QUESTION When I try to run an application using SOM objects, I get a Transcript error message 'somdFindClass failed for class Xxxxx'. What is wrong? ANSWER The usual cause of this error is one of the following: 1) The class definition could not be found in any of the accessed Interface Repositories The accessed Interface Repositories are specified in the SOMIR environment variable. If you think you have things setup properly try using the IRDUMP utility to look at the class. FROM THE SAME DRIVE AND DIRECTORY where you start VisualAge: IRDUMP classname If the interface definition for the class isn't displayed,you have an error in your setup. 2) The DLL containing the implementation of the class could not be found in any of the directories specified in your LIBPATH statement. a) If the DLL isn't in a directory specified in your LIBPATH, either update your LIBPATH and reboot, or move the DLL file. b) The mapping from the interface definition to a DLL may be incomplete or incorrect. If the name of your SOM class is not the same as the name of the DLL that implements it, you normally must specify the dllname= modifier in the implementation section of the IDL file for the class (see "SOMobjects Base Toolkit Users Guide, 4-32). The only exception to this requirement occurs when you manage your own class-to-implementation-file mapping using the SOMClassMgr>>#somFindClsInFile techniques.