1.0 Data Access Builder Enhancements V1.1a README IBM* VisualAge* for C++ for OS/2* Version 3.0 Data Access Builder Enhancements (C) Copyrights by IBM Corp and by others 1999. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. This file contains important information. You should read this file before you install this product. 1.1 Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM DB2 Open Class OS/2 VisualAge WorkFrame Other terms used in this README, which may be denoted by a double asterisk(**), are trademarks or service marks of others. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 1.2 Installation This section describes important information about installing the Data Access Builder Enhancement. 1.2.1 Prerequisites o VisualAge for C++ V3.0 with Data Access Builder installed. o OS/2 WARP V3 or later. There are no database prerequisites to run the Data Access Builder Enhancements. 1.2.2 Installing Data Access Builder Enhancements NOTE: If you have installed a previous version of Data Access Builder Enhancements, you must remove it before installing this version of the product. You can remove the last version by typing "install /u" from the previous install directory. You will NOT need to uninstall ODBC if you plan to use it with this version of Data Access Builder Enhancements. ODBC is not being shipped with this version. To install, type "install" and answer the questions depending on the specific options you desire. The installation utility creates a folder in the VisualAge for C++ folder. To uninstall the Data Access Builder Enhancements, type "install /u". Uninstall does not modify your config.sys file in any way. 1.2.3 Usage Notes Setting your Compile Environment A batch file, "idataenv.cmd" is provided to change the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables. This utility must be run in the session before compiling the generated code. It must also be run after every reboot. To ensure this utility is always set, you can update the include file search in the config.sys. The installation program creates a COMMAND PROMPT object in the DATA ACCESS BUILDER ENHANCEMENTS folder which calls "idataenv.cmd" for you and gives you an OS/2 window. ODBC The utility will not overwrite any existing ODBC files and the ODBC setup for the Data Access Builder Enhancements samples are not created. In this case, you have the following option: o Use the existing ODBC setup. However, you must manually set up the ODBC datasource for the samples. To do this, follow these instructions: 1. Invoke the ODBC administrator to get to the ODBC setup dialog panel. 2. Add a dBase data source to the user setup if they do not already have the dBase data source configured and select the dBase driver. 3. A panel for the ODBC dBase Driver Setup panel displays. a. Enter "daxsamp" in the Data Source Name entry field. b. Leave the Database Directory entry field empty. c. Select "dBase4" in the Create Type entry field. d. Select "dBase" in the Locking entry field. e. Select "NONE" in the Lock Compatibility entry field. f. Enter "0" in the File Open Cache entry field. g. Enter "4" in the Cache Size entry field. 4. Close the ODBC setup panels. The sample datasource will be configured and the samples can now be run. For detailed information on configuring a particular datasource, invoke the ODBC administrator and select the datasource you want help for. Then invoke the setup for the selected datasource to get to the setup panel. When the setup panel displays, invoke the HELP function for that datasource. Sample Programs Since a previous version of the Data Access Builder already exists on the system as a prerequisite, the sample code is installed in a new subdirectory so as to not overwrite the original samples. The new subdirectory is "samples\idatanew". You must build and run the ODBC versions of the samples in the directories from which they were installed by the DABE installation program, as the databases are created in those directories. 1.3 Using the Documentation Documentation for the Data Access Builder Enhancements is available as an online book and as a printable postscript file. NOTE: 1. Although this information is for the Windows platform, in general, all the information is also applicable to OS/2. However, there are minor instances where documented function does not correspond with the OS/2 product. For example, documentation references to the NETWORK push button are Windows** specific references and should be ignored. 2. Support for Persistent Object Service for the SOMobjects Developer's Toolkit (also known as POSSOM) is not available on this beta release of Data Access Builder Enhancements. All POSSOM information in the documentation is not applicable when using the Data Access Builder. 3. This beta release provides background thread support to enable Visual Builder applications to execute database actions asynchronously. You can view information on the background thread support by double-clicking on the "Data Access Builder Enhancements DAXTHRDS Info" icon in the Data Access Builder Enhancements folder. To view the online book, you have the following options: o Double-click on the DATA ACCESS BUILDER ENHANCEMENTS BOOK icon in the DATA ACCESS BUILDER ENHANCEMENTS folder. o Type the following from any command line: "view idatadoc.inf" o From the Data Access Builder tool's HELP menu select ONLINE BOOK NOTE: When using the HELP menu to access the updated information, ensure you are always accessing it from within the the Data Access Builder tool. Otherwise, accessing the information from another tool's HELP menu (eg. Editor, Browser, etc.), will display the outdated Data Access Builder information. The file "idatadoc.ps" is the postscript version of the Data Access Builder Enhancements information, and can be found in the same directory as the install program for Data Access Builder.