This Fixpak is provided as a set of files. To install this Fixpak perform the following steps : (1) Unzip this Fixpak to an empty directory (i.e. f:\ibmcsd). If you are using PKUNZIP*, use -d, to have the files unzipped into directories. Do not unzip into a directory with a blank in its name. (2) Change the current directory to the directory containing service.exe. (3) Issue the following command : SERVICE The Fixpak may be installed to any disk accessible to your system, including LAN drives. The service program itself must run within an OS/2 2.11 or later session. (4) If you performed a basic install, you will be asked if you want to Backup the previous version. You can choose to do this or not, but you SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO RESTORE THE PREVIOUS LEVEL, using the Installation Utility - Restore Action, if problems occur. Delete and re-install the component if an error occurs during installation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following conditions must exist for Fixpak installation to be successful: (1) You must have already installed the IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 product via a basic install from CD-ROM, diskette or from a server to which the CD-ROM/diskettes were copied to. You can also install this Fixpak to a server to which the CD-ROM install image was copied to. Users who have performed a shared install will have to delete and re-install this product from their workstation, once this Fixpak has been applied to the server. (2) No IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 tools can be open in any session when you install the Fixpak. If the copy of the product being serviced resides on a LAN drive, you must ensure that no other LAN user has any of these files open. (3) Make sure that the directory for this Fixpak contains only files from this Fixpak. If other files are present, it may cause the installation to malfunction. i.e. If you received this Fixpak as a ZIP file, unpack it into an empty directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Fixpak applies fixes to the Utilities component (Debugger, Editor, Browser, Performance Analyzer) of the IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 product. A list of the fixes contained in this Fixpak can be found in the file CTU303.LST. The fixes are cumulative, meaning that this Fixpak contains all fixes described in CTU303.LST, even if they were fixed on a prior Fixpak. The complete list of files in this Fixpak can be found in the file SERVICE.LST. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please read the following important information about using the Performance Analyzer: ==================== Using Performance Analyzer to Trace Sessions and Child Processes Below section replaces number 7 in the section "Performance Analyzer" of the original Readme file. You cannot use the Performance Analyzer to trace sessions or child processes started by the main program which you are tracing. (The main program can start a session using the DosStartSession API. It can start a child process using the DosExecPgm API.) If the main program starts a session or child process, then the session or child process will run normally, but none of its function calls will appear in the trace file. Using the Debugger on Programs Compiled With /Gh+ If you are debugging a program compiled with the /Gh+ option, and the current, highlighted line in the program is a function header, and you select "Step into" or "Step debug" from the Run menu, then the debugger will display a dialog box saying that it cannot find source file CPPOPA3.ASM. When this happens, click on Cancel. The debugger will display a disassembly view. To return to the view of your program, select "Step over" or "Step into" from the Run menu. To avoid this problem, do either of the following: If you do not plan to use the Performance Analyzer, then compile your program without the /Gh+ option. When the current, highlighted line is a function header, select "Step over" from the Run menu (instead of "Step into" or "Step debug"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please read the following important information about Browser: Updating Browser Database (PDL) Files ===================================== A) Why do I need to update my Browser database files? The Browser provides database files (.PDL files) for the VisualAge for C++ class libraries. By using the Load and Merge cascade menus from the File menu in the Browser, you can load this information, or merge it with information from your own programs. When the VisualAge components issue new Fixpaks, a change may occur in the contents or the date and time stamps of some of the header files. If this occurs, the Browser may display some incorrect information, or identify that some files are out-of-date or incompatible. This indicates that you need to update the Browser database files. You should also recreate any .PDB, .PDL, .PDD, and .PDL files that you have. B) When do I update my Browser database files? The Browser has the following database files: User Interface Classes - userintf.pdl Collection Classes - collectn.pdl I/O Stream Classes - iostream.pdl Complex Classes - complex.pdl Database Classes - database.pdl Application Support Classes - applsupp.pdl The information in the above files can be affected by Fixpaks from the following components: - Compiler - IOC Class Libraries - Visual Builder - Data Access Builder After installing the Fixpaks for the above components, then you can update the Browser database files. C) How do I update my Browser database files? If you have a complete install version of VisualAge for C++ on your machine, then change to the INCLUDE directory, and enter: nmake -f ibrspdl.mak Make sure the CPPMAIN environment variable is pointing to the product install directory (and where the INCLUDE directory is located). Make sure the INCLUDE environment variable includes the location where the VisualAge for C++ include files are installed. If you get your PDL and header files from the INCLUDE directory on a LAN, then ask the person who installed the Fixpak to run the ibrspdl.mak makefile. The following files (located in the INCLUDE directory) are used to rebuild the Browser database files: - ibrspdl.mak - brsfound.exe - ui1.cpp - ui2.cpp - ui3.cpp - iostream.cpp - complex.cpp - database.cpp - applsupp.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------------------