MQSeries Workflow 3.2.1 - Service Pack #1 ----------------------------------------- INDEX ------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Service Pack #1 1.1 Installation on IBM OS/2 1.2 Installation on Microsoft Windows 1.3 Installation on IBM AIX 1.4 Installation on Sun Solaris 1.5 Installation on HP-Unix 2. Important Notices 3. Changes 3.1 Changes in Service Pack #1 ------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Service Pack #1 =========================================== 1.1 Installation on IBM OS/2 ------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Which files must be downloaded? The Service Pack consists of several self-extracting executables. One for each National Language version of IBM MQSeries Workflow. If you need to update another language than U.S. English ("ENU"), both the U.S. English language version and the language dependent version must be downloaded. Following the list of the self-extracting executables: O321ENU1.EXE - U.S. English language version including the common files of MQSeries Workflow O321CHS1.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version O321CHT1.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version O321DAN1.EXE - Danish language version O321DEU1.EXE - German language version O321ESP1.EXE - Spanish language version O321FIN1.EXE - Finnish language version O321FRA1.EXE - French language version O321HEB1.EXE - Hebrew language version O321HUN1.EXE - Hungarian language version O321ITA1.EXE - Italian language version O321JPN1.EXE - Japanese language version O321KOR1.EXE - Korean language version O321NLD1.EXE - Dutch language version O321NOR1.EXE - Norwegian language version O321PLK1.EXE - Polish language version O321PTB1.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version O321PTG1.EXE - Portuguese language version O321SVE1.EXE - Swedish language version O321TRK1.EXE - Turkish language version 1.1.2 Unpack the files Copy the O321ENU1.EXE to a temporary directory and execute it using the command: O321ENU1 /D . This command unpacks the common files and the U.S. English files. If you need to update another language than U.S. English ("ENU"), you must copy the additionally downloaded file to the temporary directory and execute it by the command: O321xxx1 /D . where 'xxx' is the language abbreviation. 1.1.3 Update your existing MQSeries Workflow installation To install this Service Pack, use the Install & Maintain icon in your MQSeries Workflow folder. Note: First stop any running MQSeries Workflow programs. 1. Double-click on the MQSeries Workflow Install & Maintain icon 2. Select FILE from the menu bar. 3. From FILE select OPEN CATALOG. 4. Select DRIVE. 5. From the Drive list box, select the drive which contains the Service Pack. 6. Use the SEARCH button to search for the catalog file FMCZIxxx.ICF of the Service Pack. It is located in the subdirectory 'xxx' of the directory where you have unpack the downloaded executable. Note: 'xxx' is the language used also with the downloaded executable. 7. Press OPEN. 8. Select ACTION from the menu bar. 9. From ACTION, select UPDATE. 10. Select the UPDATE button. 11. Select if YES for Rollback or NO for No-Rollback Reboot the system to activate the changes done by the Service Pack installation. 1.1.4 Upgrading your existing MQSeries Workflow Configuration 1. To make it possible to use the product after upgrading the files, some new queue definitions have to be made to MQSeries. In order to do this, run fmczq321.exe. This executable will read your configuration profiles and identify the configurations that need to be updated. For those configurations the definitions in the MQSeries definition files will be recreated from the new templates shipped and will be executed to make the data available to the queue manager. Existing queue definitions will be overwritten and additional queues and aliases will be defined. 2. As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. For every configuration on your system please invoke fmczrdb -y -o:b Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. 1.2 Installing the Service Pack on Windows NT and Windows 95 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2.1 Which files must be downloaded? The Service Pack consists of several self-extracting executables. One for each National Language version of IBM MQSeries Workflow. If you need to update another language than U.S. English ("ENU"), both the U.S. English language version and the language dependent version must be downloaded. Following the list of the self-extracting executables: W321ENU1.EXE - U.S. English language version including the common files of MQSeries Workflow W321CHS1.EXE - Simplified Chinese language version W321CHT1.EXE - Traditional Chinese language version W321DAN1.EXE - Danish language version W321DEU1.EXE - German language version W321ESP1.EXE - Spanish language version W321FIN1.EXE - Finnish language version W321FRA1.EXE - French language version W321HEB1.EXE - Hebrew language version W321HUN1.EXE - Hungarian language version W321ITA1.EXE - Italian language version W321JPN1.EXE - Japanese language version W321KOR1.EXE - Korean language version W321NLD1.EXE - Dutch language version W321NOR1.EXE - Norwegian language version W321PLK1.EXE - Polish language version W321PTB1.EXE - Brazilian Portuguese language version W321PTG1.EXE - Portuguese language version W321SVE1.EXE - Swedish language version W321TRK1.EXE - Turkish language version 1.2.2 Unpack the files Copy the W321ENU1.EXE to a temporary directory and execute it using the command: W321ENU1 /D . This command unpacks the common files and the U.S. English files. If you need to update another language than U.S. English ("ENU"), you must copy the additionally downloaded file to the temporary directory and execute it by the command: W321xxx1 /D . where 'xxx' is the language abbreviation. 