---------------------------------------------------------------------- VisualAge Generator Templates V2.2 Refresh V1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref MD 110 OS2 V01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- README.TXT Topics: ------ - What's new in this fixpak (V1) - What's new in the Refresh - Contents - Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's new in this fixpak (V1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE INSTALLING VAG TEMPLATES REFRESH FIXPAK, YOU SHOULD HAVE INSTALLED VAG TEMPLATES 2.2 (OR A BETA VERSION OF THE REFRESH). THE "FEATURE VERSION" OF THE PRODUCT IS NOW DELIVERED FOR VA SMALLTALK 3.0A ONLY (NOT FOR VA SMALLTALK 3.0). - Relational Import Utility . optimizations for AS/400 and MVS . the import utility can now take advantage of the SYSSCHEMA keyword (see read.me file for details) . constant default values are now imported. - Generated Applications . converter setting is now written differently in ESF file . promoted events from an attribute are not used any more (these two first changes are dedicated to compatibility with VAG 3.0) . on-line help : an HPJ file is generated (to compile RTF files). . BusinessObject layouts : lists are better centered in their forms. . fixed bug: in TUI applications, numeric key fields are not troncated any more. . fixed bug: too long generated lines in CSP statement groups have been shortened. . fixed bug: the "Common Area" parameter is now fully taken into account. . fixed bug: mandatory fields are now well managed, even if there is no check in the corresponding DataElement. . fixed bug: the "Control Location" parameter is now well managed, including the "server" value. - Generators . enhanced checks have been implemented ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's new in the Refresh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU PLAN TO MIGRATE EXISTING 2.2 WORKSPACES, YOU HAVE TO INSTALL STAND ALONE VERSION. A MIGRATION UTILITY IS AVAILABLE AS A SEPARATE PROGRAM IN VAGT FOLDER. IF YOU PLAN TO MIGRATE EXISTING 2.2 CUSTOMIZED GENERATORS, YOU HAVE TO INSTALL THE FEATURE VERSION. A MIGRATION FEATURE IS LOADABLE. YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW A MIGRATION SCENARIO THAT IS NOT AUTOMATIC BUT FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE DOCUMENTATION. - Main new features : . generation of TUI applications . editable lists in GUI applications . new actions on BusinessObjects . more CUA support in GUI applications (Window list) . extended API on target entities . VG Linkage Table Generator . Information Model renaming - Impacts : . Workstation and Information Model : - new fields and columns in "General" pages of : . InterfaceUnit notebook : "fastpath" field . BusinessObject notebook : "laid out " column on page "Fields" - new value for the BusinessObject Layout Type in an InterfaceUnit : "updatable list" - new fields or values in "Parameters" pages of : . Workspace notebook for example: "commonArea" values: - record and table - record - none (allows to tune the generation of common components dedicated to customization) . BusinessObject notebook for example: "zoomOnDoubleClick" values: - within interface unit - zoom off (first value -> automatic generation of appropriate connections for zooming between list and detail in the same window) "serviceLevel" values : - detail and updatable list - detail and read-only list - detail - updatable list - read-only list (allows to generate only the needed components) . InterfaceUnit notebook for example: TUI device - "Generate" window : new checkbox "Save as default" to memorize the selection of generators for the current Entity - Feature version: the name of the VAGT dedicated menu in the System Transcript window is now "VAGT Tools" . Generators : - New generators are introduced for TUI. - Generators dedicated to GUI or TUI include "GUI" or "TUI" in their names. - An API dedicated to GUI Window Layout Generator customization is available. - In this version, methods belonging to categories suffixed by "_API110" should be considered as "API". . Generated Applications (TUI and GUI) - Optimization: use of data triggers (level-77 items) in place of perform requests - Optimization: foreign key check only after an error - New hooks for checks on the server: -SRVCK-HOOK - Optimization : the system error record has less contents - Optimization: SQL error management statement groups are now generated at the workspace level; SQL error codes are stored in VAG Tables (one per SQL action) . Generated GUI Applications : - New hook for checks: -CLICK-HOOK (in the Controller) - There is now a Windows menu in the generated Window layout. It displays a list of all the open windows in the application in order of opening (from the root Window). The default label of this menu is Windows. The Windows Menu Title attribute of the Interface Unit lets you redefine it. - In VA Generator 2.2 applications: if there are less that ten open windows, they are all displayed in the menu and can be activated from it. Otherwise, a 'More Windows...' item in the Windows menu opens a list of all the open windows. It allows the user to activate or to close the selected window, via a pop-up menu - In VA Generator 2.0 applications: the "Windows" item opens a window list. - GUI Layout: generators convert lower-case Layout Name parameter in upper-case . Repository This version manages concurrent accesses. See configuration file mdl.cnf for parameterizing. . Feature version: ODBC database feature must be loaded . Migration utility for reusing existing workspaces (see new icon in VAGT folder) . Generators' migration: