IBM VisualAge Generator
V4.0 FixPak1 Readme
PTF #: UQ41558

Table of Contents



Online Documentation


This VisualAge Generator V4.0 FixPak1 Readme file contains the latest installation instructions, product support, and limitation information. You can also view the .HTM version of this Readme file using a web-browsing program.


Product Enhancements, Problem Support, and Limitations

VisualAge Generator V4.0 FixPak1 contains enhancements, problem support, and limitations for the following:

·         Windows 2000 Compatibility

·         VisualAge Generator feature unloadable from workspace on Java

·         Quick Form Support in Java GUI

The quick form support has been added to give the ability to quick form VAGen data parts and their data items.

·         WebSphere 2.0 for NT Support

java ConvertJSP1toJSP92 filename

where filename is the .jsp file to be converted. The converted file will replace the existing file.

·         Migration

·         Performance improvement during Import/Migration

·         Full Import/Export support regardless of parts sources

·         Java Execute Batch Command

·         Parts Browser Menu Item APIs

·         Launching online help from Start Menu

·         Japanese Online Help search capability

The search capability for Japanese online help has been enabled for Windows NT-based Developer.

·         List of APARs

The following is a list of APARs in FixPak1:





Interactive Test Facility:




C++ Workgroup Services:


C++ Generation:


COBOL Generation:


IC Packaging:

·         Other fixes


·         Product Limitations

xxx.cmd * * userid password

(where xxx is the application name, userid and password are those used by the targeted system).

On generation:
When specifying the generation output directory at generation time, do not use space in directory and/or file name.

1.      hptcfg remove /p hptsphlp

2.      hptcfg install /multiple /lang pt_br /w x:\<Smalltalkdirectory>\doc\vghelpp

3.      imnss stop server

4.      imnss start server

0.      hptcfg remove /p hptsjhlp

1.      hptcfg install /multiple /lang ja_JP /w x:\<Smalltalkdirectory>\doc\vghelpj

2.      imnss stop server

3.      imqss -stop dbcshelp

4.      imqss -start dbcshelp

5.      imnss start server

Note: These same commands will work on NT. The only difference is that you run them from the NT NetQuestion directory, typically called IMNNQ_NT.

VisualAge Generator FixPak1 Installation Notes

Important: The following sections provide detailed instructions for downloading and installing FixPak1 for VisualAge Generator V4.0. Please be sure to read the sections carefully before you install this FixPak.

Installing VisualAge Generator Developer on VA Java

Important: Special steps to do before installation of Fixpak 1 for Developer on Java:

If users have an existing repository and want to continue using it, VisualAge for Java provides a migration feature to migrate the repository to VisualAge for Java v3.02. Please refer to the VisualAge for Java Team Repository Server CD readme file for detailed instructions.

Note: To apply VAGen v4.0 Fixpak 1, the user should first install VAGen v4.0 Fixpak 1, and then install VisualAge for Java v3.02. (That is true, you install VAGen v4.0 Fixpak 1 before installing VisualAge for Java v3.02). There's no need to uninstall VisaulAge for Java v3.0.

Installing VisualAge Generator Developer on VA Smalltalk


If you get a walkback (VisualAge Debugger) window while saving the image, it probably means that you have run out of disk space. Close the VisualAge Debugger window. You will need to either free some space and retry the save (File --> Save Image... on the System Transcript window) or save the image on another drive (File --> Save Image As...).





If you get a walkback (VisualAge Debugger) window while saving the image, it probably means that you have run out of disk space. Close the VisualAge Debugger window. You will need to either free some space and retry the save (File --> Save Image... on the System Transcript window) or save the image on another drive (File --> Save Image As...).

Installing VisualAge Generator Server



For installation instructions for VisualAge Generator Server on AIX please see the "VisualAge Generator Installation Guide."

1.      On your HP-UX machine, create a temporary fixpak directory called FIXHP. (i.e. /home/user1/fixhp)

2.      Download tar file VGWGS40X.TAR from the HP directory. The image environment is shown below:

VGWGS40X.TAR   - HP-UX version 10.20

3.      Login as root.

4.      Change your current working directory to /opt.

5.      type: tar -xvf /home/user1/fixhp/vgwgs40x.tar

6.      If VisualAge Generator Server for HP_UX was previously installed on the machine it must be rejected before you can install a new version. To reject it, type:

rm -rf /opt/vgwgs40  

Installing VisualAge Generator Common Services

FixPak1 for Common Service is a prerequisite for running the other VisualAge Generator products with Fixpak 1. The FixPaks of the other VisualAge Generator products contain the files to install FixPak1 for Common Services. Therefore, you do not have to download the FixPak for Common Services separately if you have already downloaded the FixPak for any other VisualAge Generator product.

On Windows NT, you will be prompted to install FixPak1 for Common Services at the end of the installation of any other FixPak for VisualAge Generator when the Common Services Fixpak1 hasn't been installed, and the installation of FixPak1 for Common Services will launch automatically.

On OS/2, you will have to follow the steps below to install the FixPak for Common Services.


VisualAge Generator Templates

Product Enhancements, Problem Support, and Limitations

VisualAge Generator V4.0 fixpak1 contain VisualAge Generator Templates (VAGT) enhancements, problem support, or limitations for the following:

·         Import/Export Function

·         Relational Import

·         VAGT Workbench

·         Generated Web Client

·         Generated GUI Client

·         Generated TUI

·         Generation

VisualAge Generator Templates Standard Functions Installation

To install VAGT Standard Functions, select the corresponding option in the VisualAge Generator 4.0 install.

VisualAge Generator Templates (Standard Functions) will be installed with VisualAge Generator Developer if the user choose VAGT to install when prompted during VisualAge Generator installation. The IBM VisualAge Generator feature is a prerequisite of VisualAge Generator Templates. Make sure that it is already loaded.

Note: If users have already added the VAGT feature to their existing VAGen installation, the VAGT feature will have been already migrated. The following section only applies to those who want to add VAGT feature for the first time.

Once VisualAge Generator Templates is loaded, you will be prompted to save your image. Click the Yes button so you won't have to load VisualAge Generator Templates the next time you start VisualAge for Smalltalk. By default, the image is saved as filename abt.icx. After the image is saved, you might consider making a copy of the image file.

Notes Limitations and Known Problems with VAGT

Although VAGT is able to provide right-to-left organized views and subviews, it depends on the abilities of VisualAge Smalltalk BiDi feature for internal positionings:

When connecting to database, you may have database connections left open (an error -1445 appears), you should clean up SQL database connections so you can execute the following code to clean up the SQL interface: SQLRequester disconnectAll


Be aware that this will also roll back all units of work. 

Installation Troubleshooting

For additional information, see the VisualAge Smalltalk webpage

VisualAge Generator Redbook

For additional information on developing VisualAge Generator applications, you can access the redbook VisualAge Generator System Development Guide (SG24-4230) on the web.

Online Documentation

Most of the VisualAge Generator manuals are installed with the online help in HTML format. They are also available in PDF format on the product CD. Updates for these books will be made periodically. The search capability has been enabled for Japanese online help. The most up-to-date versions are available for download at no cost from our website:

Useful Websites:

IBM VisualAge Generator

IBM VisualAge Smalltalk

IBM VisualAge Java

IBM VisualAge Resource Catalog

IBM Software Applicaiton Development

IBM Software Homepage

IBM Corporation Homepage