1.2.3 Update your existing MQSeries Workflow installation To install this Service Pack, switch to the subdirectory xxx which is located in the directory where you have unpacked the downloaded file. Note: First stop any running MQSeries Workflow programs and services. To start the installation of the Service Pack, run SETUP.EXE. After running the installation start the MQSeries Workflow services as described in the installation guide. 1.2.4 Upgrading your existing MQSeries Workflow Configuration 1. To make it possible to use the product after upgrading the files, some new queue definitions have to be made to MQSeries. In order to do this, run fmczq321.exe. This executable will read your configuration profiles and identify the configurations that need to be updated. For those configurations the definitions in the MQSeries definition files will be recreated from the new templates shipped and will be executed to make the data available to the queue manager. Existing queue definitions will be overwritten and additional queues and aliases will be defined. 2. As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. For every configuration on your system please invoke fmczrdb -y -o:b Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. 1.3 Installation on IBM AIX --------------------------- 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". 2) As root, perform the command 'slibclean'. 3) Update your MQSeries Workflow installation (with or without having hotfixes applied) using smit - "update to latest level" to level Note: Your configuration (profiles, /home/fmc/..., /var/fmc/...) will not be modified by the update. 4) To make it possible to use the product after upgrading the files, some new queue definitions have to be made to MQSeries. In order to do this, run fmczq321.exe as user "fmc". This executable will read your configuration profiles and identify the configurations that need to be updated. For those configurations the definitions in the MQSeries definition files will be recreated from the new templates shipped and will be executed to make the data available to the queue manager. Existing queue definitions will be overwritten and additional queues and aliases will be defined. 5) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the 'r'untime database menu and select 'b'ind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these 5 steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 1.4 Installation on SUN Solaris ------------------------------- 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". Make sure that all MQSeries Workflow processes are stopped and no file of the product is in use. Stopping your MQSeries queue manager will be described in step 3, DB2 must not be shut down. 2) This is how to update your MQSeries Workflow files (with or without having hotfixes applied) to level Issue the following command line as user "root", replace the path "/tmp/fmc-" from this example with the fully qualified path and filename of your ".pkg" file: pkgadd -d /tmp/fmc- accept the installation of this package and overwriting files of the previous package Note: Your configuration(s) (profiles, /home/fmc/..., /var/fmc/...) will NOT be modified by the update. 3) To make it possible to use the product after upgrading the files, some new queue definitions have to be made to MQSeries. In order to do this, run fmczq321.exe as user "fmc". This executable will read your configuration profiles and identify the configurations that need to be updated. For those configurations the definitions in the MQSeries definition files will be recreated from the new templates shipped and will be executed to make the data available to the queue manager. Existing queue definitions will be overwritten and additional queues and aliases will be defined. 4) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the 'r'untime database menu and select 'b'ind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these 4 steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 1.5 Installation on HP-Unix --------------------------- 1) First, stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes, for example by shutting down the MQSeries Workflow System using the admin utility "fmcautil". Make sure that all MQSeries Workflow processes are stopped and no file of the product is in use. Stopping your MQSeries queue manager will be described in step 3, DB2 must not be shut down. 2) This is how to update your MQSeries Workflow files (with or without having hotfixes applied) to level use "sam" to install the new package. Use the "software" icon, and select "add software to local host". Then choose installation from disc and enter the fully qualified path to the file "fmc321u1.pkg" and the filename itself. Choose "Install" from the "Actions" pulldown menu and confirm twice. After installation you will be ready to go on with step 3. If you do not want to use sam, you can use "swinstall" with the appropriate command line parameters that suit your needs. Note: Your configuration(s) (profiles, /home/fmc/..., /var/fmc/...) will NOT be modified by the update. 