QUESTION How can I change pushbutton enablement when text is entered in a textbox? ANSWER There are several ways to go about doing this depending on what you'd like to happen. I'll give two very basic examples below. The first example starts off with a text box and a pushbutton that's initialized as disabled. You can disable a pushbutton initially by going into the settings for the pushbutton and removing the check mark next to the enabled box. Disable the pushbutton before making the following connection. Connect the object event of the text box to the enabled action of the pushbutton. Then go into the settings of the connection, select the set parameters button, and set the value to true (ie - check the value box). This causes the pushbutton to be disabled until any text is entered in the text box. The pushbutton then remains enabled. If you want the pushbutton to again become disabled for whatever reason, you would have to write script for that. Which leads to the next example... The second example starts off exactly like the first example. The view contains a textbox and a disabled pushbutton. This pushbutton will remain disabled until text is entered into the text box and the text box loses focus (like tabbing out of it...). As soon as the text box loses focus with text entered into it, the pushbutton becomes enabled. If you then go back to the textbox, delete the text, and tab out of it, then the pushbutton becomes disabled again and will remain disabled until text is entered into the text box. This is accomplished by writing a small script in VisualAge that looks like this: enableButton | info | info := ((self subpartNamed: 'Text') string). (info isEmpty) ifTrue: [(self subpartNamed: 'Push Button') enabled: false] ifFalse: [(self subpartNamed: 'Push Button') enabled: true]. You would connect the losingFocus event of the text box to this script.