DB2 Data Warehouse Edition V9.1.3 IBM

Release notes

Read the DWE Installation Guide
Getting started with Data Warehouse Edition
The DWE Tutorial
The DWE Design Studio
Migrating Design Studio workspace projects from DWE 9.1.0 to DWE 9.1.3
Known issues
DWE Integrated Installation Program
DWE Configuration Tool
DWE Design Studio
DWE Administration Console
SQL Warehousing
DWE Intelligent Miner
Documentation Updates


IBM(R) DB2(R) Data Warehouse Edition, Version 9.1.3 (DWE) combines the strength of DB2 Universal Database(TM) (DB2) with the powerful business intelligence infrastructure from IBM. Data Warehouse Edition provides a comprehensive business intelligence platform with tools that your enterprise and partners need to deploy and build next-generation analytic solutions.

Read the DWE Installation Guide

Before you start the installation of DB2 Data Warehouse Edition, Version 9.1, you must read the DWE Installation Guide. This book contains important installation instructions that are not available anywhere else. The book is available in PDF format from the DWE Quick Start and Documentation CD. It is also contained in the DB2 and DWE Information Center:


Getting started with Data Warehouse Edition

The DWE Tutorial

DWE provides a tutorial that shows you how you can use the components of DWE to create an end-to-end business intelligence solution. This tutorial is an excellent starting point for learning how to use DWE. It introduces you to the highlights of DWE so that you can get up and running quickly and easily.

Using the DWE tutorial, you can learn how to build and deploy a BI solution that extends the capabilities of a DB2 data warehouse. The tutorial is based on a new sample database that describes the operations of a fictional retail company, JK Superstore.

The DWE Design Studio

The DWE Design Studio provides an infrastructure and a set of integrated tools for developing Business Intelligence (BI) solutions. You can use these tools to build, populate, and maintain tables and other structures for data mining and OLAP analysis in the context of a DB2 data warehouse. The Design Studio is built on the Eclipse workbench, which is a powerful development environment that you can customize.

The Design Studio includes the following tools and features:

By integrating these tools, the Design Studio offers time to value and managed cost for warehouse-based analytics. All of the tools you need to support your BI applications are in one place.

The Design Studio Help System

The Design Studio includes a local help system, a set of sample files with a related tutorial, and an Eclipse "cheat sheet" that you can work through to get started.

The cheat sheet walks you through the steps of creating a new data design project, a physical data model, a data warehouse project, and a data flow.

You can use your keyboard to open the Eclipse help system. In the Windows operating system, press F1 to open the Eclipse help window, whereas in the Linux environment, press Shift+F1.

Migrating Design Studio workspace projects from DWE 9.1.0 to DWE 9.1.3

In DB2 Warehouse 9.1.3, you can open a Design Studio workspace that you created in version 9.1.2. No migration is necessary.

Do not try to open a Version 9.1.0 workspace directly in Version 9.1.3 of the Design Studio. To migrate a Version 9.1.0 workspace, you need to complete three main steps:

  1. Export all of the projects from the Version 9.1 workspace, including referenced projects, before installing Version 9.1.3 of the Design Studio.
  2. Install the Version 9.1.3 Design Studio and create a new workspace.
  3. Import the exported projects into the new workspace.

You can export and import projects in several different ways. The following detailed instructions explain the recommended approach, which uses the Export as File System option. This example assumes that you have a Version 9.1.0 data warehouse project named V91DW, which contains control flows, data flows, and SQL statements. The V91DW project depends on a data design project named V91DATA.

The first procedure, which is recommended, assumes that the Version 9.1.3 Design Studio is not yet installed. If you have already upgraded to the Version 9.1.3 Design Studio on the same computer where Version 9.1.0 was installed, follow the second procedure.

To migrate the V91DW and V91DATA projects (before installing Version 9.1.3):

  1. Start the Version 9.1.0 Design Studio and select your existing workspace.
  2. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click the V91DW project and select Export.
  3. In the Export window, select File system and click Next.
  4. Select the V91DW and V91DATA projects and enter an existing directory in the To directory field.
  5. Close the Version 9.1.0 Design Studio.
  6. Install the Version 9.1.3 Design Studio.
  7. Start the Version 9.1.3 Design Studio and enter a new workspace location in the Workspace Launcher. For example: C:\DWEDesignStudio\workspace913
  8. Close the Welcome view, which opens by default when you create a new workspace.
  9. From the File menu, select Import.
  10. In the Import window, select General, then Existing Projects into Workspace. Click Next.
  11. In the Select root directory field, browse to the directory where you exported the projects in step 4. A list of projects is displayed.
  12. Optional: Check the Copy projects into workspace check box.
  13. Click Finish. The projects are imported.

