[Image] IBM VisualAge Generator Developer Version 4.0 Hot Fixes 1 Readme ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents Introduction Problem Descriptions Installation instructions for VAGen for Smalltalk on Windows NT Installation instructions for VAGen for Smalltalk on OS/2 Installation instructions for VAGen for Java on Windows NT EZERDEVNLS Environment Variable ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction This package contains fixes to a number of problems in the VisualAge Generator V4.0 GA code. The problems are listed in the Problem Descriptions section Problem Descriptions VisualAge Generator Developer V4.0 contains the following product enhancements: * APAR PQ32629 VAGen for Smalltalk - Incorrect version of Templates Quickstart feature shipped on GA CD * APAR PQ32628 VAGen for Smalltalk - Incorrect version of Templates Migration feature shipped on GA CD * APAR PQ32627 VAGen for Java - Missing icons for VAGen parts in the Java visual composition editor * APAR PQ32624 VAGen for Smalltalk/Java - Incorrect timestamp generated for Templates feature * APAR PQ32623 VAGen for Smalltalk/Java - Missing base VAGen code that caused inconsistent behaviour within the templates feature * APAR PQ32732 VAGen for Java - VAGen migration utility is not automatically creating Project List Parts (PLP's) * APAR PQ32733 VAGen for Smalltalk/Java - Known problems with testpoints set against a functions local storage or passed parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation instructions for VAGen for Smalltalk on Windows NT The self extracting executable that contains the fixes for VA Generator for Smalltalk on Windows NT is called vastnt.exe *Install VA Smalltalk V5.0 (if not already done) *Install VA Generator V4.0 (if not already done) *Load the VAGen feature into the Smalltalk image (if not already done) *Shutdown Smalltalk *Start the self extracting executable (by double clicking on it). It will prompt you for what directory to extract into. The directory you specify must be the directory you installed VA Smalltalk into, for example c:\program files\vast *Start Smalltalk *Load the feature titled 'VAGen40 fixtest 1.1' *If you have already loaded either the Templates Quickstart or Templates Migration feature then you must reload them *Shutdown and restart the Smalltalk image ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation instructions for VAGen for Smalltalk on OS/2 The self extracting executable that contains the fixes for VA Generator for Smalltalk on OS/2 is called vastos2.exe *Install VA Smalltalk V5.0 (if not already done) *Install VA Generator V4.0 (if not already done) *Load the VAGen feature into the Smalltalk image (if not already done) *Shutdown Smalltalk *Copy the self extracting executable into the directory that you have installed Smalltalk into (i.e c:\vast) *Open an OS/2 window, change directory so you are in the directory that you just copied the exe into *Enter the following command to start the extraction: vastos2 /d /over=all ( the /d option tell the exe to extract into the correct sub directories, the /over=all options tells the exe to overwrite any existing files without prompting you for confirmation) *Start Smalltalk *Load the feature titled 'VAGen40 fixtest 1.1' *If you have already loaded either the Templates Quickstart or Templates Migration feature then you must reload them *Shutdown and restart the Smalltalk image ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation instructions for VAGen for Java on Windows NT The self extracting executable that contains the fixes for VA Generator for Java on Windows NT is called java.exe. The hotfix for Java requires that you MUST start with an clean Java workspace (a workspace without any VAGen or Template features loaded) *If you have already installed java and have work in progress you should version you work and uninstall the java client *Install VA Java V3.0 *Install VA Generator V4.0 but DO NOT load any generator or template features. *Start the self extracting executable (by double clicking on it). It will prompt you for what directory to extract into. The directory you specify must be the directory you installed VA Java into, for example c:\ibmjava. Wait for the extract to be completed. *If you are using VAGTemplates Customizer then you must now reinstall it *Start VAGen and load the VAGen40 Developer feature *Load any other VAGen or template features you wish *If you have work in progress that you versioned then you should now reload this work into the new java workspace ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EZERDEVNLS Environment Variable If you're using the Japanese or Brazilian Portuguese version of VAGen Developer, you must set this variable. With this fixtest a new environment variable is being used to determine which national language has been installed for the VAGen Developer product. The use of this environment variable will correct a problem where English help is not displayed when VAGen is installed on a non-American English machine (e.g. British, German). The new environment variable is EZERDEVNLS and it will be set to a single character ('e', 'j', or 'p') indicating the installed language. If the variable is not set, it defaults to English. With FixPak 1, the installation utility will set this environment variable. For this hotfix, if you have installed the Japanese or Brazilian Portuguese version of VAGen Developer, you will need to set this environment variable before starting the product in order for the online help to be invoked correctly. If you have installed English, the variable does not need to be set.