Hotfix Package #8 ----------------- Installation information: The Hotfix Package #8 consists of one package for the server and one for the clients for OS/2 and Windows NT. The installation procedure is depending on the installation environment. The installation of the Service Package #1 is a mandatory pre-requisite. It is strongly recommended to upgrade the server first and then all clients. On OS/390, the related PTF must be installed first, before updating any client. These are the PTF files required: UQ35526 UQ35527 UQ35528 UQ35543 UQ35544 Please, refer to OS/390 for more details. Windows NT ---------- wf312ncu.exe contains the fixed code for the client installation. wf312nsu.exe contains the fixed code for the server installation. wf312upd.txt is the readme file describing the installation and the problems fixed. This text file is part of the compressed package. OS/2 ---- wf312ocu.exe contains the fixed code for the client installation. wf312osu.exe contains the fixed code for the server installation. wf312upd.txt is the readme file describing the installation and the problems fixed. This text file is part of the compressed package. Installation on WinNT and OS/2 -- Server machine ------------------------------------------------ 1. Back-up your existing installation (recommendation). 2. Stop all running MQSeries Workflow processes (including the listener and trigger monitor). The FMCQM queue manager can remain running. 3. Unpack the file WF312ysu.exe (y = n for Windows NT, y = o for OS/2) with the following syntax: wf312ysu /D x:\path (where x:\path is a temporary directory to which the files are unpacked) 4. Copy the files from the temporary directory to the directory in which the product has been installed. Use XCOPY to perform this task: cd x:\path (where x:\path is your temporary directory) xcopy *.* y:\product-path /s (where y:\product-path is the directory of the product, i.e. d:\fmcwinnt) 5. Issue the command: fmczdcdb -o:b to bind the changed packages. Installation on WindowsNT, Windows95and OS/2 client machines ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back-up your existing installation (recommendation). 2. Unpack the file WF312ycu.exe (y = n for Windows NT, y = o for OS/2) with the following syntax: wf312ycu /D x:\path (where x:\path is a temporary directory to which the files are unpacked) 3. Copy the files from the temporary directory to the directory in which the product has been installed. Use XCOPY to perform this task: cd x:\path (where x:\path is your temporarydirectory) xcopy *.* y:\product-path /s (where y:\product-path is the directory of the product, i.e. d:\fmcwinnt) AIX: ---- wf312upd.txt is the readme file describing the installation and the problems fixed. wf312asu.tar.gz contains the fixed code. fmchotfix is a shell script, which can be used to install the Hotfix Package #8. You need to be root to install this package. This package needs to be installed on top of MQSeries Workflow 3.1.2 Service Package #1 (= version All running MQSeries Workflow processes should have been stopped. You need temporarily about 160 MB in the current file system. "gzip" has to be installed. Parameter: 1) Input file to be unpacked (must be wf312asu.tar.gz) 2) (optional parameter) Existing backup directory, where the original files can be copied into Note: You need about 160 MB free space in the backup directory Example: fmchotfix wf312asu.tar.gz /tmp/WF312backup After having updated the server, you must run the bind process with the user-id fmc using the command: fmczdcdb -ob List of fixed problems: ----------------------- Execution Server: A user can delete last ready workitem in case it was restarted. A workitem that is delegated to 2 users can no longer be deleted by one of them after it has been returned to their own worklist by the other user. This prevents loosing the workitem, because it is not marked as 'disabled' for the second user, which means it can not be deleted. Platform: independent of platform Cleanup Server: KEEP_WORKITEMS and KEEP_PROCESSES not honoured. KEEP_WORKITEMS and KEEP_PROCESSES will be honoured by the cleanup server not only when specified on process level, but also when specified on domain, system group or system level. Platform: independent of platform Buildtime: Staff assignments from containers are not persistent Buildtime will now export these settings properly into the FDL file. There is no more need to change these settings by hand. Platform: WinNT, Win95 Execution Server: Looping of runtime client in a "wrong state" The problem occurred with processes containing an AUTONOMOUS sub-process. When the first process was terminated, and the process activity of the sub-process was still in state 'running', termination of the sub-process caused this behaviour. This has been fixed. Platform: independent of platform Buildtime: Mappings for data default connector not possible Mappings between containers are now enabled also for data default connectors. Platform: WinNT, Win95 Cleanup server: Assertion failure fmcecosa.cxx line 2535 This problem ocurred when the cleanup server collected workitems with the state 'deleted/finished/forceFinished' for deletion. This problem is now removed. Platform: independent of platform Buildtime: Workitem authorization is lost Changing the workitem authorizations of a person could have an incorrrect impact on the authorizations of other persons. Platform: WinNT, Win95 Execution Server: Process descriptions > 254 chars cause execution server shutdown. The limitation of process instance descriptions to a length of less than 254 characters has been removed for all platforms. The symptom was an API timeout. Platform: independent of platform Import: Can't delete persons from runtime database Importing an FDL file containing deletions of PERSON entries will now work properly on all platforms. Platform: independent of platform Communication Layer - Server: Automatic activity not started Due to concurrent processes accessing the same data container, automatic activities inside those processes seemed to 'hang' in 'ready' state. These automatic activities now will execute. Platform: independent of platform Import: Assertion failed in e:\v321\src\fmcixlat.cxx(5537) Platform: independent of platform Execution server: Workitems are incorrectly disabled All workitems of an activity were incorrectly disabled, when the start of an automatic activity failed. Platform: independent of platform Query process templates ignored invalid syntax Syntax errors in queries were incorrectly ignored. Platform: independent of platform Runtime client: Notifications - Delete not shown in context menu Deleting Notifications from the context menu has been made possible. Platform: WinNT, Win95 Buildtime: Initial values for input containers not persistent The initial values for the input container of a block will now be exported correctly to the FDL file. Buildtime: Settings for new OS/390 programs were not made persistent OS/390 settings for new programs will be now be stored in the Buildtime database. Platform: WinNT, Win95 Runtime Client, API: Function to set others as absent is missing A feature has been added to the runtime client. A user can now set other users as absent if he is authorized to do so. Platform: independent of platform Runtime Client: Transfer not enabled for terminated workitem In order to reactivate running work items, a user can transfer them now to an administration user who is able to restart the work item. Platform: WinNT, Win95 PEA does not automatically reconnect after a broken connection. The program execution agents did not reconnect to the system after a broken connection. A broken connection will now be transparent to the users, because the program execution agents reconnect automatically after a connection breakdown. Platform: independent of platform Audit trail: No events of type 21007 in Audit Trail Events of type 21007 will be logged Platform: independent of platform All servers: Setting message size to unlimited caused the servers to fail Using the checkbox 'unlimited message size' in the Buildtime and importing the settings into the runtime database caused the servers to fail. Platform: independent of platform Runtime client: Logon performance When using many and/or large worklists, the runtime client took a long time for logon. This was caused by checking all worklists at logon time. By now, worklists will be checked only after the user expanded a worklist branch from the tree view. Platform: WinNT, Win95 Execution Server: Failure with states finished/finished A subprocess whose end activity finished while the subprocess was in suspending state could not be successfully resumed. Platform: independent of platform Execution Server: Check of process instance name length The process instance name was limited to 32 characters instead of 64 as it should be. However, this limitation did not show up because of another problem. Platform: independent of platform Execution Server: Delete workitem does not work for process notifications. Process notification work items which have no associated activity could not be deleted. This has been fixed. Platform: independent of platform Runtime client: Deletion of process notification failed Platform: WinNT, Win95