3) To make it possible to use the product after upgrading the files, some new queue definitions have to be made to MQSeries. In order to do this, run fmczq321.exe as user "fmc". This executable will read your configuration profiles and identify the configurations that need to be updated. For those configurations the definitions in the MQSeries definition files will be recreated from the new templates shipped and will be executed to make the data available to the queue manager. Existing queue definitions will be overwritten and additional queues and aliases will be defined. 4) As updated DB2 bind files are included in this package, you have to bind the new files to your MQSeries Workflow runtime databases. As user "fmc" invoke fmczutil and choose the configuration identifier of the configuration you would like to update. Then choose the 'r'untime database menu and select 'b'ind. Now all bindings will be made for you. This may take several minutes. After these 4 steps your system is ready to run. You may restart your queue manager, the trigger monitor and the administration server as usual by invoking the following programs: strmqm FMCQM & runmqtrm -q FMCTRIGGER -m FMCQM & fmcamain & 2. Important Notices =========================================== o If the fmcemain fails to start, then we recommend to shutdown MQSeries Workflow. Then you need to run the following commands as user fmc: - endmqm -i , e.g. endmqm -i FMCQM - dltmqm , e.g. dltmqm FMCQM - fmczqdef -o:i From now on you can start your MQSeries Workflow system as user fmc: strmqm , e.g. strmqm FMCQM runmqtrm -m FMCQM -q FMCTRIGGER &, assuming FMC is the qualifier being used fmcamain & o For Microsoft Windows NT we recommend to install the MQSeries 5.1 Hotfix. This fix goes on top of the MQSeries Service Pack, which you can find on our CD. The Hotfix is located on the MQSeries Workflow Service Webpage 3. Changes =========================================== 3.1 Problems addressed in Service Pack #1 ----------------------------------------- 1. Execution Server: Improved Memory Management Platform: independend 2. Administration Server: Improved Memory Management Platform: independend 3. Runtime Client: Improved Memory Management Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 4. Buildtime: BT should export "(" and ")" instead of "[" and "]". OS/390 can only import FDLs with "(" or ")" for initial values of arrays. FDLs with "[" or "]" cannot be imported. so the Buildtime should export the FDLs with "(" and ")". Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 5. Buildtime: The property sheet for a new PES or Execution Server should not allow to specify a system that has already a PES and a Execution server. When I select such a system now and press OK, I get an ODBC error, ".... would produce duplicate rows...". The 'system' field should be prefilled. Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 6. Buildtime: In the BT dialog 'User-defined Program execution server properties', the UPES Queue Name (page 'Message Queuing') is restricted to 32 characters. However 48 characters are allowed. The same applies to the UPES Queue Manager Name. If possible, the BT should use the same checker routine as fmcibie. Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 7. Buildtime: When creating a new system, the 'system group' field should be pre-filled with the system group the dialog was invoked from (like 'new process' and category). Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 8. API: SetAnotherPersonAbsent() FlowMark provided a feature that an authorized user could set others as Absent via the RTC. This feature does not appear in MQW and is required to set other users absent. Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 9. Configuration: 2-Tier Setup A common scenario is to have a db server and 1..n db clients. The db clients manage (create/access) the database on the server machine. MQWF configuration does not support this setup. Currently the configuration can only deal with local database. Platform: WinNT, IBM AIX, SUN Solaris, HP Unix 10.Runtime Client: Performance The customer is normally using an custom RTC. He has defined a lot of public worklists, each of these lists is rather large. Within its own custom client, he just works with one list at a time. The customer wants to use the IBM RTC for administrative purposes only. However, if he starts the IBM RTC, all public worklists are defined and consequently refreshed during logn it takes up to 30 minutes (for 20 large worklists) to logon Customer currently lives with this restriction but is expected to raise this a sformal defect soon. Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 11.Database: Overall Performance Improve overall performance by inroducing special DB calls for immediate deletion of processes and work items. Platform: WinNT, IBM AIX, SUN Solaris, HP Unix 12.Buildtime: Buildtime crashes if large process models are being used. Reason is a back-level ODBCCR32.DLL ( Minimum requirement is version 3.510.3711.0. We need to deliver this version as well. It also guarantees Y2K readiness. Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 13.Runtime Client: Filter Handling Filter with CURRENT_USER not handled correctly Platform: WinNT, Win95, Win98 14.API: Memory Management This defect addresses a scenario where the same container is sent very often to the server, each time with a few string member variables changed. With the current implementation this leads to an increasing container and therefore increasing message size because the new string value is appended at the end and the old value is marked as deleted. Only if the maximum container size is reached the container is compacted. The idea now is to compact the message stream before sending it if the number of unused bytes exeeds a defined limit. Platform: all