Repeat this process for all of the projects in your Version 9.1.0 workspace.

To migrate the V91DW and V91DATA projects (after installing Version 9.1.3):

  1. Start the Version 9.1.3 Design Studio and enter a new workspace location in the Workspace Launcher. For example: C:\DWEDesignStudio\workspace913
  2. Close the Welcome view, which opens by default when you create a new workspace.
  3. From the File menu, select Import.
  4. In the Import window, select General, then Existing Projects into Workspace. Click Next.
  5. In the Select root directory field, browse to the Version 9.1.0 workspace directory. A list of projects is displayed.
  6. Optional: Check the Copy projects into workspace check box.
  7. Click Finish. The projects are imported.

Repeat this process for all of the projects in your Version 9.1.0 workspace.

Known issues

While every attempt is made to ensure the highest quality for DB2 Data Warehouse Edition, the following known limitations and problems remain. See the Known Issues section of the DWE Installation Guide for additional limitations that are not documented here.


Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

In general, database objects and data (tables, columns, rows, and so on) can use non-English locales. Data flows, mining flows, and control flows that contain non-English data run successfully in both the Design Studio and the Administration Console. In the Design Studio, you can use non-English names for objects such as data flows, control flows, mining flows, variables, and application profiles.

Note the following limitations in globalization support:

DWE Integrated Installation Program

Issues exposed in version 9.1.3:

Issues exposed in version 9.1.2:

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

DWE Configuration Tool

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.3:

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

DWE Design Studio

Issues corrected in version 9.1.3:

Several issues previously exposed in Version 9.1.0 is now fixed:

Issues exposed in version 9.1.2:

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

DWE Administration Console

Issues exposed in version 9.1.2:

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

SQL Warehousing

Issues exposed in version 9.1.3:

DWE Intelligent Miner

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

Documentation Updates

The following information is provided as a supplement to the current DWE documentation. This information will be integrated into the Information Center in a future release.

DWE Design Studio

Issues exposed in versions 9.1.0 and 9.1.1:

User temporary table space for SQL execution databases

Be sure that each SQL execution database that you use in your data warehouse applications contains a user temporary table space. When data flows are executed, temporary tables are often created and this table space is required.

Table target operator

When you select the Delete option for the table target operator, you can apply a condition to the rows in the target table as well as a match condition for the incoming data. The Condition page has the following properties:

Bulk load target operator

When you run a data flow that uses the bulk load target operator, descendent foreign key tables and materialized query tables can be left in the check pending no access state. You have to run SET INTEGRITY statements manually on these descendent tables to bring them back to a normal state. A SET INTEGRITY statement is run only for the table target itself.

Restrictions on data flows that can be deployed as DataStage executables

Data flows that generate Java code units cannot be deployed as DataStage executables. This restriction applies to data flows that contain the following operators:

SQL replication source operator

If the Apply server runs prematurely before the Capture program has fully completed committing the source changes to the CD tables, then the changes in the source table might not be consistent with the rows applied in the replication target table (especially, if partial changes are captured).

In such a case, start the Capture program externally (usually a daemon process). This causes the Capture program to run asynchronously with the SQW process that executes the Apply program. Timing inconsistencies, especially due to system load, could occur when data is captured and applied at the same time. This is possible during both Design Studio executions and scheduled process executions in the Administration Console. You should account for such timing inconsistencies while scheduling your application processes in the Administration Console.

You are recommended to schedule the execution of the Apply process after you are certain that the source table changes are completely captured or you must schedule the process execution multiple times over a period to eventually apply all the changes to the replication target tables.

Default image format for saved flows

The documentation states that the default image format when you save a flow as an image is JPEG. In Version 9.1.2, the default format is GIF.

DB2 Data Warehouse Edition, Version 9.1.3 (May 2008)

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM

IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, AIX, Cube Views(TM), DataStage, Intelligent Miner, Rational, and WebSphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved.
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