 Cleanup server floods the execution server queue 14990 01203,057,649/- FmcDynPointer::Ensure potentially loops forever 15003 Link errors on HP-UX C++ binding 15018 Checker traps when reading qm.ini file 15066 Incorrect conversion from locl time to UTC (and v.v) in Windows 15075 35112,180,000/- Multithreading problems in web context on Unix 15080 01203,057,649/- Better stream protection against programming errors. 15085 Memory Leak in MQSeries C++ Binding classes 15093 Cannot import restarted processes 15107 Checker does not recognize 3.3 HF2 as SP1 15154 Codepage conversion: support SUN patch 107811-01