MQSeries Workflow 3.2.1 - Hotfix #4 - Java Fixes ------------------------------------------------ INDEX ------------------------------------------------ 1. Installation of Hotfix #4 - Java Fixes 1.1 Installation on IBM OS/2, Microsoft Windows, IBM AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-Unix 2. Changes 2.1 Changes in Hotfix #4 - Java Fixes ----------------------------------- 1. Installation of Hotfix #4 - Java Fixes ========================================= 1.1 Installation on IBM OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 95 and Windows 98, IBM AIX, SUN Solaris, HP Unix ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Which files must be downloaded? The Hotfix #4 Java package consists of the following .zip archive: WF321XJU.ZIP - International language version including the files of the MQSeries Workflow Java component for all supported platforms. 1.1.2 Unpack the files Copy the file WF321XJU.ZIP to a temporary directory and unpack it with your favourite ZIP tool, e.g: jar xvf WF321XJU.ZIP This command unpacks the following files - fmcojagt.jar - fmcojapi.jar 1.1.3 Update your existing MQSeries Workflow installation Note: First stop any running MQSeries Workflow Java CORBA Agent and Java applications which uses the JAVA API Beans programs before installing this Hotfix (e.g. Web Application Servers like WebSphere). Depending on your usage of the JAVA CORBA Agent and the JAVA API Beans the following dependencies apply: - If you are using the JAVA API Beans in conjunction with a JAVA CORBA Agent: All clients have to be serviced at the same time as the JAVA CORBA Agent, otherwise the clients may no longer be able to connect to the JAVA CORBA Agent. fmcojagt.jar has to be copied to the machine where the JAVA CORBA Agent is supposed to run to the directory: \bin\java3212 - OS/2, Windows NT /bin/java3212 - AIX, SUN Solaris fmcojapi.jar has to be copied to the machines where the Java API Beans are being used to the directory: \bin\java3212 - OS/2, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows NT /bin/java3212 - AIX, SUN Solaris, HP-UX - If you are using the JAVA API Beans in LOCAL Bindings mode: copy fmcojagt.jar to the machine where your Java Application is supposed to run to the directory: \bin\java3212 - OS/2, Windows NT /bin/java3212 - AIX, SUN Solaris 2. Changes ========== 2.1 Problems addressed in Hotfix #4 - Java package -------------------------------------------------- 12769 Synchronization problems im multithreaded Java programs. Implementation of the action methods in the Java API have been made synchronized.