a configuration map dedicated to generators' migration is packaged in a specific feature . On-line Documentation (.boo): completely upgraded . Technical documentation (.doc): New documentation files summarize the evolutions between VAGT 2.2 and VAGT 2.2 Refresh - REFRESH1.DOC : Standard Use - REFRESH2.DOC : Advanced Use ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VAG Templates is installed in the following directories: -------------------------------------------------------- - VAG Templates root directory MDLROOT, with sub-directories: - build : where ESF files will be generated (default) - books : softcopy documentation - doc : introduction to the product and the generated applications architecture - standard : the product as a stand-alone application (that may run without Visual Age Smalltalk installed) - VAG Templates storage directory (example: C:\VAGT\STORE): directory containing the specification files (must be HPFS) - Notice: - VAG Templates root directory will be referred to as MDLROOT - VAG Templates storage directory will be referred to as MDLSTORE - VA Smalltalk directory will be referred to as VASTROOT - VA Smalltalk installation directory will be referred to as VASTCTL - VA Smalltalk import directory will be referred to as VASTIMP (see #AbtInstallationDirectory and #AbtImportDirectory in VASTROOT\abt.cnf: ... "Installation globals" "This is where we find the *.ctl files." Smalltalk at: #AbtInstallationDirectory put: 'c:\vag_smtk\feature'! "This is where we find the *.dat files of the import server. This path MUST include a trailing path separator." Smalltalk at: #AbtImportDirectory put: 'c:\vag_smtk\import\'! ...) VAG Templates special files are: -------------------------------- MDLROOT\mdl.cnf: Startup file read when Opening or Customizing the Workstation (stand-alone or feature), where the following are specified: - the repository root directories : directories from which sub-directories will be considered as Workspace candidates - the VA/ST installation directory (used for VAG Templates repackaging) MDLROOT\mdl.log: Log file for the product (you can check VAG Templates' version in it) Files included are: -------------------- MDLROOT\build: empty directory MDLROOT\books: mdr00e10.boo mdr30e10.boo mdr50e10.boo mdu40e10.boo mdr10e10.boo mdr20e10.boo mdu00e10.boo mdr40e10.boo mdu30e10.boo mdi10e10.boo mdi20e10.boo mdi30e10.boo mdi40e10.boo mdu10e10.boo mdu21e10.boo mdu22e10.boo mdu23e10.boo vagte10.bks MDLROOT\doc: appl_sod.doc : Generated Applications General Architecture gn_orga.doc : Generated Applications Organic Documentation refresh1.doc : Version 2.2 Refresh Documentation for Beta-Tests (Standard Use) refresh2.doc : Version 2.2 Refresh Documentation for Beta-Tests (Advanced Use) MDLROOT\standard: This is the version of the product that can be used on a machine that does not have VisualAge for Smalltalk installed. A lighter version is installed if you have Visual Age Smalltalk installed. mdl.exe mdl.img mdlgfe10.mpr mdlime10.mpr mdlmee10.mpr mdlrie10.mpr mdlsge10.mpr mdlvee10.mpr mdlwse10.mpr mdlbmps.dll mdlicons.dll mdlhelp.hlp ABTARE30.mpr ABTBAE30.mpr ABTDBE30.mpr ABTRIE30.mpr CURSORS.OBJ RGB.TXT abtbmp30.dll abtdc30.bnd abtdc30.dll abtdnc30.bnd abtdnc30.dll abtdrag.dll abtdso30.bnd abtdso30.dll abtprm30.dll escgi30.dll esdec30.dll esmem30.dll esswp30.dll estks30.dll esvm30.dll nls.cnf *.cat MDLSTORE: empty directory This is where specification files contained in MDLROOT\sample\sample2 are copied. VASTCTL: This is where VAG Templates loadable feature control files are installed. VASTIMP: This is where VAG Templates loadable feature binary files are installed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refresh requirements: - before installing VAG Templates 2.2 Refresh, you should have installed VAG Templates 2.2 (or a beta version of VAG Templates 2.2 Refresh). 1 - Installation: 1 - set the current directory to the directory that contains the product installation files 2 - type 'install' WARNING: in this version the installation utility does not upgrade the LIBPATH variable in the CONFIG.SYS file. To avoid any problem, it is strongly recommended to add the path \standard to the LIBPATH variable in the CONFIG.SYS file. Next step could be 2a or 2b. 2a- Start VAG Templates standard version: cd MDLROOT\standard mdl or use icon in folder VAG Templates . 2b- Load and start VAG Templates feature version: - Before loading VAG Templates feature you should: - check that VASTROOT and VASTROOT\MPR do not contain any mdl*10.mpr files. - load feature 'IBM database' - load feature 'Odbc database' - Load VAG Templates in your environment by selecting Visual Age Organizer -> Options -> Load Features and choosing '(3.0a) VAG Templates V2.2 Refresh V1'. - start VAG Templates workstation by selecting System Transcript -> Model tools -> Open Workstation 3 - If you have written new generators in the feature version and want to incorporate them in the standard version: - select System Transcript -> VAGT Tools -> Customize Workstation - select the generators you want to use - click on Package Workstation (this will generate files VASTROOT\md1cus1.app and VASTROOT\md1cus2.app, copy them into MDLROOT\standard, and generate file MDLROOT\standard\abtapp.cnf) - start VAG Templates ; the workstation will import the two files; and then save the image before exiting - delete file MDLROOT\standard\abtapp.cnf - start VAG Templates again; here you have your new generators Notice: you may want to make a backup copy of MDLROOT\standard\mdl.img before this step; if you do not, you can still recover by re-installing the standard version only.