Date 04/22/98 Fix module for PMR 38948 (WITT Year2000 for Windows V1.00 and V1.01) ==================================================================== Abstract: --------- The fix module is to fix the problem PMR 38948 for both WITT Year2000 for Windows V1.00 and V1.01. PMR 38948 Description: ---------------------- In GUI playback session, the script commands including logical name might cause an error such as "Button control Find not found" and stopped the playback. In case that the target window contains more than 2 dialog controls (for example, dialog bar control), the playback session looks into controls whose parent is the 1st dialog controls. If the target control (in this case, "Find" Button control) is a child of the 2nd dialog control, the playback session cannot find the target control and stops the playback. Applying this fix, the playback session will look into multiple dialog controls in order to find the target control. Restriction: ------------ Playback session might find a control which you do not expected in case that the target window contains controls with same type and caption, whose parent dialog are different. Fix Description: --------------- This fix module provides replacement a module for WITT Year2000 for Windows V1.00 and V1.01. Installation Instraction: ------------------------- 1. This fix includes 3 ZIP files which contain a DLL file ivafgres.dll: V100A.ZIP for V1.00 ivafgres.dll 162,304 98-04-22 16:10 V101A_E.ZIP for V1.01 Attachmate Extra! selected as Host connection ivafgres.dll 162,304 98-04-22 18:51 V101A_P.ZIP for V1.01 PCOMM or None selected as Host connenction ivafgres.dll 162,304 98-04-22 18:45 2. Unzip a ZIP file you need. You get a DLL ivafgres.dll. 3. Move \IBMWITTW\BIN directory and rename the ivafgres.dll. 3. Copy the DLL restored from ZIP file to \IBMWITTW\BIN directory. Change History: --------------- 03/17/1998 CSD for V1.0 which makes V1.01. 04/22/1998 Fix module for PMR38948 for both V1.00 and V1.01. Trademarks: ----------- Other terms used in this file, which may be denoted by a double asterisk(**), are trademarks or service marks of others. Attachmate and EXTRA! is a registered trademark of Attachmate Corporation.