IBM VisualAge Generator
V4.0 FixPak2 Readme
PTF #: UQ47415

Attention VisualAge Generator on Java Templates users.  Do not install this FixPak2.  An updated FixPak2T will be released in the coming weeks containing additional fixes required for Developer on Java Templates users.  Please remain at FixPak1 or GA level. For additional information please visit the VA Gen Website:

Table of Contents



Online Documentation


This VisualAge Generator V4.0 FixPak2 Readme file contains the latest installation instructions, product support, and limitation information. You can view the .HTM version of this Readme file using a web-browsing program.


Product Enhancements, Problem Support, and Limitations

VisualAge Generator V4.0 FixPak2 contains enhancements, problem support, and limitations for the following:

VisualAge Generator FixPak2 Installation Notes

Important: The following sections provide detailed instructions for downloading and installing FixPak2 for VisualAge Generator V4.0. Please be sure to read the sections carefully before you install this FixPak. 

Installing VisualAge Generator Developer on VA Java

Important: Special steps to do before installation of Fixpak2 for Developer on Java:

VisualAge Generator Developer on Java FixPak1 is the pre-requisite for FixPak2. Please make sure you have installed FixPak1 of Developer on Java and FixPak1 for Common Services for NT. You may go to the FTP site This site contains information and fixes for a wide variety of other IBM products. The files for FixPak1 are located in the directory /ps/products/visualagegen/fixes/v4.0. You may perform an anonymous logon to this FTP site. The readme.htm file in the directory has detailed instructions on FixPak1 installation.

Installing VisualAge Generator Developer on VA Smalltalk

Important: Special steps to do before installation of Fixpak2 for Developer on Smalltalk:

VisualAge Generator Developer on Smalltalk FixPak1 is the pre-requisite for FixPak2. Please make sure you have installed FixPak1 of Developer on Smalltalk and FixPak1 for Common Services, AND have loaded the VAGen features for 4.0 + FP1, before installing FixPak2. You may go to the FTP site This site contains information and fixes for a wide variety of other IBM products. The files for FixPak1 are located in the directory /ps/products/visualagegen/fixes/v4.0. You may perform an anonymous logon to this FTP site. The readme.htm file in the directory has detailed instructions on FixPak1 installation.

Installing VisualAge Generator Server

Important: Special steps to do before installation of Fixpak2 for Server:

VisualAge Generator Server FixPak1 is the pre-requisite for FixPak2. Please make sure you have installed FixPak1 of Server and FixPak1 for Common Services. You may go to the FTP site This site contains information and fixes for a wide variety of other IBM products. The files for FixPak1 are located in the directory /ps/products/visualagegen/fixes/v4.0. You may perform an anonymous logon to this FTP site. The readme.htm file in the directory has detailed instructions on FixPak1 installation.

Installing VisualAge Generator Common Services

Important: Special steps to do before installation of Fixpak2 for Common Services:

VisualAge Generator Common Services FixPak1 is the pre-requisite for FixPak2. Please make sure you have installed FixPak1 of Common Services. You may go to the FTP site This site contains information and fixes for a wide variety of other IBM products. The files for FixPak1 are located in the directory /ps/products/visualagegen/fixes/v4.0. You may perform an anonymous logon to this FTP site. The readme.htm file in the directory has detailed instructions on FixPak1 installation.

FixPak2 for Common Service is a prerequisite for running the other VisualAge Generator products with FixPak2. The FixPaks of the other VisualAge Generator products contain the files to install FixPak2 for Common Services. Therefore, you do not have to download the FixPak for Common Services separately if you have already downloaded the FixPak for any other VisualAge Generator product.

On Windows NT, you will be able to install FixPak2 for Common Services at the end of the installation of any other FixPak for VisualAge Generator when the Common Services FixPak2 hasn't been installed, by checking "Launch CSO installation", and the installation of FixPak2 for Common Services will launch automatically.

On OS/2, you will have to follow the steps below to install the FixPak2 for Common Services.

VisualAge Generator Templates

Product Enhancements

VisualAge Generator V4.0 fixpak2 contains VisualAge Generator Templates (VAGT) enhancements, problem support, or limitations for the following:
Various bugs have been fixed (see the APAR section). The main improvements are listed below:


VisualAge Generator Templates (Standard Functions) is installed with VisualAge Generator Developer.

Limitations and Known Problems with VAGT

  • Common Limitations
  • Templates on Java Limitations
  • Templates on Smalltalk Limitations
  • Note: Be aware that this will also roll back all units of work. 

    Installation Troubleshooting

    For additional information, see the VisualAge Smalltalk webpage

    VisualAge Generator Redbook

    For additional information on developing VisualAge Generator applications, you can access the redbook VisualAge Generator System Development Guide (SG24-4230) on the web.

    Online Documentation

    Most of the VisualAge Generator manuals are installed with the online help in HTML format. They are also available in PDF format on the product CD. Updates for these books will be made periodically. The search capability has been enabled for Japanese online help. The most up-to-date versions are available for download at no cost from our website:
    Useful Websites:

    IBM VisualAge Generator

    IBM VisualAge Smalltalk

    IBM VisualAge Java

    IBM VisualAge Resource Catalog

    IBM Software Applicaiton Development

    IBM Software Homepage

    IBM Corporation Homepage